- go get github.com/gookit/gcli/v3
- package main
- import (
- "runtime"
- "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3"
- "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3/_examples/cmd"
- )
- // 测试运行: go run ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp
- func main() {
- app := gcli.NewApp()
- app.Version = "1.0.3"
- app.Desc = "this is my cli application"
- // app.SetVerbose(gcli.VerbDebug)
- app.Add(cmd.Example)
- app.Add(&gcli.Command{
- Name: "demo",
- // allow color tag and {$cmd} will be replace to 'demo'
- Desc: "this is a description <info>message</> for command",
- Aliases: []string{"dm"},
- Func: func (cmd *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
- gcli.Println("hello, in the demo command")
- return nil
- },
- })
- // .... add more ...
- app.Run()
- }
先使用本项目下的 demo 示例代码构建一个小的cli demo应用
- % go build ./_examples/cliapp.go
- % ./cliapp --version
- # or use -V
- % ./cliapp -V
使用 ./cliapp 或者 ./cliapp -h 来显示应用的帮助信息,包含所有的可用命令和一些全局选项
- ./cliapp
- ./cliapp -h # can also
- ./cliapp --help # can also
- ./cliapp {command} -h
- ./cliapp {command} --help
- ./cliapp help {command}
- ./cliapp ex -c some.txt -d ./dir --id 34 -n tom -n john val0 val1 val2 arrVal0 arrVal1 arrVal2
- import "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3/builtin"
- // ...
- // 添加内置提供的生成命令
- app.Add(builtin.GenAutoComplete())
- % go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp genac -h // 使用帮助
- % go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp genac // 开始生成, 你将会看到类似的信息
- {shell:zsh binName:cliapp output:auto-completion.zsh}
- Now, will write content to file auto-completion.zsh
- Continue? [yes|no](default yes): y
- OK, auto-complete file generate successful
运行后就会在当前目录下生成一个 auto-completion.{zsh|bash} 文件, shell 环境名是自动获取的。当然你可以在运行时手动指定
生成的shell script 文件请参看:
- app.Add(&gcli.Command{
- Name: "demo",
- // allow color tag and {$cmd} will be replace to 'demo'
- Desc: "this is a description <info>message</> for command",
- Aliases: []string{"dm"},
- Func: func (cmd *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
- gcli.Print("hello, in the demo command\n")
- return nil
- },
- })
the source file at: example.go
- package cmd
- import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/gookit/color"
- "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3"
- )
- // options for the command
- var exampleOpts = struct {
- id int
- c string
- dir string
- opt string
- names gcli.Strings
- }{}
- // ExampleCommand command definition
- var ExampleCommand = &gcli.Command{
- Name: "example",
- Desc: "this is a description message",
- Aliases: []string{"exp", "ex"}, // 命令别名
- // {$binName} {$cmd} is help vars. '{$cmd}' will replace to 'example'
- Examples: `{$binName} {$cmd} --id 12 -c val ag0 ag1
- <cyan>{$fullCmd} --names tom --names john -n c</> test use special option`,
- Config: func(c *gcli.Command) {
- // 绑定命令选项信息
- c.IntOpt(&exampleOpts.id, "id", "", 2, "the id option")
- c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.c, "config", "c", "value", "the config option")
- // notice `DIRECTORY` will replace to option value type
- c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.dir, "dir", "d", "", "the `DIRECTORY` option")
- // 支持设置选项短名称
- c.StrOpt(&exampleOpts.opt, "opt", "o", "", "the option message")
- // 支持绑定自定义变量, 但必须实现 flag.Value 接口
- c.VarOpt(&exampleOpts.names, "names", "n", "the option message")
- // 绑定命令参数信息,按参数位置绑定
- c.AddArg("arg0", "the first argument, is required", true)
- c.AddArg("arg1", "the second argument, is required", true)
- c.AddArg("arg2", "the optional argument, is optional")
- c.AddArg("arrArg", "the array argument, is array", false, true)
- },
- Func: exampleExecute,
- }
- // 命令执行主逻辑代码
- // example run:
- // go run ./_examples/cliapp.go ex -c some.txt -d ./dir --id 34 -n tom -n john val0 val1 val2 arrVal0 arrVal1 arrVal2
- func exampleExecute(c *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
- fmt.Print("hello, in example command\n")
- magentaln := color.Magenta.Println
- magentaln("All options:")
- fmt.Printf("%+v\n", exampleOpts)
- magentaln("Raw args:")
- fmt.Printf("%v\n", args)
