def is_valid_maze(maze):
Check the reachability from [1,1] to [N,N], using BFS algorithm
start = (1,1)
target = (N,N)
curMaze = maze.copy()
s = deque() # Used as stack, LIFO
is_valid = False
while len(s) > 0:
cur = s.pop()
if cur == target:
is_valid = True
# print(cur)
curMaze[cur[0],cur[1]] = 0 # Flag it to indicate that it has already been visited.
if curMaze[cur[0]-1,cur[1]] == 1: # Up grid
if curMaze[cur[0]+1,cur[1]] == 1: # Down grid
if curMaze[cur[0],cur[1]-1] == 1: # Left grid
if curMaze[cur[0],cur[1]+1] == 1: # Right grid
return is_valid
def move(A, prev_dir):
prev_dir: 0:down, 1: right, 2: up; 3: left
if prev_dir == 0: # down
if maze[A[0],A[1]-1] == 1: # A left
A = [A[0],A[1]-1]
A_dir = 3
elif maze[A[0]+1,A[1]] == 1: # A down
A = [A[0]+1,A[1]]
A_dir = 0
elif maze[A[0],A[1]+1] == 1: # A right
A = [A[0],A[1]+1]
A_dir = 1
else: #if maze[A[0]-1,A[1]] == 1: # A up
A = [A[0]-1,A[1]]
A_dir = 2
elif prev_dir == 1: # right
if maze[A[0]+1,A[1]] == 1: # A down
A = [A[0]+1,A[1]]
A_dir = 0
elif maze[A[0],A[1]+1] == 1: # A right
A = [A[0],A[1]+1]
A_dir = 1
elif maze[A[0]-1,A[1]] == 1: # A up
A = [A[0]-1,A[1]]
A_dir = 2
else: #if maze[A[0],A[1]-1] == 1: # A left
A = [A[0],A[1]-1]
A_dir = 3
elif prev_dir == 2: # up
if maze[A[0],A[1]+1] == 1: # A right
A = [A[0],A[1]+1]
A_dir = 1
elif maze[A[0]-1,A[1]] == 1: # A up
A = [A[0]-1,A[1]]
A_dir = 2
elif maze[A[0],A[1]-1] == 1: # A left
A = [A[0],A[1]-1]
A_dir = 3
else: #if maze[A[0]+1,A[1]] == 1: # A down
A = [A[0]+1,A[1]]
A_dir = 0
elif prev_dir == 3: # left
if maze[A[0]-1,A[1]] == 1: # A up
A = [A[0]-1,A[1]]
A_dir = 2
elif maze[A[0],A[1]-1] == 1: # A left
A = [A[0],A[1]-1]
A_dir = 3
elif maze[A[0]+1,A[1]] == 1: # A down
A = [A[0]+1,A[1]]
A_dir = 0
else: #if maze[A[0],A[1]+1] == 1: # A right
A = [A[0],A[1]+1]
A_dir = 1
return A, A_dir
def meet_or_not(maze):
A starts from [1,1], B starts from [N,N]
Can they meet at some grid, by reaching there at the same time?
A = [1,1]
B = [N,N]
A_dir = 3 # 0:down, 1: right, 2: up; 3: left
B_dir = 1
while 1:
# print('meet_or_not: ', A, B)
A, A_dir = move(A, A_dir)
B, B_dir = move(B, B_dir)
if A==B:
# print('meet_or_not(maze) with {0}: Can meet'.format(maze))
return True
#if (A == [1,1]) or (A == [N,N]) or (B == [1,1]) or (B == [N,N]):
if (A == [N,N]) or (B == [1,1]):
# print('meet_or_not(maze) with \n{0}: Cannot meet'.format(maze))
return False
if (A == [1,1]) or (A == [N,N]) or (B == [1,1]) or (B == [N,N]):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Oct 24 13:34:24 2021
@author: chenxy
import sys
import time
import datetime
import math
# import random
from typing import List
from collections import deque
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
def is_valid_maze(maze):
Check the reachability from [1,1] to [N,N], using BFS algorithm
def move(A, prev_dir):
prev_dir: 0:down, 1: right, 2: up; 3: left
def meet_or_not(maze):
A starts from [1,1], B starts from [N,N]
Can they meet at some grid, by reaching there at the same time?
# # test meet_or_not()
# N = 4
# maze = np.zeros((N+2, N+2))
# maze[1,1] = 1
# maze[1,3] = 1
# maze[2,1:5] = 1
# maze[3,1] = 1
# maze[3,3] = 1
# maze[4,2:5] = 1
# print(maze)
# print(meet_or_not(maze))
tStart = time.perf_counter()
N = 5
count = 0
item_cnt = 0
for item in it.product([0,1],repeat=N**2):
item_cnt += 1
if item_cnt%100000 == 0:
print('item_cnt = {0}'.format(item_cnt))
if item[0]==0 or item[N*N-1]==0:
# The left-top and right-down corners must not be wall.
# print(item)
# Maze initialization
# Assuming, '0' represents wall; '1' represent passage
# Add guard for easy judge, and guard is also initialized to '0'
maze = np.zeros((N+2, N+2))
for k in range(N):
for j in range(N):
maze[k+1,j+1] = item[k*N+j]
# Judge whether this maze is valid
if not is_valid_maze(maze):
# Not a valid maze, skip the following processing, go to the next
# print(maze, 'invalid')
# For a valid maze, decide whether A and B can meet
if meet_or_not(maze):
count = count + 1
tCost = time.perf_counter() - tStart
print('N={0}, count = {1}, tCost = {2:6.3f}(sec)'.format(N,count,tCost))
运行结果:N=5, count = 660148, tCost = 200.357(sec)