- #include <iostream>
- int &foo() {
- int i = 0;
- return i; // warning: reference to local variable ‘i’ returned
- }
- int bar() {
- int i = 0;
- return i;
- }
- int main() {
- // 运行出现 =segmentation fault (core dumped)=
- // 在 foo 返回时局部变量 i 就会被释放,因此返回的引用是指向已释放内存
- int i = foo();
- // 函数 bar 返回了一个为右值的 int 型临时变量,因此只能使用常量引用
- int &ir = bar(); // 错误
- int const &icr = bar(); // 正确
- }
- #include <iostream>
- int main() {
- int i = 10;
- int &ir = i;
- int &irr = ir;
- std::cout << irr << std::endl;
- i = 20;
- std::cout << ir << std::endl;
- std::cout << irr << std::endl;
- }
- 10
- 20
- 20
这也就解释了在重载 << 运算符时传入 ostream 对象的引用再传出是可行的
- #include <iostream>
- typedef struct Coor {
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- } Coor;
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Coor &coor) {
- std::cout << "(" << coor.x << ", " << coor.y << ", " << coor.z << ")";
- return os;
- }
- int main() {
- Coor coor = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
- std::cout << coor << std::endl;
- }
- (0, 1, 2)
- #include <iostream>
- int &foo(int &i) {
- return ++i;
- }
- int main() {
- int i = 10;
- // foo 返回了 i 的引用,并将 i 的值赋值给 j
- // i 与 j 是两个不同的变量
- int j = foo(i);
- std::cout << "i is " << i << std::endl;
- std::cout << "j is " << j << std::endl;
- }
- i is 11
- j is 11
- #include <cassert>
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <iostream>
- template<typename T>
- class Array {
- // 将 << 运算符的重载函数声明为友元,此处注意一定要声明为模板
- // 否则编译时会提示重载函数不是一个函数模板
- template<typename Ty>
- friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Array<Ty> const &rhs);
- public:
- // 构造与析构
- Array(size_t const size); // 已知长度
- Array(Array<T> const &rhs); // 从另一 Array 拷贝
- Array(T const *rhs, size_t size); // 从数组构造
- Array(T const *beg, T const *end); // 传入数组的头尾指针
- ~Array() { delete[] arr; }
- // 接口
- size_t size() const;
- Array<T> &extend(Array<T> const &rhs);
- // 运算符重载
- T &operator[](size_t const index); // 下标运算符
- Array<T> &operator=(Array<T> const &rhs); // 赋值运算符
- Array<T> operator+(Array<T> const &rhs) const; // 两 Array 相加
- bool operator==(Array<T> const &rhs) const; // 判断相等
- private:
- size_t sz = 0;
- T *arr = nullptr;
- };
- template<typename T>
- Array<T>::Array(size_t const size) {
- sz = size;
- arr = new T[sz];
- }
- template<typename T>
- Array<T>::Array(Array<T> const &rhs) {
- sz = rhs.sz;
- arr = new T[sz];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- arr[i] = rhs.arr[i];
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- Array<T>::Array(T const *rhs, size_t size) {
- sz = size;
- arr = new T[sz];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- arr[i] = rhs[i];
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- Array<T>::Array(T const *beg, T const *end) {
- sz = end - beg;
- arr = new T[sz];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- arr[i] = beg[i];
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- inline size_t Array<T>::size() const {
- return sz;
- }
- template<typename T>
- inline Array<T> &Array<T>::extend(Array<T> const &rhs) {
- size_t new_size = sz + rhs.sz;
- T *new_arr = new T[new_size];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- new_arr[i] = arr[i];
- }
- for (size_t i = sz; i < new_size; ++i) {
- new_arr[i] = rhs.arr[i - sz];
- }
- delete[] arr;
- arr = new_arr;
- sz = new_size;
- return *this;
- }
- template<typename T>
- T &Array<T>::operator[](size_t const index) {
- assert(index >= 0 && index < sz);
- return arr[index];
- }
- template<typename T>
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Array<T> const &rhs) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs.sz; ++i) {
- std::cout << rhs.arr[i] << ", ";
- }
- return os;
- }
- template<typename T>
- Array<T> &Array<T>::operator=(Array<T> const &rhs) {
- assert(sz == rhs.sz);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- arr[i] = rhs.arr[i];
- }
- }
- template<typename T>
- Array<T> Array<T>::operator+(Array<T> const &rhs) const {
- size_t size = sz + rhs.sz;
- Array<T> tmp(size);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
- tmp.arr[i] = arr[i];
- }
- for (size_t i = sz; i < size; ++i) {
- tmp.arr[i] = rhs.arr[i - sz];
- }
- return tmp;
- }
- template<typename T>
- bool Array<T>::operator==(Array<T> const &rhs) const {
- if (sz != rhs.sz)
- return false;
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; arr[i] == rhs.arr[i] && i < sz; ++i);
- return i == sz;
- }
- int main() {
- Array<std::string> arrstr1(5);
- Array<std::string> arrstr2(5);
- arrstr1[0] = "Hello";
- arrstr1[1] = "world";
- arrstr1[2] = "hello";
- arrstr1[3] = "C++";
- arrstr1[4] = "!";
- arrstr2 = arrstr1; // 赋值操作
- std::cout << arrstr2 << std::endl;
- int ints[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- Array<int> arrint1(ints, 5);
- Array<int> arrint2(ints, ints + 3);
- std::cout << arrint1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << arrint2 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "arrint1 and arrint2 is "
- << ((arrint1 == arrint2)? "": "not ") // 判断 arrint1 和 arrint2 是否相等
- << "equal." << std::endl;
- Array<int> arrintsum = arrint1 + arrint2; // 两人 Array 相加
- std::cout << arrintsum << std::endl;
- std::cout << arrint1.extend(arrint1) << std::endl; // 用 arrint1 扩展自身
- }
- Hello, world, hello, C++, !,
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- 1, 2, 3,
- arrint1 and arrint2 is not equal.
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3,
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
- #include <iostream>
- void print() { }
- template<typename T, typename... Types>
- void print(T firstArg, Types... args) {
- std::cout << firstArg << std::endl;
- print(args...);
- }
- int main() {
- std::string s("world");
- print(7.5, "hello", s);
- }
- 7.5
- hello
- world
- #include <string>
- class C {
- public:
- C(std::string const& s) {
- this->s = s;
- }
- private:
- std::string s;
- };
- int main() {
- C c1 = "hello"; // 拷贝构造,调用 C(C const&),等号后面需要的是类型 C
- C c2("hello"); // 根据传入参数调用对应构造函数,此处调用 C(std::string const &)
- C c3{"hello"}; // 使用参数列初始化,调用 C(): s("hello")
- C c4 = {"hello"}; // 还没搞明白
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cmath>
- // 实现 Python 中的 map 函数
- // Container: 容器类
- // Callable: 可调用对象(函数或仿函数)
- template<typename Container, typename Callable>
- Container& foreach(Container& c, Callable op) {
- typename Container::iterator pos;
- typename Container::iterator end = c.end();
- for (pos = c.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
- op(*pos);
- }
- return c;
- }
- // 这种写法无法自动推断,只能手动指定
- template<typename Container, typename Callable>
- void foreach(typename Container::iterator pos,
- typename Container::iterator end, Callable op) {
- while (pos != end) {
- op(*pos++);
- }
- }
- template<typename Iter, typename Callable>
- void foreach(Iter pos, Iter end, Callable op) {
- while (pos != end) {
- op(*pos++);
- }
- }
- // 实现 Python 中的 reduce 函数
- // Container: 容器类
- // Callable: 可调用对象(函数或仿函数)
- // 返回值是值传递
- template<typename Container, typename Callable>
- auto reduce(Container& c, Callable op) -> std::decay_t<decltype(c[0])> {
- using ElemType = std::decay_t<decltype(c[0])>;
- // 如果容器为空,返回与容器第一个元素类型相同的零初始化对象,注意此处需要退化
- if (c.empty()) {
- return ElemType{};
- }
- // 容器长度为 1 时直接返回第一个元素
- if (c.size() == 1) {
- return c[0];
- }
- ElemType ret(c[0]);
- foreach(c.begin() + 1, c.end(), [&ret, &op](ElemType const& elem) {
- ret = op(ret, elem);
- });
- return ret;
- }
- template<typename Iter, typename Callable>
- auto reduce(Iter pos, Iter end, Callable op) -> std::decay_t<decltype(*pos)> {
- using ElemType = std::decay_t<decltype(*pos)>;
- if (pos == end ) {
- return ElemType{};
- }
- if (end - pos == 1) {
- return *pos;
- }
- ElemType ret(*pos);
- foreach(pos + 1, end, [&ret, &op](ElemType const & elem) {
