- os.system("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER")
- or
- os.system('adb shell input keyevent 26')
- # 屏幕从(500,700)滑动到(500,50),延迟200号,毫秒
- os.system("adb -s shell input swipe 500 700 500 50 200" )
- # 输入密码
- os.system('adb shell input text 1111')
- import datetime,os
- # 手机电源开关
- def power_switch(device='',p_num='0号'):
- hour = datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%H')
- adb_msg = os.popen('adb -s %s shell dumpsys window policy' % device)
- phone_msg = adb_msg.buffer.read().decode(encoding='utf-8')
- # 10:00~21:00,使手机处于亮屏和解锁状态
- if '10' <=hour <= '21':
- if 'mAwake=true' in phone_msg and 'mInputRestricted=false' in phone_msg:
- print('%s手机,亮屏时段,####已亮屏,已解锁####'%p_num)
- logger.info('%s手机,亮屏时段,####已亮屏,已解锁####'%p_num)
- elif 'mAwake=true' in phone_msg:
- print('%s手机,亮屏时段,****已亮屏,执行解锁****'%p_num)
- logger.info('%s手机,亮屏时段,****已亮屏,执行解锁****' % p_num)
- # 屏幕从(500,700)滑动到(500,50),延迟200号,毫秒
- os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe 500 700 500 50 200" % device)
- else:
- print('%s手机,亮屏时段,====执行亮屏和解锁====' % p_num)
- logger.info('%s手机,亮屏时段,====执行亮屏和解锁====' % p_num)
- os.system("adb -s %s shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER" % device)
- # 屏幕从(500,700)滑动到(500,50),延迟200号,毫秒
- os.system("adb -s %s shell input swipe 500 700 500 50 200" % device)
- else:
- # 处于息屏状态
- if 'mAwake=true' in phone_msg:
- print('%s手机,非亮屏时段,====已亮屏,关闭亮屏====' % p_num)
- logger.info('%s手机,非亮屏时段,====已亮屏,关闭亮屏====' % p_num)
- os.system("adb -s %s shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER" % device)
- else:
- print('%s手机,非亮屏时段,====未亮屏====' % p_num)
- logger.info('%s手机,非亮屏时段,====未亮屏====' % p_num)
- mFocusedActivity = os.popen("adb shell dumpsys activity | grep 'mFocusedActivity' | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'").read().strip('\n')
- if mFocusedActivity == 'com.eg.android.AlipayGphone':
- print("APP已启动,停止APP,等待重新启动")
- os.system('adb shell am force-stop com.eg.android.AlipayGphone')
- time.sleep(1)
- print("启动app")
- os.system('adb shell am start -n com.eg.android.AlipayGphone/com.eg.android.AlipayGphone.AlipayLogin activity')
- C:\Users\enmonster>adb devices
- List of devices attached
- 97dc2d9 device
- adb shell dumpsys window windows |grep "Current"