- magentaln("Get arg by name:")
- arr := c.Arg("arrArg")
- fmt.Printf("named array arg '%s', value: %v\n", arr.Name, arr.Value)
- magentaln("All named args:")
- for _, arg := range c.Args() {
- fmt.Printf("named arg '%s': %+v\n", arg.Name, *arg)
- }
- return nil
- }
- go build ./_examples/cliapp.go && ./cliapp example -h
- BoolOpt(p *bool, name, shorts string, defValue bool, desc string)
- BoolVar(p *bool, meta FlagMeta)
- Float64Opt(p *float64, name, shorts string, defValue float64, desc string)
- Float64Var(p *float64, meta FlagMeta)
- Int64Opt(p *int64, name, shorts string, defValue int64, desc string)
- Int64Var(p *int64, meta FlagMeta)
- IntOpt(p *int, name, shorts string, defValue int, desc string)
- IntVar(p *int, meta FlagMeta)
- StrOpt(p *string, name, shorts, defValue, desc string)
- StrVar(p *string, meta FlagMeta)
- Uint64Opt(p *uint64, name, shorts string, defValue uint64, desc string)
- Uint64Var(p *uint64, meta FlagMeta)
- UintOpt(p *uint, name, shorts string, defValue uint, desc string)
- UintVar(p *uint, meta FlagMeta)
- Var(p flag.Value, meta FlagMeta)
- VarOpt(p flag.Value, name, shorts, desc string)
Usage examples:
- var id int
- var b bool
- var opt, dir string
- var f1 float64
- var names gcli.Strings
- // bind options
- cmd.IntOpt(&id, "id", "", 2, "the id option")
- cmd.BoolOpt(&b, "bl", "b", false, "the bool option")
- // notice `DIRECTORY` will replace to option value type
- cmd.StrOpt(&dir, "dir", "d", "", "the `DIRECTORY` option")
- // setting option name and short-option name
- cmd.StrOpt(&opt, "opt", "o", "", "the option message")
- // setting a special option var, it must implement the flag.Value interface
- cmd.VarOpt(&names, "names", "n", "the option message")
- Add(arg Argument) *Argument
- AddArg(name, desc string, requiredAndIsArray ...bool) *Argument
- AddArgument(arg *Argument) *Argument
- BindArg(arg Argument) *Argument
- cmd.AddArg("arg0", "the first argument, is required", true)
- cmd.AddArg("arg1", "the second argument, is required", true)
- cmd.AddArg("arg2", "the optional argument, is optional")
- cmd.AddArg("arrArg", "the array argument, is array", false, true)
也可以使用 Add()/BindArg():
- cmd.Add("arg0", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "ag0",
- Desc: "the first argument, is required",
- Require: true,
- })
- cmd.BindArg("arg0", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "ag0",
- Desc: "the second argument, is required",
- Require: true,
- })
- cmd.Add("arg2", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "ag0",
- Desc: "the third argument, is is optional",
- })
- cmd.BindArg("arrArg", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "arrArg",
- Desc: "the third argument, is is array",
- IsArray: true,
- })
可以通过 c.Arg(name string) *gcli.Argument 获取参数,通过上面内置的方法可以将参数转换文常用的数据类型
- var MyCommand = &gcli.Command{
- Name: "example",
- Desc: "this is an example command",
- Config: func(c *gcli.Command) {
- cmd.BindArg("arg0", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "ag0",
- Desc: "the first argument, is required",
- Require: true,
- })
- cmd.Add("arg1", gcli.Argument{
- Name: "ag1",
- Desc: "the second argument, is is optional",
- })
- },
- Func: func(c *gcli.Command, args []string) error {
- arg0 := c.Arg("arg0").String()
- arg1 := c.Arg("arg1").Int()
- fmt.Println(arg0, arg1)
- return nil
- },
- }
progress.Bar 通用的进度条
Demo: ./cliapp prog bar
progress.Txt 文本进度条
Demo: ./cliapp%20prog%20txt
progress.LoadBar 加载中
- [=== ] -> [ === ] -> [ === ]
- package main
- import "time"
- import "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3/progress"
- func main() {
- speed := 100
- maxSteps := 110
- p := progress.Bar(maxSteps)
- p.Start()
- for i := 0; i < maxSteps; i++ {
- time.Sleep(time.Duration(speed) * time.Millisecond)
- p.Advance()
- }
- p.Finish()
- }
更多示例和使用请看 progress_demo.go
- go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog txt
- go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog bar
- go run ./_examples/cliapp.go prog roundTrip
- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/gookit/gcli/v3/interact"
- )
- func main() {
- username, _ := interact.ReadLine("Your name?")