- ret = op(ret, elem);
- });
- return ret;
- }
- template<typename Container, typename ElemType>
- void linspace(Container& c, ElemType const& start,
- ElemType const& end, ElemType const& sep) {
- if (!std::is_same<std::decay_t<decltype(c[0])>, ElemType>::value) {
- std::cerr << "Element in container should be same type with range!\n";
- }
- for (ElemType current = start; current < end; current += sep) {
- c.push_back(current);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- // 初始化一个等差数列
- std::vector<double> dvec;
- linspace(dvec, 1.0, 5.0, 0.001);
- // 计算对应的 log 函数值,并乘上步长
- foreach(dvec.begin(), dvec.end(), [](double& elem) {
- elem = log(elem) * 0.001;
- });
- // 求 ln(x) 在 [1, 5] 范围内的积分值
- double integral = reduce(dvec.begin(), dvec.end(), [](double const& a, double const& b) {
- return a + b;
- });
- std::cout << "Integral of ln(x) in [1, 5] is " << integral << std::endl;
- }
- Integral of ln(x) in [1, 5] is 4.04638
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- int main() {
- std::vector<int> ivec;
- // 在添加元素之前的容量
- std::cout << "Capacity is " << ivec.capacity() << std::endl;
- // 添加 24 个元素
- for (std::vector<int>::size_type pos = 0; pos < 24; ++pos) {
- ivec.push_back(pos);
- }
- // ivec 在不触发重新内存分配之前可保存多少个元素
- std::cout << "Capacity is " << ivec.capacity() << std::endl;
- // 设定保留 24 个可用空间
- ivec.reserve(24);
- // 当指定的元素个数小于实际的个数时,不会回收内存
- std::cout << "Capacity is " << ivec.capacity() << std::endl;
- // 指定保留 48 个可用空间
- ivec.reserve(48);
- // 当指定的元素个数大于实际的个数时,会扩展内存
- std::cout << "Capacity is " << ivec.capacity() << std::endl;
- // 指定回收多余内存,具体是否回收决定于编译器实现
- ivec.shrink_to_fit();
- std::cout << "Capacity is " << ivec.capacity() << std::endl;
- // ivec 的大小是 24 个字节,保存了三个指针,分别是向量头、向量尾后、容量尾后
- std::cout << sizeof(ivec) << std::endl;
- }
- Capacity is 0
- Capacity is 32
- Capacity is 32
- Capacity is 48
- Capacity is 24
- 24
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- void find_all(string const& s, string const& pattern) {
- string::size_type pos = 0;
- while ((pos = s.find_first_of(pattern, pos)) != string::npos) {
- cout << "Found index: " << pos
- << ", element is: " << s[pos] << endl;
- ++pos;
- }
- }
- template<typename RET, typename Con, typename Callable>
- RET sum(Con const& container, Callable convert) {
- RET ret{};
- typename Con::const_iterator pos;
- typename Con::const_iterator end = container.end();
- for (pos = container.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) {
- ret += convert(*pos);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int main() {
- string s1("Hello, world!");
- string s2("world");
- string punct(",.!");
- find_all(s1, punct);
- string::size_type pos = 0;
- if ((pos = s1.find(s2)) != string::npos) {
- cout << "Find " << s2 << " at index " << pos << endl;
- }
- string s3 = to_string(123);
- cout << s3 << endl;
- int ival = stoi(s3);
- cout << ival << endl;
- string s4("pi = 3.14159");
- double pi = stod(s4.substr(s4.find_first_of("+-.1234567890")));
- cout << "Pi is " << pi << endl;
- vector<string> string_with_digitals{
- "3.14159",
- "2.71828",
- "1.41421"
- };
- cout << "Sum of int is " << sum<int>(string_with_digitals, [](string const& s) {
- return stoi(s);
- }) << endl;
- cout << "Sum of double is " << sum<double>(string_with_digitals, [](string const& s) {
- return stod(s);
- }) << endl;
- }
- Found index: 5, element is: ,
- Found index: 12, element is: !
- Find world at index 7
- 123
- 123
- Pi is 3.14159
- Sum of int is 6
- Sum of double is 7.27408
- #include <iostream>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- #include <list>
- using namespace std;
- int main() {
- vector<int> ivec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- list<int> ilist{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- cout << "ivec and ilist is"
- << (equal(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend(), ilist.cbegin()) ? " " : " not ")
- << "same." << endl;
- }
- ivec is same.
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <numeric>
- int main() {
- std::vector<double> ivec{1.2, 2.9, 3.4, 4.5, 5.5};
- // 注意对于泛型算法第三个参数非常重要,决定了返回值类型
- std::cout << "Sum is " << std::accumulate(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend(), 0) << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Sum is " << std::accumulate(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend(), .0) << std::endl;
- }
- Sum is 15
- Sum is 17.5
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- std::cout << "[";
- // 此处采用 __pos + 1 != __end 而不是 __pos != __end - 1 是因为 list 的迭代器
- // 没有重载减操作
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- std::cout << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- int main() {
- std::vector<int> ivec{0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2};
- std::vector<int> ivec_new;
- // 将 ivec 中的 0 替换为 42 并写入 ivec_new,注意此处的 back_inserter 生成了一
- // 个插入迭代器
- std::replace_copy(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), std::back_inserter(ivec_new), 0, 42);
- print_items(ivec_new.cbegin(), ivec_new.cend());
- // 将大于 1 的值替换为 1,注意此处因为 ivec_new 中本来已经有相同数量的值,直接覆盖
- std::replace_copy_if(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), ivec_new.begin(),
- [](int const& elem) { return elem > 1; }, 1);
- print_items(ivec_new.cbegin(), ivec_new.cend());
- // 直接在 ivec 上修改
- std::replace_if(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(),
- [](int const& elem) { return elem > 1; }, 1);
- print_items(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend());
- std::fill(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), 0);
- print_items(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend());
- for (std::size_t count = 0; count < 5; ++count) {
- ,*std::inserter(ivec, ivec.begin() + 2) = count + 1;
- }
- print_items(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend());
- auto back_insertor = std::back_inserter(ivec_new);
- for (std::size_t count = 0; count < 5; ++count) {
- ,*back_insertor = count + 1;
- }
- print_items(ivec_new.cbegin(), ivec_new.cend());
- }
- [42, 1, 2, 3, 42, 1, 2]
- [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
- [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- #include <deque>>
- using namespace std;
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- std::cout << "[";
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- std::cout << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- template<typename Con>
- void elim_dups(Con& container) {
- // 排序
- sort(container.begin(), container.end());
- // 将无重复的元素放在开头,并返回最后一个不重复元素之后位置的迭代器
- auto end_unique = unique(container.begin(), container.end());
- // 消除重复的元素
- container.erase(end_unique, container.end());
- }
- int main() {
- vector<int> ivec{1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 0};
- deque<string> sdeque{
- "hello",
- "world",
- "C++",
- "hello",
- "C++"
- };
- elim_dups(ivec);
- print_items(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend());
- elim_dups(sdeque);
- print_items(sdeque.cbegin(), sdeque.cend());
- }
- [0, 1, 2, 3]
- [C++, hello, world]
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- std::cout << "[";
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- std::cout << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- // 交换迭代器元素的模板实现
- template<typename Iter>
- void swap(Iter const __iter_a, Iter const __iter_b) {
- typename iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type tmp;
- tmp = *__iter_a;
- ,*__iter_a = *__iter_b;
- ,*__iter_b = tmp;
- }
- // 冒泡排序的模板实现,此处的 Predicate 称为二元谓词
- template<typename Iter, typename Predicate>
- void sort(Iter const __beg, Iter __end, Predicate __predicate) {
- Iter pos = __beg;
- for (; __beg + 1 != __end; --__end) {
- for (pos = __beg; pos + 1 != __end; ++pos) {
