举个例子,如果像下面这样,那么连续 3 个国名之后接龙就结束了(因为以上国名列表中没有英文名称以 D 开头的国家)。
“Japan” →“Netherlands” →“Switzerland”
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Mon Sep 6 08:17:34 2021
- @author: chenxy
- """
- import sys
- import time
- import datetime
- import math
- # import random
- from typing import List
- # from queue import Queue
- # from collections import deque
- # import itertools as it
- country_list = ["Brazil", "Croatia", "Mexico",
- "Cameroon", "Spain", "Netherlands",
- "Chile", "Australia", "Colombia",
- "Greece", "Cote d'Ivoire", "Japan",
- "Uruguay", "Costa Rica", "England",
- "Italy", "Switzerland", "Ecuador",
- "France", "Honduras", "Argentina",
- "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Iran", "Nigeria",
- "Germany", "Portugal", "Ghana",
- "USA", "Belgium", "Algeria",
- "Russia", "Korea Republic" ]
- longest_jielong = []
- def jielong_explore(visited, unvisited):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- visited : list of conuntry names already visited
- unvisited : list of conuntry names not yet visited
- Returns : None
- """
- isNxtFound = False
- if len(unvisited) != 0: # There are countries not yet visited, continue the exploration.
- for index, c in enumerate(unvisited):
- if c[0] == visited[-1][-1]:
- jielong_explore(visited + [c], unvisited[:index] + unvisited[index + 1:])
- # jielong_explore(visited.append(c), unvisited[:index] + unvisited[index + 1:])
- isNxtFound = True
- # If there is no next country found, then the current jielong path is finished,
- # Compare the length of the current jielong with the recorded longgest jielong and update accordingly.
- if not isNxtFound or len(unvisited) == 0:
- global longest_jielong
- if len(longest_jielong) < len(visited):
- longest_jielong = visited
- # Convert all country names to upper case for the convenience of processing.
- for k in range(len(country_list)):
- country_list[k] = country_list[k].upper()
- # Start from each country for a new jielong game
- tStart = time.time()
- for i, country in enumerate(country_list):
- jielong_explore([country], country_list[:i]+country_list[i+1:])
- tCost = time.time() - tStart
- print("The max length of JieLong = {0}\n{1}\ntCost={2:6.3f}(sec)".format(len(longest_jielong), longest_jielong,tCost))
The max length of JieLong = 8
tCost= 0.002(sec)