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31、dec(a)- :ten

①decade 十年:deca(ten)+e→decade(十年)

Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.

②decimal 英 [ˈdesɪml] 美 [ˈdɛsəməl] 十进位制的:dec(ten)+imal→decimal(十进位制的)

Most countries have a decimal currency.


③decathlon 十项全能:deca(ten)+athlon 'contest'→decathlon(十项比赛即十项全能)

In September 2009, they traveled to Washington to see for themselves what the Solar Decathlon was all about and, as one student put it, “learn some tips and tricks.”

2009年9月,他们前往华盛顿亲眼看一看太阳能十项全能(Solar Decathlon)的赛事究竟是什么样子。 正如一位同学所说,“要了解其中的行情和奥妙。”

32、deci- :十分之一

①decigram 十分之一克:deci(十分之一)+gram(克)→decigram(十分之一克)

②decimeter 十分之一米:deci(十分之一)+meter(米)→decimeter (十分之一米)

③decilitre 十分之一升:deci(十分之一)+liter/litre(升)→decilitre( 十分之一升)

33、demi- :半

①demigod 半神半人:demi(半)+god(神)→demigod(半神半人)

A demigod is the offspring of a god and a mortal.


②demi-fixed 半固定的:demi(半)+fixed(固定的)→demi-fixed(半固定的)

③demiwolf 半似狼之犬:demi(半)+wolf(狼)→demiwolf (半似狼之犬)

34、di- :二、双

①diatomic 二原子的:di(二)+atomic(原子的)→diatomic (二原子的)

We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules.


②disyllable 双音节的:di(双)+syllable(音节的)→disyllable(双音节的)

The theory about the advantages of disyllable words in modern Chinese is once again proved by pure Chinese character trans-pronunciation words.


③dichromatic 两色的:di(二)+chromatic(有颜色的)→dichromatic( 两色的)

The national flag of Canada constituted by dichromatic red and white.


35、dia- :through;between;across

①diameter 直径:dia(through)+meter(=measure,表示"计量,测量"等)→diameter(measure sth through it穿过某物测量它即直径

The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters.

②dialogue 对话:dia(between)+logue(对着说话)→dialogue(logue sth between two persons在两人之间对着说话即对话)

The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.

③diagnosis 诊断:dia(across)+gnosis→diagnosis 诊断

Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality.


36、dif- :1)apart. 2)not;opposite

①diffluence 分流:dif(apart)+flu(流动)+ence(名词后缀)→diffluence (向两个不同的方向分开流动即分流)

Diffluence of editorial team is necessary for ensuring the quality of subject choosing and planning.


②diffident 不自信的:dif(not;opposite)+fid(=trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念")+ent→diffident(not trust sb不信任某人或自己即不自信的)

He was too diffident to express his opinion.

③diffuse 散开,散布:dif(apart)+fuse(融化、熔合)→diffuse(融化之后就会分开即散开、散布)

The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy.


37、dis- :不、无、相反;取消、除去、毁;加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义;分开、离、散; 有时作di-

①dishonest 不诚实的:dis(不)+honest(诚实的)→dishonest 不诚实的

I will not make friends with a dishonest person.

②dispraise 贬损,非难:dis(相反)+praise(表扬)→dispraise (和表扬相反的就是贬损)

He cared for neither the praise nor dispraise of other people.

③disappear 消失:dis(无)+appear(出现)→disappear(没有出现即消失)

The sun disappeared behind a cloud.

④disorganize 瓦解:dis(取消)+organize(组织)→disorganize(取消组织即瓦解)

Dynamo's defence looks disorganize. 迪纳摩队的防守看起来已瓦解了。

⑤disburden 解除负担:dis(除去)+burden(负担)→disburden(除去负担即解除负担)

disburden one's mind 消除思想负担

⑥discourage 使失去勇气:dis(毁)+courage(勇气)→discourage(毁掉某人的勇气即使某人失去勇气)

A new law has been brought in to discourage racial prejudice.


⑦dispart 分离,裂开:dis(表加强意义)+part(分开)→dispart (分离,裂开)

Till death dispart the union. 双方白首偕老.

⑧dissect 切开:dis(分开)+sect(=cut/divide,表示"切,割")→dissect 切开

In biology class we had to dissect a frog.