- if (!__predicate(*pos, *(pos + 1))) {
- swap(pos, pos + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int main() {
- vector<string> svec{
- "hello",
- "world",
- "evil",
- "C++",
- "elegant",
- "Python"
- };
- // 自定义排序条件,此处使用了 lambda 模板,C++20 才加入的特性
- ::sort(svec.begin(), svec.end(), []<typename T>(T const& a, T const& b) {
- return a < b;
- });
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), svec.cend());
- ::sort(svec.begin(), svec.end(), []<typename T>(T const& a, T const& b) {
- return a.size() < b.size();
- });
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), svec.cend());
- // 将 svec 先按字典序重排,再使用 stable_sort 保持相同长度的 string 的顺序
- std::sort(svec.begin(), svec.end());
- std::stable_sort(svec.begin(), svec.end(), []<typename T>(T const& a, T const& b) {
- return a.size() < b.size();
- });
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), svec.cend());
- // 此处需要显式指明迭代器类型,若使用 auto 会返回 normal_iterator 类型,需要使
- // 用 static_cast 进行类型转换
- vector<string>::const_iterator iter_sep;
- // 打印长度大于 4 的元素,partition 将元素分为两部分,前面为满足一元谓词的元素,
- // 返回值为不满足条件的最后一个元素的后一个迭代器
- iter_sep = std::partition(svec.begin(), svec.end(), []<typename T>(T const& a) {
- return a.size() > 4;
- });
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), iter_sep);
- }
- [C++, Python, elegant, evil, hello, world]
- [C++, evil, world, hello, Python, elegant]
- [C++, evil, hello, world, Python, elegant]
- [elegant, Python, hello, world]
lambda 表达式,闭包
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- #include <functional>
- using namespace std;
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- std::cout << "[";
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- std::cout << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- // 一个闭包模板
- template<typename T>
- auto longer_than(T const& __pivot) {
- // 返回一个一元谓词(模板谓词),lambda 表达式拷贝捕获了 __pivot 局部变量作为
- // 成员,之后每次调用谓词都可使用 __pivot 的值。若采用引用捕获则需注意生命周期
- // 和变量变化
- return [__pivot]<typename U> (U const& elem) { return elem.size() > __pivot; };
- }
- template<typename U, typename T>
- bool longer_than(U const& elem, T const& __pivot) {
- return elem.size() > __pivot;
- }
- int main() {
- vector<string> svec{
- "hello",
- "world",
- "evil",
- "C++",
- "elegant",
- "Python"
- };
- vector<string>::const_iterator iter_sep;
- // 打印长度大于 4 的元素
- iter_sep = partition(svec.begin(), svec.end(), longer_than(4));
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), iter_sep);
- // 打印长度大于 5 的元素
- iter_sep = partition(svec.begin(), svec.end(), longer_than(5));
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), iter_sep);
- // 使用 std::bind 绑定参数,在 functional 头文件中
- iter_sep = partition(svec.begin(), svec.end(), bind(longer_than<string, size_t>, placeholders::_1, 4));
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), iter_sep);
- }
- [hello, world, Python, elegant]
- [elegant, Python]
- [elegant, Python, world, hello]
std::bind 的用法
- #include <iostream>
- #include <functional>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace std::placeholders;
- template<typename Arg>
- void print(Arg const& arg) {
- cout << arg << endl;
- }
- template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
- void print(Arg arg, Args... args) {
- cout << arg << ", ";
- print(args...);
- }
- int main() {
- print("evil", "C++", "elegant", "Python");
- auto f = bind(print<string, string, string, string>, "evil", _1, "elegant", _2);
- f("C++", "Python");
- }
- evil, C++, elegant, Python
- evil, C++, elegant, Python
使用 std::bind 重排参数顺序
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <functional>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace std::placeholders;
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- std::cout << "[";
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- std::cout << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- template<typename T1, typename T2>
- bool shorter(T1 const& a, T2 const& b) {
- return a.size() > b.size();
- }
- int main() {
- vector<string> svec{
- "devil",
- "C++",
- "elegant",
- "Python"
- };
- sort(svec.begin(), svec.end(), shorter<string, string>);
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), svec.cend());
- sort(svec.begin(), svec.end(), bind(shorter<string, string>, _2, _1));
- print_items(svec.cbegin(), svec.cend());
- }
- [elegant, Python, devil, C++]
- [C++, devil, Python, elegant]
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <vector>
- #include <numeric>>
- using namespace std;
- template<typename Iter>
- void print_items(Iter __pos, Iter const __end) {
- if (__pos == __end) {
- return;
- }
- // 定义一个 pre 变量缓存迭代器的返回值,对于流迭代器无法预测何时到达流的尾部
- typename Iter::value_type pre;
- std::cout << "[";
- for (pre = *__pos++; __pos != __end; pre = *__pos++) {
- std::cout << pre << ", ";
- }
- std::cout << pre << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- // 从流中读取数据到插入迭代器
- template<typename IStream, typename Insert_Iter>
- void data_from_stream(IStream& __is, Insert_Iter __insert_iter) {
- // TRICK 萃取迭代器所指元素的类型,但该类型无法直接通过
- // Insert_Iter::value_type 获取,直接获取为 void,参照
- // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16165635/why-the-value-type-difference-type-pointer-reference-of-back-insert-iterator-fro
- using Type = typename Insert_Iter::container_type::value_type;
- // 初始化 __is 流的一个 Type 型迭代器
- std::istream_iterator<Type> is_iter(__is);
- // 默认初始化为尾后迭代器
- std::istream_iterator<Type> eof;
- while (is_iter != eof) {
- ,*__insert_iter = *is_iter++;
- }
- }
- int main() {
- // 初始化一个字符串流
- stringstream ss{"123 456 789"};
- vector<int> ivec;
- // 使用自定义的方式将流中数据写入输出流
- data_from_stream(ss, std::back_inserter(ivec));
- print_items(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend());
- // 标准库提供了更为简便的方式,从输入流拷贝到 vector
- stringstream ssd{"3.14 1.41 2.56"};
- vector<double> dvec;
- std::copy(std::istream_iterator<double>(ssd),
- std::istream_iterator<double>(),
- std::back_inserter(dvec));
- print_items(dvec.cbegin(), dvec.cend());
- // 甚至还可以更简单,直接从输入流拷贝到输出流
- stringstream ssd2{"3.14 1.41 2.56"};
- std::copy(std::istream_iterator<double>(ssd2),
- std::istream_iterator<double>(),
- std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, ", "));
- std::cout << std::endl;
- // 或者利用泛型的 print_items 函数模板,从输入流自定义输出
- stringstream ssd3{"3.14 1.41 2.56"};
- print_items(std::istream_iterator<double>(ssd3),
- std::istream_iterator<double>());
- }
- [123, 456, 789]
- [3.14, 1.41, 2.56]
- 3.14, 1.41, 2.56,
- [3.14, 1.41, 2.56]
- #include <iostream>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <vector>
- int main() {
- // 从流中读取数据,排序后输出到标准输出流
- std::stringstream ss{"1 3 2 5 4"};
- std::istream_iterator<int> is_iter(ss), eof;
- std::vector<int> ivec;
- // 输入流迭代器不支持随机访问,因此不能直接排序
- std::copy(is_iter, eof, std::back_inserter(ivec));
- std::sort(ivec.begin(), ivec.end());
- std::ostream_iterator<int> os_iter(std::cout, " ");
- // 从此处可以看出流迭代器与插入迭代器类似
- std::copy(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), os_iter);
- }
- 1 2 3 4 5
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <map>
- #include <fmt/core.h>
- using namespace std;
- void word_count(string const __text, ostream_iterator<string> __os_iter) {
- stringstream ss(__text);
- istream_iterator<string> is_iter(ss), eof;
- map<string, size_t> counter;
- while (is_iter != eof) {
- string buf = *is_iter++;
- transform(buf.begin(), buf.end(),
- buf.begin(), static_cast<int(*)(int)>(tolower));
- ++counter[buf];
- }
- for (auto const& w : counter) {
- *__os_iter++ = fmt::format("{0} occurs {1} times.", w.first, w.second);
- }
- }
- int main() {
- string text("Hello world hello Evil C++ hello c++ world");
- word_count(text, ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
- }
- c++ occurs 2 times.
- evil occurs 1 times.
- hello occurs 3 times.
- world occurs 2 times.
