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UN Pay and benefits for professional and higher categories

The United Nations offers you an attractive remuneration package with competitive pay and benefits. The level of pay for staff in the Professional and higher categories that are recruited internationally is set by reference to the highest paying national civil service. Staff members in categories that are locally recruited are compensated in accordance with the best prevailing conditions of service locally.  
In the Professional and higher categories you are normally recruited internationally. You will receive a salary which is paid on the basis of a worldwide scale and benefits which take account of your dependants and the cost of living at your duty station. 
a) Base salary 
The base salary, which is determined by the grade of the post specified in the job opening and by the existence of any dependants, is the same throughout the United Nations system.
Annual net base salary ranges approximately in US$:
37,000 - 80,000          for entry level professionals (P1 - P3)
67,000 - 106,000        for mid-career professionals (P4 - P5)
95,000 - 123,000        for senior level professionals (D1 - D2)
Tax exemption
Salaries, grants and allowances paid by the United Nations are normally exempt from income tax.
b) Post adjustment 
The base salary is supplemented by a post adjustment which varies according to the cost of living in the duty station and the exchange rate of the United States dollar. The post adjustment, set by the United Nations as a percentage of the base salary, ensures that all staff members at the same salary level have a similar purchasing power in every duty station by compensating for the differences in cost of living while taking currency fluctuations into account.
For example if your annual base salary is US$ 64,000 and the post adjustment multiplier for your duty station is 65.7%, your salary will be calculated based on the following:
Post adjustment per year:      US$ 64,000 x 0.657 = US$ 42,048
Total annual salary:
        a                   64,000
     + b                   42,048
    =  c           US$ 106,048
To see the current post adjustment rates, visit the International Civil Service Commission website .
c) Other benefits
As a United Nations staff member you may also be entitled to other allowances and benefits including:

* Rental subsidy if newly arrived at the duty station your rent represents too high proportion of the total remuneration.

* Dependency allowances if you have an eligible dependent spouse and/or child(ren).
* Under certain conditions an education grant if you have eligible children in school.
* Travel and shipping expenses when you are moving from one duty station to another.
* Assignment grant to assist you in meeting initial extraordinary costs when arriving at or relocating to a new duty station.
* At some duty stations, a hardship allowance linked to living and working conditions is paid and where there are restrictions on bringing family members, a non-family hardship allowance is also paid.
* Hazard pay and rest and recuperation break when you serve in locations where the conditions are particularly hazardous, stressful and difficult.
Holidays and leave
Depending on your type of contract, you will be entitled to 18 days to 30 days of vacation per year. In addition, the United Nations also observes 10 paid holidays per year; these differ from duty station to duty station.
You might also be eligible for home leave travel to renew your social, cultural and family ties in your home country; frequency depends on the duty station you are assigned to.
Health insurance
You will be eligible to participate in one of the United Nations-sponsored medical insurance plans. The monthly premiums are co-shared by yourself and the Organization. 
Retirement pension
If you have an appointment of six months or more or complete six months of service without an interruption you become a participant in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. A compulsory contribution will be deducted from your monthly salary.
(来源 联合国)
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