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Screen command can be used in the situation that you want to run a program in the background or run a task which requires a long time to process and execute.如果想在后台运行一个程序比如clash,或者跑一个时间很长、连接可能会断开的程序,就需要用到Screen。
Screen allows users to use multiple terminal sessions inside a single window,which can be disconnected and then reconnected exactly from where the session was disconnected.
screen --version
没有安装,直接apt install
sudo apt-get install screen
Press Enter and continue.Do so,and you will be brought to the terminal with nothing happening.你回车后返回了terminal,感觉啥也没做,但其实screen已经启动了。你可以先按 ctrl + a 再按 ? 就可以查询screen下的所有命令。
Detachiing and Re-attaching to the Screen.其实就是后台运行以及恢复到前台运行。运行screen之后,再跑自己的程序或者代码,然后按ctrl + a和ctrl + d就可以实现后台运行。比如下面我更新一下apt,然后后台执行,提前已经运行了screen,有如下结果:
screen -r
如果你仅仅运行了一个后台程序,会直接恢复,否则会返回一个列表,需要你指定恢复哪个后台程序,比如我恢复apt update:
screen -r ID
下面我就不贴图了。To find the session ID list the current running screen sessions with:
screen -ls
给一个session命名。To create a named session, run the screen command with the following arguments:
screen -S session_name
如果想要嵌套session,可以在打开一个screen后按ctrl + a和ctrl + c。在新出来的会话中exit,就会返回到上一个screen。使用ctrl + a 和 ctrl + n来切换到下一个session,ctrl + a 和 ctrl + p切换到上一个session。(嵌套状态)