在 set 中自定义比较函数
- #include <iostream>
- #include <set>
- struct Point {
- public:
- Point(double __x = .0, double __y = .0) : x(__x), y(__y) { }
- friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Point const& p) {
- os << "(" << p.x << ", " << p.y << ")" << std::endl;
- }
- double x, y;
- };
- bool compare_point(Point const& a, Point const& b) {
- if (a.x == 0 && b.x == 0) {
- return a.y < b.y;
- }
- if (a.x == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (b.x == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- return a.y / a.x < b.y / b.x;
- }
- bool strict_compare_point(Point const& a, Point const& b) {
- return a.x < b.x || a.y < b.y;
- }
- int main() {
- std::set<Point, decltype(compare_point)*> points(compare_point);
- points.emplace(1, 2);
- points.emplace(1, 3);
- points.emplace(2, 4);
- for (Point const& point : points) {
- std::cout << point;
- }
- std::set<Point, decltype(strict_compare_point)*> spoints(strict_compare_point);
- spoints.emplace(1, 2);
- spoints.emplace(1, 3);
- spoints.emplace(2, 4);
- for (Point const& point : spoints) {
- std::cout << point;
- }
- }
- (1, 2)
- (1, 3)
- (1, 2)
- (1, 3)
- (2, 4)
- #include <map>
- #include <iostream>
- int main()
- {
- // m 中进行了值初始化,因此 m 中有个 std::pair<int, int>(0, 0)
- std::map<int, int> m;
- m[0] = 1;
- std::cout << m.begin()->first << ", " << m.begin()->second << std::endl;
- if(m.find(0) != m.end()) {
- auto& item = *m.find(0);
- std::cout << item.first << ", " << item.second << std::endl;
- }
- }
- 0, 1
- 0, 1
从 multimap 中找出所有与 key 绑定的值
- #include <iostream>
- #include <map>
- int main()
- {
- std::multimap<std::string, std::string> mm = {
- {"duck", "run"},
- {"dog", "run"},
- {"duck", "fly"}
- };
- // 第一种方法是手动遍历 map
- std::cout << "The first method to find duck." << std::endl;
- auto pos = mm.begin();
- while (pos != mm.end()) {
- if (pos->first == "duck") {
- std::cout << "duck can " << pos->second << std::endl;
- }
- ++pos;
- }
- // 第二种方法是利用 find 和 count
- std::cout << "The second method to find duck." << std::endl;
- auto count = mm.count("duck");
- auto entries = mm.find("duck");
- while (count) {
- std::cout << "duck can " << entries->second << std::endl;
- ++entries;
- --count;
- }
- // 第三种方法是利用 lower_bound 和 upper_bound
- std::cout << "The third method to find duck." << std::endl;
- for (auto beg = mm.lower_bound("duck"), end = mm.upper_bound("duck");
- beg != end; ++beg) {
- std::cout << "duck can " << beg->second << std::endl;
- }
- // 第四种方法是利用 equal_range
- std::cout << "The forth method to find duck." << std::endl;
- for (auto pos = mm.equal_range("duck");
- pos.first != pos.second; ++pos.first) {
- std::cout << "duck can " << pos.first->second << std::endl;
- }
- }
- The first method to find duck.
- duck can run
- duck can fly
- The second method to find duck.
- duck can run
- duck can fly
- The third method to find duck.
- duck can run
- duck can fly
- The forth method to find duck.
- duck can run
- duck can fly
将自定义的类型作为 key 时需要定义类型的哈希方法和 == 操作符
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <unordered_map>
- #include <hash_map>
- struct Person {
- Person(std::string const& __name, std::size_t const __age) :
- name(__name), age(__age) { }
- std::string name;
- std::size_t age;
- };
- // 哈希函数
- std::size_t hasher(Person const& __person) {
- return std::hash<std::string>()(__person.name);
- }
- bool equal_person(Person const& lhs, Person const& rhs) {
- return lhs.name == rhs.name;
- }
- int main() {
- // 定义类型别名,比一般的 map 多两个类型
- using person_multimap = std::unordered_map<Person,
- std::string,
- decltype(hasher)*,
- decltype(equal_person)*>;
- // 定义电话薄,24 是桶的大小
- person_multimap book(24, hasher, equal_person);
- book.insert(std::make_pair(Person("Alisa", 25), "123-456-789"));
- book.insert(std::make_pair(Person("Bob", 26), "324-783-192"));
- book.insert(std::make_pair(Person("Tim", 23), "583-125-372"));
- std::cout << "Alisa's telephone number is "
- << book.find(Person("Alisa", 25))->second << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Bucket size of key Alisa is "
- << book.bucket_size(book.bucket(Person("Alisa", 25))) << std::endl;
- }
- Alisa's telephone number is 123-456-789
- Bucket size of key Alisa is 1
需要等待编译器支持,目前仍需使用 fmt 第三方库
- #include <iostream>
- // 需要 C++20 标准支持
- // #include <format>
- // fmt 第三方库
- #include <fmt/core.h>
- int main() {
- std::cout << fmt::format("{1}, {0}.", "world", "hello");
- }
- hello, world.
ranges 功能目前编译器还未实现,需要自己安装 ranges v3 头文件。惰性求值的特性不错, 就是编译太慢了
- #include <vector>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <range/v3/action.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/view.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/numeric.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/algorithm.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/iterator.hpp>
- using namespace ranges;
- int main() {
- int total = ranges::accumulate(
- view::ints(1) |
- view::transform([](int i) {return i * i;}) |
- view::take(100),
- 0);
- std::cout << total << std::endl;
- // std::vector<int> ivec{0, 2, 2, 1, 4, 6, 4, 3, 1};
- // std::vector<int> result = ivec | actions::sort | actions::unique;
- // ranges::copy(result, ranges::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <numeric>
- int main() {
- std::vector<int> ivec;
- for (int i = 1; i < 101; ++i) {
- ivec.push_back(i);
- }
- // 前 10 个平方数的和
- std::transform(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(),
- ivec.begin(), [](int i) { return i * i; });
- std::cout << std::accumulate(ivec.cbegin(), ivec.cend(), 0) << std::endl;
- }
- 338350
g++ 对 C++20 标准有了部分支持,需要指定 -std=c++20
- #include <iostream>
- #include <ranges>
- using namespace std;
- int main()
- {
- for (auto i : views::iota(0, 10)
- | views::filter([](int i) { return i % 2; })
- | views::transform([](int i) { return i * i; }))
- cout << i << " ";
- }
- 1 9 25 49 81
- #include <ranges>
- #include <memory>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- namespace std {
- namespace ranges {
- template <input_range _Vp>
- class cycle_view : public view_interface<cycle_view<_Vp>>
- {
- private:
- struct _Sentinel;
- struct _Iterator
- {
- private:
- friend _Sentinel;
- using _Vp_iter = iterator_t<_Vp>;
- _Vp_iter _M_current = _Vp_iter();
- cycle_view* _M_parent = nullptr;
- public:
- using iterator_category = typename iterator_traits<_Vp_iter>::iterator_category;
- using value_type = range_value_t<_Vp>;
- using difference_type = range_difference_t<_Vp>;
- _Iterator() = default;
- constexpr _Iterator(cycle_view& __parent, _Vp_iter __current)
- : _M_current(std::move(__current)),
- _M_parent(std::__addressof(__parent)) {}
- constexpr range_reference_t<_Vp> operator*() const
- { return *_M_current; }
- constexpr _Vp_iter operator->() const
- requires __detail::__has_arrow<_Vp_iter> && copyable<_Vp_iter>
- { return _M_current; }
- constexpr _Iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++_M_current;
- if(_M_current == ranges::end(_M_parent->_M_base))
- _M_current = ranges::begin(_M_parent->_M_base);
- return *this;
- }
- constexpr void operator++(int)
- {
- ++*this;
- }
- constexpr _Iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<_Vp>
