# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Oct 19 07:39:48 2021
@author: chenxy
import sys
import time
import datetime
import math
# import random
from typing import List
from collections import deque
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
H = 5 # Height, vertical
W = 6 # Width, horizontal
# seats initialization, with a guard band surrounding the original seats
# The guard band is initialized to '-1' to simplify the judgement processing.
seats = np.zeros((H+2, W+2))
seats[0,:] = -1
seats[H+1,:] = -1
seats[:,0] = -1
seats[:,W+1] = -1
count = 0
def isNG(h,w):
if seats[h,w] == -1:
return False
return (seats[h+1,w]==seats[h,w] or seats[h+1,w]==-1) and \
(seats[h-1,w]==seats[h,w] or seats[h-1,w]==-1) and \
(seats[h,w+1]==seats[h,w] or seats[h,w+1]==-1) and \
(seats[h,w-1]==seats[h,w] or seats[h,w-1]==-1)
def arrange_seat(h,w, boy, girl)->int:
(h,w) : The current exploration point.
h represents row index, w represents col index.
Returns: int
The number of total arrangement starting from the point (h,w), together
with the current seats status, which is a global variable
global count
# print('h = {0}, w = {1}'.format(h,w))
if h == H + 1:
if boy == girl:
count = count + 1
# print(seats)
elif w == W + 1: # Go to the next row.
# Reach the right boundary, go to explore the next row from the left
arrange_seat(h+1, 1, boy, girl)
# elif seats[h,w] > 0:
# # This grid has been occupied, move to the right one
# arrange_seat(h, w+1)
# Try to arrange boy to the current seat(h,w)
seats[h,w] = 1
if not (isNG(h-1,w) or isNG(h,w-1) or isNG(h,w)):
arrange_seat(h,w+1, boy+1, girl)
seats[h,w] = 0
# Try to arrange girl to the current seat(h,w)
seats[h,w] = 2
if not (isNG(h-1,w) or isNG(h,w-1) or isNG(h,w)):
arrange_seat(h,w+1, boy, girl+1)
seats[h,w] = 0
tStart = time.perf_counter()
arrange_seat(1, 1, 0, 0)
tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
print('count = {0}, tCost = {1:6.3f}(sec)'.format(count,tCost))
[3,4]: count = 354, tCost = 0.014(sec)
[4,5]: count = 34874, tCost = 1.649(sec)
[5,6]: count = 13374192, tCost = 803.130(sec)