From your kernel version, 4.2.0-16, it appears that you are running Ubuntu 15.10. The drivermt7601uis already built in. See if it is currently loaded:
- lsmod | grep mt7
If not load it:
- sudo modprobe mt7601u
Check to see if the required firmware is missing:
- dmesg | grep mt7
If it is missing, with a temporary working internet connection:
- sudo apt-get install git
- git clone https://github.com/porjo/mt7601
- cd mt7601/src/mcu/bin
- sudo mv MT7601.bin /lib/firmware/mt7601u.bin
Now unload and reload the driver so it sees the firmware:
- sudo modprobe -r mt7601u
- sudo modprobe mt7601u
Your wireless should now be working.