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- friend constexpr bool operator==(const _Iterator& __x, const _Iterator& __y)
- requires equality_comparable<_Vp_iter>
- { return __x._M_current == __y._M_current; }
- };
- struct _Sentinel
- {
- private:
- sentinel_t<_Vp> _M_end = sentinel_t<_Vp>();
- constexpr bool __equal(const _Iterator& __i) const
- {
- return __i._M_current == _M_end;
- }
- public:
- _Sentinel() = default;
- constexpr explicit _Sentinel(cycle_view& __parent) :
- _M_end(ranges::end(__parent._M_base)) {}
- friend constexpr bool operator==(const _Iterator& __x, const _Sentinel& __y)
- { return __y.__equal(__x); }
- };
- _Vp _M_base = _Vp();
- public:
- cycle_view() = default;
- constexpr cycle_view(_Vp __base): _M_base(std::move(__base)) {}
- constexpr _Iterator begin()
- {
- return {*this, ranges::begin(_M_base)};
- }
- constexpr auto end()
- {
- if constexpr (common_range<_Vp>)
- return _Iterator{*this, ranges::end(_M_base)};
- else
- return _Sentinel{*this};
- }
- };
- template <input_range _Range>
- cycle_view(_Range &&) -> cycle_view<views::all_t<_Range>>;
- namespace views {
- inline constexpr __adaptor::_RangeAdaptorClosure cycle
- = [] <viewable_range _Range> (_Range&& __r)
- {
- return cycle_view { std::forward<_Range>(__r) };
- };
- } // namespace views
- template <input_range _Vp1, input_range _Vp2>
- class zip_view : public view_interface<zip_view<_Vp1, _Vp2>>
- {
- private:
- struct _Sentinel;
- struct _Iterator
- {
- private:
- friend zip_view;
- friend _Sentinel;
- using _Vp1_iter = iterator_t<_Vp1>;
- using _Vp2_iter = iterator_t<_Vp2>;
- _Vp1_iter _M_current1 = _Vp1_iter();
- _Vp2_iter _M_current2 = _Vp2_iter();
- zip_view* _M_parent = nullptr;
- public:
- using iterator_category = typename iterator_traits<_Vp1_iter>::iterator_category;
- using value_type = std::pair<range_value_t<_Vp1>, range_value_t<_Vp2>>;
- using difference_type = range_difference_t<_Vp1>;
- _Iterator() = default;
- constexpr _Iterator(zip_view& __parent,
- _Vp1_iter __current1, _Vp2_iter __current2) :
- _M_current1(std::move(__current1)),
- _M_current2(std::move(__current2)),
- _M_parent(std::__addressof(__parent)) {}
- constexpr std::pair<range_reference_t<_Vp1>, range_reference_t<_Vp2>>
- operator*() const
- { return std::make_pair(std::ref(*_M_current1), std::ref(*_M_current2)); }
- constexpr std::pair<_Vp1_iter, _Vp2_iter> operator->() const
- requires __detail::__has_arrow<_Vp1_iter> &&
- __detail::__has_arrow<_Vp2_iter>
- { return std::make_pair(_M_current1, _M_current2); }
- constexpr _Iterator& operator++()
- {
- ++_M_current1;
- ++_M_current2;
- //if(_M_current1 == ranges::end(_M_parent->_M_base1)
- // || _M_current2 == ranges::end(_M_parent->_M_base2))
- return *this;
- }
- constexpr void operator++(int)
- { ++*this; }
- constexpr _Iterator operator++(int) requires forward_range<_Vp1> && forward_range<_Vp2>
- {
- auto __tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return __tmp;
- }
- friend constexpr bool operator==(const _Iterator& __x, const _Iterator& __y)
- requires equality_comparable<_Vp1_iter> && equality_comparable<_Vp2_iter>
- { return __x._M_current1 == __y._M_current1 && __x._M_current2 == __y._M_current2; }
- };
- struct _Sentinel
- {
- private:
- std::pair<sentinel_t<_Vp1>, sentinel_t<_Vp2>> _M_end =
- std::make_pair(sentinel_t<_Vp1>(), sentinel_t<_Vp2>());
- constexpr bool __equal(const _Iterator& __i) const
- {
- return __i._M_current1 == _M_end.first || __i._M_current2 == _M_end.second;
- }
- public:
- _Sentinel() = default;
- constexpr explicit _Sentinel(zip_view& __parent): _M_end(std::make_pair(
- ranges::end(__parent._M_base1), ranges::end(__parent._M_base2))) {}
- friend constexpr bool operator==(const _Iterator& __x, const _Sentinel& __y)
- { return __y.__equal(__x); }
- };
- _Vp1 _M_base1 = _Vp1();
- _Vp2 _M_base2 = _Vp2();
- public:
- zip_view() = default;
- constexpr zip_view(_Vp1 __base1, _Vp2 __base2): _M_base1(std::move(__base1)),
- _M_base2(std::move(__base2)) {}
- constexpr _Iterator begin()
- { return {*this, ranges::begin(_M_base1), ranges::begin(_M_base2)}; }
- constexpr auto end()
- {
- //if constexpr (common_range<_Vp1> && common_range<_Vp2>)
- // return _Iterator{*this, ranges::end(_M_base1), ranges::end(_M_base2)};
- //else
- return _Sentinel{*this};
- }
- };
- template <input_range _Vp1, input_range _Vp2>
- inline constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<zip_view<_Vp1, _Vp2>> = true;
- template <input_range _Range1, input_range _Range2>
- zip_view(_Range1&&, _Range2&&) -> zip_view<views::all_t<_Range1>, views::all_t<_Range2>>;
- namespace views {
- inline constexpr __adaptor::_RangeAdaptor zip
- = [] <viewable_range _Range1, viewable_range _Range2> (_Range1&& __r1, _Range2&& __r2)
- {
- return zip_view { std::forward<_Range1>(__r1), std::forward<_Range2>(__r2) };
- };
- } // namespace views
- } // namespace ranges
- } // mamespace std
- using namespace std;
- namespace vs = std::ranges::views;
- namespace rs = std::ranges;
- int main() {
- vector v1 {"甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "壬", "癸"};
- vector v2 {"子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌", "亥"};
- auto a = v1 | vs::cycle;
- auto b = v2 | vs::cycle;
- auto c = vs::zip(a, b) | vs::take(60);
- for(auto&& [x, y]: c)
- cout<<x<<y<<" ";
- cout<<"\n";
- return 0;
- }
- 甲子 乙丑 丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 戊寅 己卯 庚辰 辛巳 壬午 癸未 甲申 乙酉 丙戌 丁亥 戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬辰 癸巳 甲午 乙未 丙申 丁酉 戊戌 己亥 庚子 辛丑 壬寅 癸卯 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉 庚戌 辛亥 壬子 癸丑 甲寅 乙卯 丙辰 丁巳 戊午 己未 庚申 辛酉 壬戌 癸亥
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <fmt/core.h>
- struct Point {
- Point(double __x, double __y) : x(__x), y(__y) {
- std::cout << fmt::format("Pointer({0}, {1}) is constructed.\n", x, y);
- }
- ~Point() {
- std::cout << fmt::format("Pointer({0}, {1}) is deconstructed.\n", x, y);
- }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Point const& p) {
- return std::cout << fmt::format("Pointer({0}, {1})", p.x, p.y);
- }
- double x = 0.0l;
- double y = 0.0l;
- };
- int main() {
- std::cout << "Make shared pointer p." << std::endl;
- std::shared_ptr<Point> p = std::make_shared<Point>(1.0, 2.0);
- std::cout << "Copy shared pointer q from p." << std::endl;
- std::shared_ptr<Point> q(p);
- std::cout << *q << fmt::format(" has {0} references.", q.use_count())
- << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Let p point to a new Point." << std::endl;
- p.reset(new Point(3.0, 4.0));
- std::cout << "Construct a point with no name assigned." << std::endl;
- std::make_shared<Point>(5.0, 6.0);
- std::cout << "Now all Points will be deconstructed." << std::endl;
- }
- Make shared pointer p.
- Pointer(1.0, 2.0) is constructed.
- Copy shared pointer q from p.
- Pointer(1.0, 2.0) has 2 references.
- Let p point to a new Point.
- Pointer(3.0, 4.0) is constructed.
- Construct a point with no name assigned.
- Pointer(5.0, 6.0) is constructed.
- Pointer(5.0, 6.0) is deconstructed.
- Now all Points will be deconstructed.
- Pointer(1.0, 2.0) is deconstructed.
- Pointer(3.0, 4.0) is deconstructed.
