SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是一套开放源代码的跨平台多媒体开发库,使用C语言写成。SDL提供了数种控制图像、声音、输出入的函数,让开发者只要用相同或是相似的代码就可以开发出跨多个平台(Linux、Windows、Mac OS X等)的应用软件。
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include "./SDL/SDL.h"
- #include "./SDL/SDL_ttf.h"
- int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
- {
- char pstr[128] = {0};
- if(argv[1] == NULL)
- {
- snprintf(pstr, 128, "%s","hello world");
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(pstr, 128, "%s", argv[1]);
- }
- SDL_PixelFormat *fmt;
- TTF_Font *font;
- SDL_Surface *text, *temp;
- if (TTF_Init() < 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize TTF: %s\n",SDL_GetError());
- SDL_Quit();
- }
- font = TTF_OpenFont("./msyh.ttf", 15);
- if ( font == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %d pt font from %s: %s\n",18,"ptsize", SDL_GetError());
- }
- SDL_Color forecol = { 0x80, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff };//0 245 255
- text = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, pstr, forecol);
- //text = TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded(font,pstr, forecol,forecol_gb);
- //TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended(font, pstr, forecol);
- fmt = (SDL_PixelFormat*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat));
- memset(fmt,0,sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat));
- fmt->BitsPerPixel = 16;
- fmt->BytesPerPixel = 2;
- //fmt->colorkey = 0xffffffff;
- //fmt->alpha = 0xff;
- fmt->Amask = 0x8000;
- fmt->Rmask = 0x7C00; //ARGB1555
- fmt->Gmask = 0x03E0;
- fmt->Bmask = 0x001f;
- //Uint32 colorkey=SDL_MapRGB(fmt,0xff,0xFF,0xFF);
- //SDL_SetColorKey(text, SDL_SRCALPHA, colorkey);
- temp = SDL_ConvertSurface(text,fmt,0);
- SDL_SaveBMP(temp, "save.bmp");
- SDL_FreeSurface(text);
- SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
- TTF_CloseFont(font);
- TTF_Quit();
- return 0;
- }
- TTF_Font *font = NULL;
- /* Initialize the TTF library */
- if ( TTF_Init() < 0 )
- {
- return;
- }
- font = TTF_OpenFont("simhei.ttf", 33);
- if ( font == NULL ) {
- printf("%s %d The fonts is NULL !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- return;
- }
- RgnHandle = 1;
- char tmp_buf[128] = "如果要显示C++ Hello World";
- SDL_Color forecol= { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
- SDL_Surface *text = TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid(font, tmp_buf, forecol);
- if(text == NULL)
- {
- printf("%s:[%d] The text is NULL !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- return;
- }
- SDL_PixelFormat *fmt;
- fmt = (SDL_PixelFormat*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat));
- if(fmt == NULL)
- {
- printf("%s:[%d] The fmt is NULL !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- }
- memset(fmt, 0, sizeof(SDL_PixelFormat));
- fmt->BitsPerPixel = 16;
- fmt->BytesPerPixel = 2;
- fmt->Rmask = 0xff000000;//0x00FF0000
- fmt->Gmask = 0x0000ff00;//0x0000FF00
- fmt->Bmask = 0x000000ff;//0x000000FF
- fmt->Amask = 0;
- fmt->colorkey = 0x000000ff;
- fmt->alpha = 0xff;
- SDL_Surface *osd_test = SDL_ConvertSurface(text, fmt, 0);
- if(osd_test == NULL)
- {
- printf("%s:[%d] The osd_test is NULL !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- }
(2)将该区域指定到具体通道中(如 VENC)。在指定到具体通道时,需要输入通道的显
“通过 HI_MPI_RGN_GetAttr、HI_MPI_RGN_SetAttr 获取和设置区域属性。
”通过 HI_MPI_RGN_SetBitMap(仅针对 Overlay)设置区域的位图信息。
“通过 HI_MPI_RGN_GetDisplayAttr 和 HI_MPI_RGN_SetDisplayAttr 获取和设置区
域在某通道(如 VENC 通道)的通道显示属性。
- /*该步骤是创建叠加区域*/
- RGN_HANDLE RgnHandle;
- RGN_ATTR_S stRgnAttr;
- stRgnAttr.enType = OVERLAY_RGN;
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.enPixelFmt = PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_1555;//PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Width = osd_test->w;
