- type I1 interface { Val1() string }
- type I2 interface { Val2() string }
- type T struct {}
- func (t *T) Val1() string { return "t val1" }
- func (t *T) Val2() string { return "t val2" }
- type Wrapper struct {I1}
- t := T{}
- wrap := Wrapper { t }
问题是:通过 wrap 可以直接访问I1接口定义的方法,但是传递的对象t也实现了I2接口,但是无法通过 wrap 访问I2的接口方法:
- wrap.Val1() // OK!
- t.(I2).Val2() // OK!
- wrap.(I2).Val2() // Panic!
有什么办法能让 wrap.(I2).Val2() 可以干活不?
于是 golang adapter interface 谷歌一番,得到一些结果:
proposal: Go 2: interface adapter types 说明 go 目前还不直接指出这种使用方式,有人在提 proposal,但是被关闭了(拒了),俱乐不要紧,评论信息还是值得看一下的
Interface wrapping method erasure(link:https://medium.com/@cep21/interface-wrapping-method-erasure-c523b3549912)
- // WrapWriter wraps an http.ResponseWriter, returning a proxy that allows you to
- // hook into various parts of the response process.
- func WrapWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) WriterProxy {
- _, cn := w.(http.CloseNotifier)
- _, fl := w.(http.Flusher)
- _, hj := w.(http.Hijacker)
- _, rf := w.(io.ReaderFrom)
- bw := basicWriter{ResponseWriter: w}
- if cn && fl && hj && rf {
- return &fancyWriter{bw}
- }
- if fl {
- return &flushWriter{bw}
- }
- return &bw
- }