利用 shared_ptr 实现对象共享底层数据
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- // StrBlob 的代理指针类
- class StrBlobProxy;
- class ConstStrBlobProxy;
- class StrBlob {
- public:
- // 友元
- friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, StrBlob const& rhs);
- friend StrBlobProxy;
- friend ConstStrBlobProxy;
- // 类型别名
- using size_type = std::vector<std::string>::size_type;
- using iterator = StrBlobProxy;
- using const_iterator = ConstStrBlobProxy;
- // 构造函数
- StrBlob() : data(std::make_shared<std::vector<std::string>>()) { }
- StrBlob(std::initializer_list<std::string> il) :
- data(std::make_shared<std::vector<std::string>>(il)) { }
- size_type size() const { return data->size(); }
- bool empty() const { return data->empty(); }
- void push_back(std::string const& s) { data->push_back(s); }
- void pop_back();
- std::string& front();
- std::string& back();
- std::string const& front() const;
- std::string const& back() const;
- iterator begin();
- iterator end();
- const_iterator begin() const;
- const_iterator end() const;
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> data;
- void check(size_type i, std::string const& msg) const;
- };
- // 代理指针类
- class StrBlobProxy {
- public:
- // 构造函数
- StrBlobProxy() : curr(0) { }
- StrBlobProxy(StrBlobProxy const& rhs) :
- wptr(rhs.wptr.lock()), curr(rhs.curr) { }
- StrBlobProxy(StrBlob& __str_blob, std::size_t __index = 0) :
- wptr(__str_blob.data), curr(__index) { }
- StrBlobProxy(StrBlob const& __str_blob, std::size_t __index = 0) :
- wptr(__str_blob.data), curr(__index) { }
- // 运算符重载
- StrBlobProxy& operator++() {
- ++curr;
- return *this;
- }
- StrBlobProxy operator++(int) {
- StrBlobProxy tmp(*this);
- ++curr;
- return tmp;
- }
- StrBlobProxy& operator--() {
- --curr;
- return *this;
- }
- StrBlobProxy operator--(int) {
- StrBlobProxy tmp(*this);
- --curr;
- return tmp;
- }
- StrBlobProxy operator+(std::size_t offset) {
- StrBlobProxy tmp(*this);
- tmp.curr += offset;
- return tmp;
- }
- std::string& operator*() {
- if (std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> sptr; (sptr = wptr.lock())) {
- return (*sptr)[curr];
- } else {
- throw std::runtime_error("Unbound StrBlob pointer");
- }
- }
- bool operator==(StrBlobProxy const& rhs) {
- return curr == rhs.curr;
- }
- bool operator!=(StrBlobProxy const& rhs) {
- return curr != rhs.curr;
- }
- protected:
- std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>
- check(std::size_t, std::string const &) const;
- std::weak_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> wptr;
- std::size_t curr; // 在数组中的当前位置
- };
- /// 从 StrBlobProxy 派生出常量指针类
- class ConstStrBlobProxy : public StrBlobProxy {
- public:
- using StrBlobProxy::StrBlobProxy;
- std::string const& operator*() {
- if (std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string> const> sptr; (sptr = wptr.lock())) {
- return (*sptr)[curr];
- } else {
- throw std::runtime_error("Unbound StrBlob pointer");
- }
- }
- private:
- std::weak_ptr<std::vector<std::string> const> wptr;
- };
- void StrBlob::check(size_type i, std::string const& msg) const
- {
- if (i >= data->size())
- throw std::out_of_range(msg);
- }
- std::string& StrBlob::front()
- {
- check(0, "front on empty StrBlob.");
- return data->front();
- }
- std::string& StrBlob::back()
- {
- check(0, "back on empty StrBlob.");
- return data->back();
- }
- std::string const& StrBlob::front() const
- {
- check(0, "front on empty StrBlob.");
- return data->front();
- }
- std::string const& StrBlob::back() const
- {
- check(0, "back on empty StrBlob.");
- return data->back();
- }
- void StrBlob::pop_back()
- {
- check(0, "pop_back on empty StrBlob.");
- data->pop_back();
- }
- StrBlob::iterator StrBlob::begin() {
- return StrBlobProxy(*this, 0);
- }
- StrBlob::iterator StrBlob::end() {
- return StrBlobProxy(*this, data->size());
- }
- StrBlob::const_iterator StrBlob::begin() const {
- return ConstStrBlobProxy(*this, 0);
- }
- StrBlob::const_iterator StrBlob::end() const {
- return ConstStrBlobProxy(*this, data->size());
- }
- std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, StrBlob const& rhs)
- {
- if (rhs.data->empty())
- return os;
- StrBlob::iterator __pos = rhs.begin();
- StrBlob::iterator const __end = rhs.end();
- os << "[";
- for (; __pos + 1 != __end; ++__pos) {
- os << *__pos << ", ";
- }
- return os << *__pos << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- // b1 和 b2 共享同样的底层数据
- StrBlob b1 = {"hello", "world", "evil"};
- std::cout << b1;
- StrBlob b2 = b1;
- b2.push_back("C++");
- std::cout << b1;
- }
在 shared_ptr 中使用自定义的 delete 操作
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <string>
- #include <fmt/core.h>
- struct Connection {
- Connection(int* const __descriptor) {
- std::cout << fmt::format("Connected to descriptor {0}.", *__descriptor) << std::endl;
- descriptor = *__descriptor;
- }
- int descriptor;
- };
- Connection connect(int* const __descriptor) {
- return Connection(__descriptor);
- }
- void disconnect(Connection* con) {
- std::cout << fmt::format("Disconnected from descriptor {0}.", con->descriptor) << std::endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- int descriptor = 1;
- // 建立一个连接,con 分配在栈内存上
- Connection con = connect(&descriptor);
- // 将连接绑定到共享指针上,虽然此处 con 不在共享内存上,指定了自定义的
- // disconnect 函数保证在 p 的生命同期结束时能够自动 disconnect
- std::shared_ptr<Connection> p(&con, disconnect);
- }
- Connected to descriptor 1.
- Disconnected from descriptor 1.
shared_ptr 和 weak_ptr 的常量性
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- int main() {
- // 声明指针常量
- std::shared_ptr<int> const ip = std::make_shared<int>(1);
- ,*ip = 2; // 可以改变指针指向的值
- // ip.reset(new int(3)); // 无法改变指针本身
- std::cout << *ip << std::endl;
- // 声明指向常量的指针
- std::shared_ptr<const int> cip = std::make_shared<const int>(1);
- // *cip = 2; // 无法改变指针指向的值
- cip.reset(new int(3)); // 可以将指针指向新值
- std::cout << *cip << std::endl;
- }
- 2
- 3
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iterator>
- int main() {
- std::vector<int> ivec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
- std::allocator<int> alloc;
- // 分配 10 个 int 元素的内存
- auto p = alloc.allocate(ivec.size() * 2);
- // 拷贝 ivec 中的元素来构造从 p 开始的元素
- auto q = std::uninitialized_copy(ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), p);
- // 将剩余的元素初始化为 24
- std::uninitialized_fill_n(q, ivec.size(), 24);
- // 打印输出
- std::copy(p, p + ivec.size() * 2, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
- }
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
- #include <iostream>
- #include <thread>
- // 通过局部静态变量的特性保证了线程安全;
- // 不需要使用共享指针,代码简洁;
- // 注意在使用的时候需要声明单例的引用 Single& 才能获取对象。
- class Singleton {
- public:
- ~Singleton() {
- std::cout << "Destructor called!" << std::endl;
- }
- Singleton(Singleton const&) = delete;
- Singleton& operator=(Singleton const&) = delete;
- static Singleton& get_instance() {
- // If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is
- // being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of
- // the initialization.
- std::cout << "Get instance.\n" << std::flush;
- static Singleton __instance;
- return __instance;
- }
- private:
- Singleton() {
- std::cout << "Constructor called!" << std::endl;
- }
- };
- int main() {
- std::thread t1(&Singleton::get_instance);
- std::thread t2(&Singleton::get_instance);
- std::thread t3(&Singleton::get_instance);
- t1.join();
- t2.join();
- t3.join();
- }
- Get instance.
- Constructor called!
- Get instance.
- Get instance.
- Destructor called!