⑨distract 分心,转移:dis(离、散)+tract(拉、引)→distract(让某人的思想从某事上离开即 使某人分心)

The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while.

38、dys- :不良、恶、困难

①dysfunction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱:dys(不良)+function(功能)→dysfunction(功能不良即功能紊乱)

Political dysfunction has now become perhaps the biggest issue for the economy.


②dyspepsia 消化不良:dys(困难)+peps(消化;胃)+-ia(表名词,"病"; )→dyspepsia (有胃病或消化困难即消化不良)

Many people think they have religion when they are merely troubled with dyspepsia.

③dyspathy 反感:dys(厌恶)+pathy(情感)→dyspathy(在情感上厌恶某人即对某人感到反感)

Once you have feeling of dyspathy to another person you will not willing to make friends with him any more.


39、e- :加强或引伸意义;e- :出、外

①evaluate 评价:e(表加强意义)+valuate对...作估价、对...评价→evaluate评价

Let's evaluate the evidence.

②elaborate 精心制作,详细描述:e(表引申意义)+labor劳动+ate动词后缀→elaborate经过一番劳动引申为精心制作、详细描述

In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.


The men emigrate to work as seamen.

③emerge 浮出,出现:e出+merg沉,没+e→emerge往外沉、没引申为浮出、出现

Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.

40、ef- :出、离去

①effluence 流出:ef出+fluence→effluence 流出

A poignant effluence from the object enveloped him.


②effable 能被说出的:ef出+fabl讲、说+e→effable说出来、讲出来即能被说出的

The beauty of a sunset is beyond of effable.或者The beauty of a sunset is ineffable


③effoliation 落叶:ef离去+foliation生叶、发叶→叶子从树上离去即落叶

Effoliation occurs when autumn comes. 秋来落叶归根。

41、em- :表示“置于...之内”、“上...”;表示“用...做某事”、“饰以...”、“配以...”;表示“使...成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”

①embay 使(船)入湾:em置于...之内+海湾→embay把船置于海湾之内即使(船)入湾

You must ensure that all ships are embayed before the storm come or great damage will be incurred.


②embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂):em饰以...+balm香油→embalm饰某物以香油即涂以香料

We will embalm him forever. 我们永远怀念他

③embank 筑堤防护:em用...做某事+bank岸→embank用河岸做防护即筑堤防

The Analysis of the Design and Construction Techniques of the Critical Banks And Dams along the Yellow River embank


④embar 上门闩,囚禁:em配以...+bar门闩→embar给门配上门闩即上门闩,后来进一步引申为囚禁

Please embar the door before you go to sleep.

⑤embow 使...成弓形:em使...成某种状态+bow弓、鞠躬→使...成弓的状态即使...成弓形

His strength is so big that he can embow the branch.

⑥empower 使有权力,授权:em致使..+power权利→empower致使..有权利即使某人有权,授予某人权利

I want to empower the businessman.

⑦embitter 使受苦:em致使+bitter苦→embitter致某人使吃苦即使...受苦

The loss of all his money embitter the old man.

42、eco- :ecological生态的、生态学的

①ecosphere 生态圈:eco生态的、生态学的+sphere范围、领域→ecosphere 生态圈

The earth is the greatest ecosphere.All natural resources must be protected.

②ecosystem 生态系统:eco生态的、生态学的+system系统、体系→ecosystem 生态系统

Water is the core of a healthy ecosystem.

③ecocide 生态灭绝:eco生态的、生态学的+cide/cise切、杀→ecocide 生态灭绝

The result of the abusive using ecological resources is ecocide.

43、en- :表示“置于..之中”、“登上...”、“使上...”; make or cause to be,“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”;"用...来做某事"、“饰以...”、“配以...”;加在动词之前,表示“in”,或只作加强意义

①entrain 乘火车:en登上...+train火车→entrain登上火车即乘火车

Our orders were to entrain at 9:15 in the morning at a nearby siding.

②encage 关入笼中:en置于..之中+cage笼子→encage把置于笼子之中即关入笼中

The snake was eventually encaged by the staffs of the zoo after an hour.

③enthrone 使登基:en使上...+throne王位→enthrone使某人登上王位即使登基

The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.


④enable 使能够:en致使...+able有能力的、有才干的→enable致使某人成为有能力的、有才干的人即使某人能够...

Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.