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Height = osd_test->h;
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.u32BgColor = 0xffffff00;
- int overlay_w = stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Width;
- int overlay_h = stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Height;
- RgnHandle = 1;
- s32Ret = HI_MPI_RGN_Create(RgnHandle, &stRgnAttr);
- if(HI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
- {
- SAMPLE_PRT("HI_MPI_RGN_Create (%d) failed with %#x!\n", \
- RgnHandle, s32Ret);
- return;
- }
- /*该步骤是将该区域指定到具体通道中*/
- MPP_CHN_S stChn;
- stChn.enModId = HI_ID_VENC;
- stChn.s32DevId = 0;
- stChn.s32ChnId = 0;
- RGN_CHN_ATTR_S stChnAttr;
- memset(&stChnAttr,0,sizeof(stChnAttr));
- stChnAttr.bShow = HI_TRUE;
- stChnAttr.enType = OVERLAY_RGN;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stPoint.s32X = 0;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stPoint.s32Y = 1000;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.u32BgAlpha = 128;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.u32FgAlpha = 80;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.u32Layer = 0;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stQpInfo.bAbsQp = HI_FALSE;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stQpInfo.s32Qp = 0;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stInvertColor.stInvColArea.u32Height = 16*2;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stInvertColor.stInvColArea.u32Width = 16*2;
- stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stInvertColor.u32LumThresh = 0;
- //stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stInvertColor.bInvColEn = HI_TRUE;
- //stChnAttr.unChnAttr.stOverlayChn.stInvertColor.enChgMod = LESSTHAN_LUM_THRESH;
- s32Ret = HI_MPI_RGN_AttachToChn(RgnHandle, &stChn, &stChnAttr);
- if(HI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
- {
- SAMPLE_PRT("HI_MPI_RGN_AttachToChn (%d) failed with %#x!\n",\
- RgnHandle, s32Ret);
- return;
- }
- /*该步骤是设置区域的位图信息*/
- Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData = malloc(2*(osd_test->w)*(osd_test->h));
- if(Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData == NULL)
- {
- printf("%s:[%d] The osd_bmp_data is NULL ,when malloc !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- }
- printf("%s: bmp_w:[%d] bmp_h:[%d]", __FUNCTION__, osd_test->w, osd_test->h);
- memset(Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData,0,(2*(osd_test->w)*(osd_test->h)));
- Joseph_Osd_Bmp.u32Width = osd_test->w;
- Joseph_Osd_Bmp.u32Height = osd_test->h;
- memcpy(Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData,osd_test->pixels,(2*(osd_test->w)*(osd_test->h)));
- //Joseph_Osd_Bmp->pData = osd_test->pixels;
- Joseph_Osd_Bmp.enPixelFormat= PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_1555;
- s32Ret = HI_MPI_RGN_SetBitMap(RgnHandle,&Joseph_Osd_Bmp);
- if(s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
- {
- SAMPLE_PRT("HI_MPI_RGN_SetBitMap failed with %#x!\n", s32Ret);
- exit(0);
- return;
- }
- SDL_FreeSurface(text);
- text = NULL;
- SDL_FreeSurface(osd_test);
- text = NULL;
- free(fmt);
- fmt = NULL;
- free(Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData);
- Joseph_Osd_Bmp.pData = NULL;
- TTF_CloseFont(font);
- font = NULL;
- TTF_Quit();
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Width = osd_test->w;
- stRgnAttr.unAttr.stOverlay.stSize.u32Height = osd_test->h;
- font = TTF_OpenFont("./msyh.ttf", 15)
你会发现设置一些数字后,在你运行程序时报错,报参数设置错误:0xA0038003 HI_ERR_RGN_ILLEGAL_PARAM 参数超出合法范围。这个地方还没有研究透彻,我设置23不行,25可以,30不行,33可以,挺怪的,后续再继续研究吧。最后上效果图:
如果对你有帮助 点个赞再走吧,嘿嘿!