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- int main() {
- std::vector<std::string> const svec{"hello"};
- // *svec.back() = std::string("world");
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- #include <map>
- #include <set>
- #include <fmt/core.h>
- // 定义一个概念,类型 T 能够隐式转换为 std::size_t 类型(C++20 required)
- template<typename T>
- concept can_convert_to_size = std::is_convertible<T, std::size_t>::value;
- // 根据 size 的值返回单数或复数形式
- template<can_convert_to_size T>
- std::string const& make_plural(T size, std::string const& __one, std::string const& __more)
- {
- return (size > 1? __more : __one);
- }
- // 查询结果类
- class QueryResult;
- // 查询器类
- class TextQuery {
- public:
- using line_no = std::vector<std::string>::size_type; // 行号数据类型
- TextQuery(std::ifstream&);
- QueryResult query(std::string const&) const;
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> text; // 保存读取的文本
- // 保存单词行号的集合的哈希表
- std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>>> word_map;
- };
- // 查询结果类
- class QueryResult {
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, QueryResult const& rhs);
- public:
- QueryResult(std::string __sought,
- std::shared_ptr<std::set<TextQuery::line_no>> __lines,
- std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> __text) :
- sought(__sought), lines(__lines), text(__text) { }
- private:
- std::string sought; // 查询的单词
- std::shared_ptr<std::set<TextQuery::line_no>> lines; // 出现的行号集合的指针
- std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> text; // 输入文本的指针
- };
- TextQuery::TextQuery(std::ifstream& ifs) : text(new std::vector<std::string>)
- {
- std::string buf, word; // 行缓冲,单词缓冲
- line_no number; // 行号
- while (std::getline(ifs, buf)) {
- text->push_back(buf); // 保存当前行到 text
- number = text->size() - 1; // 当前行号
- std::istringstream line(buf); // 从当前行生成字符串流
- while (line >> word) {
- auto& lines = word_map[word]; // 指向 word 对应 set 的共享指针
- if (!lines) { // 指针为空则分配一个新的 set
- lines.reset(new std::set<line_no>);
- }
- lines->insert(number);
- }
- }
- }
- QueryResult TextQuery::query(std::string const& sought) const
- {
- // 如果没有找到 sought, 返回一个空 set 的指针
- static std::shared_ptr<std::set<TextQuery::line_no>>
- null(new std::set<TextQuery::line_no>);
- // 使用 find 查找单词,防止将单词加入到 map 中
- auto locate = word_map.find(sought);
- if (locate == word_map.end())
- return QueryResult(sought, null, text); // 如果没找到 sought 返回空 set 指针
- else
- return QueryResult(sought, locate->second, text);
- }
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, QueryResult const& rhs)
- {
- os << fmt::format("[{0}] occurs in {1} {2}.", rhs.sought, rhs.lines->size(),
- make_plural(rhs.lines->size(), "line", "lines")) << std::endl;
- for (auto num : *rhs.lines) {
- os << fmt::format("\t(line {0}) {1}", num + 1, *(rhs.text->begin() + num))
- << std::endl;
- }
- return os;
- }
- // 运行查询操作
- // TextQuery&: 传入一个查询器的引用
- // std::istream_iterator<std::string>: 传入一个输入流迭代器,好处是可以兼容从标
- // 准输入或从文件流或字符串流输入
- void runQueries(TextQuery& __text_query, std::istream_iterator<std::string> __is_iter)
- {
- std::string word;
- while (true) {
- std::cout << "Please input the word you want to query: " << std::flush;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- word = *__is_iter++;
- // 读到 q 的时候退出
- if (word == "q") {
- std::cout << "Quit!" << std::endl;
- break;
- }
- std::cout << __text_query.query(word);
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- std::ifstream ifs;
- ifs.open("/home/cycoe/input.txt");
- TextQuery tq(ifs);
- // 用字符串流模拟标准输入
- std::string command("it a q");
- std::istringstream iss(command);
- runQueries(tq, std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss));
- }
- Please input the word you want to query:
- [it] occurs in 4 lines.
- (line 4) even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially
- (line 17) vitality with which it seemed to be gifted. If it was a cetacean, it exceeded in
- (line 25) exaggerated views that saw it as a mile wide and three long--you could still
- (line 27) then known to ichthyologists, if it existed at all.
- Please input the word you want to query:
- [a] occurs in 7 lines.
- (line 1) THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright
- (line 10) In essence, over a period of time several ships had encountered "an enormous
- (line 11) thing" at sea, a long spindle-shaped object, sometimes giving off a
- (line 17) vitality with which it seemed to be gifted. If it was a cetacean, it exceeded in
- (line 20) accepted the existence of such a monster sight unseen-- specifically, unseen by
- (line 24) timid estimates that gave the object a length of 200 feet, and ignoring those
- (line 25) exaggerated views that saw it as a mile wide and three long--you could still
- Please input the word you want to query:
- Quit!
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <memory>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <algorithm>
- // 二叉树节点类
- template<typename T>
- struct Node {
- // 叶子节点的构造方法
- Node(T __value, Node* __left = nullptr, Node* __right = nullptr) :
- value(__value), left(__left), right(__right) { }
- // 拷贝节点(浅拷贝)
- Node(Node* rhs) :
- value(rhs->value), left(rhs->left), right(rhs->right) {
- // 将 rhs 的左右子树置为 nullptr,防止 rhs 析构时将子树析构
- // 神奇的是使用引用的话会提示引用的对象是一个右值
- rhs->left = nullptr;
- rhs->right = nullptr;
- }
- // 递归构造
- Node(T __value, Node __left, Node __right) : value(__value) {
- // 使用动态内存替换栈内存
- left = new Node(&__left);
- right = new Node(&__right);
- }
- ~Node() {
- std::cout << "Delete Node(" << value << ")." << std::endl;
- delete left;
- delete right;
- }
- T value;
- Node* left = nullptr;
- Node* right = nullptr;
- };
- template<typename T, typename Iter>
- void preorder_traverse(Node<T>* tree, Iter iter)
- {
- if (!tree)
- return;
- ,*iter++ = tree->value;
- preorder_traverse(tree->left, iter);
- preorder_traverse(tree->right, iter);
- }
- template<typename T, typename Iter>
- void midorder_traverse(Node<T>* tree, Iter iter)
- {
- if (!tree)
- return;
- midorder_traverse(tree->left, iter);
- ,*iter++ = tree->value;
- midorder_traverse(tree->right, iter);
- }
- template<typename T, typename Iter>
- void postorder_traverse(Node<T>* tree, Iter iter)
- {
- if (!tree)
- return;
- postorder_traverse(tree->left, iter);
- ,*iter++ = tree->value;
- postorder_traverse(tree->right, iter);
- }
- int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- {
- Node<int>* itree = new Node<int>({0, {1, {2}, {3}}, {4, {5}, {6}}});
- std::cout << "Preorder traverse: ";
- preorder_traverse(itree, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Midorder traverse: ";
- midorder_traverse(itree, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Postorder traverse: ";
- postorder_traverse(itree, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, ", "));
- std::cout << std::endl;
- delete itree;
- return 0;
- }
- Delete Node(4).
- Delete Node(6).
- Delete Node(5).
- Delete Node(1).
- Delete Node(3).
- Delete Node(2).
- Preorder traverse: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- Midorder traverse: 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 4, 6,
- Postorder traverse: 2, 1, 3, 0, 5, 4, 6,
- Delete Node(0).
- Delete Node(1).
- Delete Node(2).
- Delete Node(3).
- Delete Node(4).
- Delete Node(5).
- Delete Node(6).
std::pair 与 std::tuple 是 C++ 中的通用工具类型, std::pair 表示会同时出现的变量 对,常用在 map 中。 std::tuple 表示异质元素列,可视为 std::pair 的扩展长度类型, 在 C++98 中通过对不同元素长度的 tuple 进行逐个定义实现, C++11 引入变长参数模板 后就可通过更加简单的方式定义。
- #include <iostream>
- #include <utility>
- #include <tuple>
- int main()
- {
- // 有两种方式构造一个 pair
- // 1. 使用 make_pair 方式进行构造
- auto p1 = std::make_pair(24, "Hello, world!");
- // 2. 使用 pair 的构造函数
- std::pair<int, std::string> p2(24, "Hello, C++!");
- std::string s1, s2;
- // 有三种方式获取 pair 中的元素
- // 1. 使用 first 或 second
- s1 = p1.second;
- // 2. 使用 tuple 的 get 元素方法,从 p1 中取 1 号元素,注意 tuple 不是寻常的容
- // 器因此不允许迭代,也因此 get 是个编译期操作。
- s1 = std::get<1>(p1);
- // 3. 使用 tie 方法构造一个接收器,并用 p2 给其赋值
- // 等价于 std::make_pair<std::ref(i2), std::ref(s2)> = p2;
- std::tie(std::ignore, s2) = p2;
- std::cout << "s1 is " << s1 << std::endl;
- std::cout << "s2 is " << s2 << std::endl;
- }
- s1 is Hello, world!
- s2 is Hello, C++!
std::get 是 <tuple> 头文件定义的一个方法,用于从 tuple 中获取元素。 get 方法是一 个编译期的方法,tuple 也无法像普通容器一样进行迭代,因为 C++ 是强类型静态语言, 而 tuple 又是一个异质列表,编译期必须在编译期确定要取出的元素类型
- #include <iostream>
- #include <utility>
- #include <tuple>
- int main()
- {
- // tuple 的构造与 pair 类似
- auto t1 = std::make_tuple(24, "Hello, world!");
- std::tuple<int, std::string> t2(24, "Hello, C++!");
- // tuple 在比较时使用字典序依次对元素进行比较,但注意与 pair 不同的是 tuple 会
- // 进行类型转换,p1 会由 std::tuple<int, char const*> 类型转换为 std::tuple<int,
- // std::string>
- if (t1 < t2)
- std::cout << "t1 is smaller than t2." << std::endl;
- else
- std::cout << "t2 is smaller than t1." << std::endl;
- }
- t2 is smaller than t1.
tuple 包含一些辅助函数
- #include <iostream>
- #include <tuple>
- #include <utility>
- #include <typeinfo>
- int main()
- {
- int n{};
- auto tt = std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(42, 3,14, "Hello"),
- std::make_pair(24, "world"),
- std::tie(n));
- std::cout << "tt has " << std::tuple_size<decltype(tt)>::value << " elements." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Type of n is " << typeid(std::tuple_element<5, decltype(tt)>::type).name() << std::endl;
- }
- tt has 7 elements.
