- #!/bin/bash
- echo "auto start test.sh!"
- service test /system/app/test.sh
- class main
- user root
- group root
- on property:sys.boot_completed=1
- start test
- LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
- include $(CLEAR_VARS)
- $(shell cp -af $(LOCAL_PATH)/test.sh $(TARGET_OUT)/app)
- $(shell cp -af $(LOCAL_PATH)/test.rc $(TARGET_OUT)/etc/init)
- static const struct fs_path_config android_files[] = {
- //省略其他不相关权限配置
- { 00755, AID_ROOT, AID_SHELL, 0, "system/app/*"},//给/system/app下的文件赋予755权限
- //省略其他不相关权限配置
- };
按照第3节步骤操作完成后,通过adb shell指令,查看日志,如下:
- test:/ $ cd system/app
- test:/system/app $ ls -l
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell 26 2022-02-09 20:13 test.sh
- test:/system/app $ logcat |grep test.sh
- 01-01 08:00:16.657 0 0 E init : Could not start service 'test' as part of class 'main': File /system/app/test.sh(labeled "u:object_r:system_file:s0") has incorrect label or no domain transition from u:r:init:s0 to another SELinux domain defined. Have you configured your service correctly? https://source.android.com/security/selinux/device-policy#label_new_services_and_address_denials
- 02-10 11:10:22.710 0 0 I init : Command 'start test' action=sys.boot_completed=1 (/system/etc/init/test.rc:7) took 0ms and failed: Could not start service: File /system/app/test.sh(labeled "u:object_r:system_file:s0") has incorrect label or no domain transition from u:r:init:s0 to another SELinux domain defined. Have you configured your service correctly? https://source.android.com/security/selinux/device-policy#label_new_services_and_address_denials