- password := interact.ReadPassword("Your password?")
- ok := interact.Confirm("ensure continue?")
- if !ok {
- // do something...
- }
- fmt.Printf("username: %s, password: %s\n", username, password)
- }
- ans, _ := interact.ReadLine("Your name? ")
- if ans != "" {
- color.Println("Your input: ", ans)
- } else {
- color.Cyan.Println("No input!")
- }
- ans := interact.SelectOne(
- "Your city name(use array)?",
- []string{"chengdu", "beijing", "shanghai"},
- "",
- )
- color.Comment.Println("your select is: ", ans)
- ans := interact.MultiSelect(
- "Your city name(use array)?",
- []string{"chengdu", "beijing", "shanghai"},
- nil,
- )
- color.Comment.Println("your select is: ", ans)
- if interact.Confirm("Ensure continue") {
- fmt.Println(emoji.Render(":smile: Confirmed"))
- } else {
- color.Warn.Println("Unconfirmed")
- }
- pwd := interact.ReadPassword()
- color.Comment.Println("your input password is: ", pwd)
更多示例和使用请看 interact_demo.go
颜色输出使用 gookit/color 支持在windows cmd.exe powerShell 环境
- package main
- import (
- "github.com/gookit/color"
- )
- func main() {
- // simple usage
- color.Cyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
- // internal theme/style:
- color.Info.Tips("message")
- color.Info.Prompt("message")
- color.Info.Println("message")
- color.Warn.Println("message")
- color.Error.Println("message")
- // custom color
- color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack).Println("custom color style")
- // can also:
- color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")
- // use defined color tag
- color.Print("use color tag: <suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>\n")
- // use custom color tag
- color.Print("custom color tag: <fg=yellow;bg=black;op=underscore;>hello, welcome</>\n")
- // set a style tag
- color.Tag("info").Println("info style text")
- // prompt message
- color.Info.Prompt("prompt style message")
- color.Warn.Prompt("prompt style message")
- // tips message
- color.Info.Tips("tips style message")
- color.Warn.Tips("tips style message")
- }
- // 仅设置前景色
- color.FgCyan.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
- // 仅设置背景色
- color.BgRed.Printf("Simple to use %s\n", "color")
- // 完全自定义 前景色 背景色 选项
- style := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgBlack, color.OpBold)
- style.Println("custom color style")
- // can also:
- color.Style{color.FgCyan, color.OpBold}.Println("custom color style")
- color.Bold.Println("bold message")
- color.Yellow.Println("yellow message")
- color.Info.Println("Info message")
- color.Success.Println("Success message")
同样 支持 在windows cmd.exe powerShell 使用颜色标签
- // 使用内置的 color tag
- color.Print("<suc>he</><comment>llo</>, <cyan>wel</><red>come</>")
- color.Println("<suc>hello</>")
- color.Println("<error>hello</>")
- color.Println("<warning>hello</>")
- // 自定义颜色属性
- color.Print("<fg=yellow;bg=black;op=underscore;>hello, welcome</>\n")
更多关于颜色库的使用请访问 gookit/color
github 地址:https://github.com/gookit/gcli