- Type of n is PKc
- #include <tuple>
- #include <iostream>
- // 打印 tuple 中 IDX 号元素的助手类模板(递归方法)
- template<int IDX, int MAX, typename... Args>
- struct PRINT_TUPLE
- {
- static void print(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<Args...>& t)
- {
- os << std::get<IDX>(t) << (IDX + 1 == MAX ? "" : ", ");
- PRINT_TUPLE<IDX + 1, MAX, Args...>::print(os, t);
- }
- };
- // PRINT_TUPLE 的偏特化模板(递归出口)
- template<int MAX, typename... Args>
- struct PRINT_TUPLE<MAX, MAX, Args...>
- {
- static void print(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<Args...>& t) { }
- };
- // 重载 << 运算符
- template<typename... Args>
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<Args...> t)
- {
- os << "[";
- PRINT_TUPLE<0, sizeof...(Args), Args...>::print(os, t);
- return os << "]";
- }
- int main()
- {
- auto t = std::make_tuple(77, 3.14, "Hello, world!");
- std::cout << t << std::endl;
- }
- [77, 3.14, Hello, world!]
在使用智能指针时,我们可以自己指定使用的 deleter 删除器来指定删除行为
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <string>
- #include <memory>
- int main()
- {
- // 创建一个指向 string 的智能指针,同时指定 deleter
- std::shared_ptr<std::string> nico(new std::string("Nico"),
- [] (std::string* p) {
- std::cout << "delete " << *p << std::endl;
- });
- // 创建一个名字顺序列表
- std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> names;
- // 将名字指针加入列表
- names.push_back(nico);
- names.push_back(nico);
- nico = nullptr;
- }
- delete Nico
另一种情况是在处理 Array 时, shared_ptr 默认的删除器是 delete 而不是 delete[] ,当处理 Array 需要传入自定义的删除器
- // 能通过编译但实际会导致不完全释放
- // std::shared_ptr<int> p(new int[10]);
- // 构造 shared_ptr 的同时指定删除器
- std::shared_ptr<int> p(new int[10], [] (int* p) { delete[] p; });
- // 或者使用为 =unique_ptr= 而提供的辅助函数
- std::shared_ptr<int> q(new int[10], std::default_delete<int[]>());
- // 对于 unique_ptr 我们可以只提供对应元素的类型甚至不用指明长度
- std::unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[10]);
- // 但是对于 shared_ptr 就无法通过编译
- // std::shared_ptr<int[]> p(new int[10]);
- // 另外,对于 unique_ptr 在指明删除器时需要指明第一个模板参数
- std::unique_ptr<int, void(*)(int*)> p(new int[10], [] (int* p) { delete[] p; });
- #include <iostream>
- #include <type_traits>
- // 标准库中所有的类型判别式的产出类型都特化自一个叫 =std::integral_constant= 的模板
- template<typename T, T val>
- struct integral_constant
- {
- static constexpr T value = val;
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef integral_constant<T, value> type;
- constexpr operator value_type() { return value; }
- };
- typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
- typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
- // 定义一个 Person 类
- class Person { std::string name; };
- // 自定义一个 type predicate
- template<typename T>
- struct is_Person
- {
- static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<Person, T>::value;
- typedef is_Person<T> type;
- };
- int main()
- {
- std::cout << is_Person<Person>::value << std::endl;
- }
- 1
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iostream>
- // 在 std::max(const T&, const T&) 外面加了打印包装
- template<typename T>
- const T& max(const T& a, const T& b)
- {
- std::cout << "Use std::max(const T&, const T&);" << std::endl;
- return std::max(a, b);
- }
- // 在 std::max(std::initializer_list<T>) 外面加了打印包装
- template<typename T>
- T max(std::initializer_list<T> initList)
- {
- std::cout << "Use std::max(std::initializer_list<T>);" << std::endl;
- return std::max(initList);
- }
- template<typename T1, typename T2>
- auto max(const T1& a, const T2& b) -> std::common_type_t<T1, T2>
- {
- std::cout << "Use max(const T1& a, const T2& b);" << std::endl;
- return a > b ? a : b;
- }
- // 实现一个变参的 max 函数模板,注意与初始化参数列的区别
- template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
- auto max(Arg arg, Args... args)
- {
- std::cout << "Use auto max(Arg arg, Args... args);" << std::endl;
- return arg > max(args...) ? arg : max(args...);
- }
- int main()
- {
- std::cout << max<int>(1, 2) << std::endl;
- std::cout << max<int>({1, 2, 3}) << std::endl;
- std::cout << max<int, float, double>(1, 2.2, 3.14) << std::endl;
- }
- Use std::max(const T&, const T&);
- 2
- Use std::max(std::initializer_list<T>);
- 3
- Use auto max(Arg arg, Args... args);
- Use max(const T1& a, const T2& b);
- Use max(const T1& a, const T2& b);
- 3.14
标准库内有不同的 std::swap 重载版本,你也可以重载自己的版本
- #include <utility>
- #include <iostream>
- // 在 std::swap(T&, T&b) 外面加了打印包装
- template<typename T>
- inline void swap(T& a, T& b)
- {
- std::cout << "Use std::swap(T&, T&b);" << std::endl;
- std::swap(a, b);
- }
- // 在 std::swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]) 外面加了打印包装
- template<typename T, size_t N>
- void swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N])
- {
- std::cout << "Use std::swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]);" << std::endl;
- std::swap(a, b);
- }
- int main()
- {
- int ia = 1;
- int ib = 2;
- int iarra[3] = {1, 2, 3};
- int iarrb[3] = {4, 5, 6};
- swap(ia, ib);
- swap(iarra, iarrb);
- }
- Use std::swap(T&, T&b);
- Use std::swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]);
std::ratio 可以实现编译期约分
- #include <ratio>
- #include <iostream>
- int main()
- {
- // 定义一个分数类型
- using FiveThirds = std::ratio<5, 3>;
- std::cout << FiveThirds::num << "/" << FiveThirds::den << std::endl;
- // 分数会在编译期约分
- using Two = std::ratio<30, 15>;
- std::cout << Two::num << "/" << Two::den << std::endl;
- // 两分数相加
- using ElevenThirds = std::ratio_add<FiveThirds, Two>;
- std::cout << ElevenThirds::num << "/" << ElevenThirds::den << std::endl;
- // 使用预定义的 ratio 单位
- std::cout << "1 TB = " << std::tera::num << " Bytes." << std::endl;
- }
- 5/3
- 2/1
- 11/3
- 1 TB = 1000000000000 Bytes.
chrono 库中常用的 duration 表示
- #include <chrono>
- int main()
- {
- // chrono 使用一个数值和一个 tick 大小表示一个 duration
- std::chrono::duration<int> twentySeconds(20);
- std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<60>> halfMinute(0.5);
- std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<1, 1000>> oneMillisecond(1);
- // 或者使用 chrono 库中定义的常用时间单位
- std::chrono::seconds tenSeconds(10);
- std::chrono::hours aDay(24);
- }
- #include <chrono>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std::chrono;
- int main()
- {
- // 计算一天有多少秒
- seconds secondsInADay(hours(24));
- std::cout << secondsInADay.count() << " seconds in a day." << std::endl;
- // 计算一天过去 1 小时 15 分钟 35 秒后还剩余多少时间
- hours aDay(24);
- seconds remain(aDay);
- remain = remain - hours(1) - minutes(15) - seconds(35);
- std::cout << remain.count() << " seconds remains." << std::endl;
- }
- 86400 seconds in a day.
- 81865 seconds remains.
上面代码块中的 std::chrono::duration::count 正是 Duration 的一个操作,用于返回一 个时间段对应 tick 单位的计数,可利用它实现打印一个 Duration
- #include <chrono>
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std::chrono;
- // 重载 std::chrono::duration 的 << 运算符
- template<typename C, typename R>
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, duration<C, R> d)
- {
- return os << "[" << d.count() << " of " << R::num << "/" << R::den << "]";
- }
- int main()
- {
- milliseconds d(42);
- std::cout << d << std::endl;
- hours day(24);
- std::cout << day << std::endl;
- }
- [42 of 1/1000]
- [24 of 3600/1]