⑤endanger 使受危险:en使成某种状态+danger危险→是某人处于危险的状态即使某人受危险

It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

⑥enslave 使成奴隶,奴役:en使之如...+slave奴隶→使某人如奴隶一样即 使某人成奴隶

He is enslaved by love. 他正沉溺于爱情。

⑦enchain 用链锁住:en用...来做某事+chain链子→enchain用链子来锁住某人即用链锁住

Mrs. Penniman's imagination was restless, and the evening paper failed on this occasion to enchain it.


⑧enclose 围入,关进:en:in+close关→enclose:close sth in another one把...关入...即围入,关进

Farmers often enclose their land with hedges.


⑨entrust 信任,委托:en表示加强意义+trust相信、信任→entrust信任,委托

I hope we can entrust each other. 我希望我们能彼此相互信任。

44、endo- :内

①endoparasite 体内寄生虫:en内+parasite寄生虫→endoparasite在人体内的寄生虫即体内寄生虫

Investigation on endoparasite categories about importing Boer goat


②endogamy (同族)内部通婚:en内+dogamy→endogamy (同族)内部通婚

Now endogamy is forbidden by law.


The experiment showed that the method could identify acerose endogen weed correctly.


45、eu- :good;well;easy

①euphemism 委婉语:eu:good;well+phem 言+-ism 表示语言,语风→euphemism 好听的语言即委婉语

"Pass away" is a euphemism for "die". "过世"是"死"的委婉语。

②euphonic 声音优美的:eu:good;well+phonic声音的、声学的→euphonic 好听的声音即声音优美的

For the art of euphonic singing, the speech in the language is the most important part.

对于美声歌唱艺术, 语言中的语音是最重要的部分.

③eupepsia 消化良好:eu:good;well+peps(消化;胃)+-ia(表名词,"病"; )→eupepsia 消化良好

46、ex- :out;out of;前任的、以前的;表示“使”、“做”,或作加强意义

①export 出口,输出:ex:out+port港口→export从港口运出去即出口

Prohibition was laid on the export of coal.

②ex-president 前任总统:ex前任的+president总统→x-president 前任总统

③exalt 使升高,增高:ex使+alt高→exalt 使升高,增高

He was exalted to the position of general manager.

④excruciate 施刑,使苦恼:ex作加强意义+cruciate十字形的,十字状的→excruciate 施刑,使苦恼


In the following it was the game—excruciate on the newspaper.


47、exo- :外、外部

①exobiology 外空生物学:exo外、外部+biology生物学→exobiology 外空生物学

Maybe you need a refresher course in theoretical exobiology.

②exosphere 外大气圈:exo外、外部+sphere领域、范围→exosphere 外大气圈

Last is the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.


③exogamy 异族通婚:exo外、外部+gamy→exogamy 异族通婚

For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.

两千年来, 异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌.

48、extra- :以外、超过

①extraordinary 格外的:extra以外、超过+ordinary普通的→extraordinary超过普通的即格外的

His extraordinary skill was praised by all.

②extrapolitical 政治外的,超政治的:extra以外、超过+political政治的→extrapolitical 政治外的、超过政治的即政治外的,超政治的

Extrapolitical activities are beyond students’ responsibility.


③extracurriculum 课外的:extra以外、超过+curriculum课程→超出正常课程外的即课外的

His parents restricted his extracurriculum activities.

49、fore- :ahead;ahead of

①forehead 前额:fore(ahead of)+head头→forehead(ahead of head头的前部即前额)

She lightly touched his forehead.

②foreword 前言,序言:fore(ahead of)+word→foreword在文章之前的词句即前言、序言

She has written the foreword to a book of recipes.

③foretell 预言:fore(ahead)+tell告诉→foretell提前告诉即预言

to foretell the future 预言未来

50、hecto- :百

①hectogram 百克:hecto百+gram克→hectogram百克

②hectowatt 百瓦:hecto百+watt瓦→hectowatt 百瓦


51、hemi- 半

①hemisphere 半球:hemi半+sphere范围、领域→emisphere 半球

If you cut a round fruit into two, each half is a hemisphere.

②hemicycle 半圆形:hemi半+cycle圆→hemicycle 半圆形

The inner container is stainless steel, hemicycle structure is easy to clean.


③hemicrania 偏头疼:hemi半+cran+ia病→hemicrania 偏头疼

Acupuncture is the most effective treatment for this kind of disease (backache, hemicrania, sleeplessness).


