这时候,自己搭建代码仓库的好处就体现出来了。下面我们就讲讲如何使用 Gogs 搭建自己的代码仓库。
根据自己的平台下载压缩包,我的环境是 Linux amd64
- [root@Box tmp]# tar xvf gogs_0.12.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /opt/
- [root@Box gogs]# ./gogs web
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [ WARN] Custom config "/opt/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini" not found. Ignore this warning if you're running for the first time
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Log mode: Console (Trace)
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [ INFO] Gogs 0.12.3
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Work directory: /opt/gogs
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Custom path: /opt/gogs/custom
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Custom config: /opt/gogs/custom/conf/app.ini
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Log path: /opt/gogs/log
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Build time: 2020-10-07 03:03:48 UTC
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [TRACE] Build commit: f0e3cd90f8d7695960eeef2e4e54b2e717302f6c
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [ INFO] Run mode: Development
- 2021/08/20 15:30:36 [ INFO] Listen on
ubuntu:iptables -X、iptables -Z、iptables -F
centos:systemctl stop firewalld.service,永久关闭 systemctl disable firewalld.service
为了部署简单,数据库选用 sqlite3,这样就不需要安装任何数据库了,甚至 sqlite3 命令都不需要安装。
gogs 已经提供了相应开机启动服务脚本,不过需要根据自己的配置修改
- [root@Box systemd]# cat gogs.service
- [Unit]
- Description=Gogs
- After=syslog.target
- After=network.target
- After=mariadb.service mysqld.service postgresql.service memcached.service redis.service
- [Service]
- # Modify these two values and uncomment them if you have
- # repos with lots of files and get an HTTP error 500 because
- # of that
- ###
- #LimitMEMLOCK=infinity
- #LimitNOFILE=65535
- Type=simple
- User=root
- Group=root
- WorkingDirectory=/opt/gogs
- ExecStart=/opt/gogs/gogs web
- Restart=always
- Environment=USER=root HOME=/opt
- # Some distributions may not support these hardening directives. If you cannot start the service due
- # to an unknown option, comment out the ones not supported by your version of systemd.
- ProtectSystem=full
- PrivateDevices=yes
- PrivateTmp=yes
- NoNewPrivileges=true
- [Install]
- WantedBy=multi-user.target
拷贝到 /usr/lib/systemd/system,并使能服务,重启
- [root@Box systemd]# cp gogs.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
- [root@Box systemd]# systemctl enable gogs.service
- Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/gogs.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/gogs.service.
- [root@Box systemd]# reboot
查看 gogs 是否启动
- [root@Box ~]# ps -ef
- ...
- root 916 1 1 17:45 ? 00:00:00 /opt/gogs/gogs web
- ...
看到 gogs 已经自启了,浏览器也可以正常访问。