赌场经典的二十一点游戏中,每回合下注 1枚硬币,赢了可以得到2枚硬币(+1枚),输了硬币会被收走(-1枚)。
假设最开始只拥有 1枚硬币,并且每回合下注1枚,那么4回合后还能剩余硬币(即没有输光)的硬币枚数变化情况如图所示,共有6种(圆形中间的数字代表硬币枚数)。
本问题可以按照深度优先路径搜索的思路来解决。这样可以有效地解决“解法1”的问题,即中间碰到已经输光的情况时,就不必沿着当前路径继续向下探索了。本系列有很多类似的题目,比如说,Q14: 国名接龙,Q18: 水果酥饼日,基本上可以用相同的框架来解决,这里不再做过多说明。
考虑{ steps=k, coin=c}条件下的总可能路径数记为f(k,c),当前下注的结果有两种可能,赢了则硬币数变为c+1(相应地步数k减一),输了则硬币数变为c-1(相应地步数k减一),因此可以得到以下递推关系式:
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Sat Sep 11 07:56:17 2021
- @author: chenxy
- """
- import sys
- import time
- import datetime
- import math
- # import random
- from typing import List
- # from queue import Queue
- # from collections import deque
- import itertools as it
- class Solution:
- def point21game1(self, coin:int, steps:int)->int:
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- coin : The money for the start
- steps : The number of steps of game
- Returns : The number of paths for which there is money left
- -------
- """
- k = 0
- count = 0
- for item in it.product([1,-1],repeat=steps):
- # print(item)
- # k+=1
- # if k%(65536*4) == 0:
- # print('k = {0}'.format(k//(65536*4)))
- balance = 0
- flag = True
- for i in item:
- balance += i
- if balance == -coin:
- flag = False
- break
- if flag:
- count += 1
- return count
- def point21game2(self, coin:int, steps:int)->int:
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- coin : The money for the start
- steps : The number of steps of game
- Returns : The number of paths for which there is money left
- -------
- """
- # path = []
- # balance = 0
- def explore(path, balance):
- if len(path)==steps and balance > (-coin):
- return 1
- count = 0
- for stake in [1,-1]:
- if (balance + stake) > (-coin):
- count += explore(path+[stake],balance+stake)
- return count
- return explore([],0)
- def point21game3(self, coin:int, steps:int)->int:
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- coin : The money for the start
- steps : The number of steps of game
- Returns : The number of paths for which there is money left
- -------
- """
- memo = dict()
- def dp(k, c):
- # print('k={0},c={1}'.format(k,c))
- if (k,c) in memo:
- return memo[(k,c)]
- if c == 0:
- return 0
- if k == 0:
- return 1
- return dp(k-1,c+1) + dp(k-1,c-1)
- return dp(steps,coin)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sln = Solution()
- coin = 1
- steps = 4
- tStart = time.perf_counter()
- count1 = sln.point21game1(coin, steps)
- count2 = sln.point21game2(coin, steps)
- count3 = sln.point21game3(coin, steps)
- tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
- print('({0}, {1}), count1 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count1,tCost))
- print('({0}, {1}), count2 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count2,tCost))
- print('({0}, {1}), count3 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count3,tCost))
- coin = 10
- steps = 24
- tStart = time.perf_counter()
- count1 = sln.point21game1(coin, steps)
- tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
- print('({0}, {1}), count1 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count1,tCost))
- tStart = time.perf_counter()
- count2 = sln.point21game2(coin, steps)
- tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
- print('({0}, {1}), count2 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count2,tCost))
- tStart = time.perf_counter()
- count3 = sln.point21game3(coin, steps)
- tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
- print('({0}, {1}), count3 = {2}, tCost = {3:6.3f}(sec)'.format(coin,steps,count3,tCost))
本题还可以转换为以下问题。考虑从(0,0)出发,只能往右(对应于输)或向上(对应于赢),考虑总步数24的前提下,限于在图中阴影区域中移动到达反斜对角线上各点{(0,24), (1,23),…, (16,8)}的总的可能路径数。