52、hepta- :七(在母音前作hept-)

①heptagon 七角形:hepta七+gon→heptagon 七角形

②heptode 七极管:hept七+ode→heptode 七极管

③heptahedron 七面体:hepta七+hedron→heptahedron 七面体

53、hetero- :异

①heteropolar 异极的:hetero异+polar极→heteropolar 异极的

All the objects in the universe are heteropolar objects and the structures of all objects in the universe are formed by the overlapping of the Taiji structure.


②heterodoxy 异教,异端:hetero异+doxy→heterodoxy 异教,异端

He was already beginning to display quiet symptoms of heterodoxy.


③heterosexual 异性的:hetero异+sexual有性别的→heterosexual 异性的

The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.

54、hexa- :六(在母音前作hex-)

①hexagon 六角形:hexa六+gon→hexagon 六角形

The library with the hexagon shape always attracts students.

②hexode 六极管:hexa六+ode→hexode 六极管

multiplex hexode system 六路复用系统

③hexameter 六韵步诗:hexa六+meter米→hexameter 六韵步诗

Reserving hexameter poetry and Comedy for consideration hereafter.


55、holo- :全

①hologram 全息图:holo全+gram写,画,文字,图形→hologram 全部的图形即全息图

One may also discover one's hologram swapped out for another.


②holography 全息照相术:holo全+graph(y)图表、书写符号→holography全部的图标引申为全息照相术

A quite important application of lasers is in holography.


③holophone 声音全息记录器:holo全+phone(发声或使用声音的)工具→holophone 声音全息记录器

HoloPhone 3D delivers real 3D hologram fun for all ages.

56、homo- :of the same

①homograph 同形异义词:homo(of the same)+graph(y)图表、书写符号→homograph在外形上是一样的,只是意思不一样即同形异义词

There are many homographs in English vocabulary.

②homotype 同型:homo(of the same)+type类型→homotype相同类型的即同型

The youngster replied without blinking an eye:"I am afraid it will go with you, because it want to play with its homotype."


③homocentric 同中心的:homo(of the same)+centric(中心的)→homocentric有同一个中心的即同中心的

The background was comprised of three homocentric white circles.


57、hyper- :above;excessive;too much

①hypercritical 吹毛求疵的:hyper(excessive过度的)+critical批评的,爱挑剔的→hypercritical 吹毛求疵的

He is hypercritical of the local political system.


②hypersensitive 过敏的:hyper(excessive过度的)+sensitive敏感的→hypersensitive过度敏感的即过敏的

So its hypersensitive test before injection is important.


③hypercorrection 矫枉过正:hyper(too much)+corrction纠正、改正→hypercorrection改正的太多了即矫枉过正

Hypercorrection,in some sense,is equal to no correction.


58、hypo- :下、低、次、少

①hyposensitize 减弱...的敏感度:hypo下、低+sensitize使某事物或某人敏感→hyposensitize 降低或减少事物或某人对某物的敏感度即减弱...的敏感度

②hypodermic 皮下的:hypo下、低+dermic皮肤的→hypodermic在皮肤下面的即皮下的

He was frightened at seeing the hypodermic needle.


③hypothermia 体温过低:hypo下、低+therm热+ia病→体内的热量较低即体温过低

Every winter some old people die from hypothermia.

59、il- :(用在l之前)不、无、非;加强或引伸意义

①illegal非法的:il非+legal合法的→illegal 非法的

The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.



A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.

③illustrate 举例说明,图解:il表示引申意义+lust光+ate动词后缀→illustrate使…光明,引申为说明

In this section, I'll illustrate some of these differences.

④illuminate 照明:il表示加强意义+lumin光+ate动词后缀→illuminate使…光明即照明

A sudden smile illuminated her face. 突然的微笑使她容光焕发。

60、im- :(用在b,p,m之前)into;不、无、非;加强意义,或表示“使成...”、“饰以...”、“加以...”


②impossible 不可能的:im不+possible可能的→impossible 不可能的

It's impossible for us to finish the work in one day.

③impel 推动,驱使:im表示加强意义+pel驱动、推→impel 推动,驱使

The President's speech impelled the nation to greater efforts.

④imperil 危害,使处于危险:im使成...+peril危险→imperil使某人处于危险之中即危害,使处于危险

The security of the country had been imperilled.

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