- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Thu Oct 7 10:31:11 2021
- @author: chenxy
- """
- import sys
- import time
- import datetime
- import math
- import random
- from typing import List
- # from queue import Queue
- from collections import deque
- import itertools as it
- import numpy as np
- def baseM_toGray(M: int, N: int, value: int) -> List:
- '''
- Parameters
- ----------
- M : int. Base
- N : int. Number of digits
- value : int. Natural decimal value of the input data
- Returns
- -------
- List
- The base-M gray code representation.
- [0]: The most siginificant digit
- [-1]: The least siginificant digit
- '''
- # Generate the normal base-M representation of value
- baseM = N * [0]
- for i in range(N-1,-1,-1):
- baseM[i] = value % M
- value = value //M
- # Convert the normal baseM number into the Gray code equivalent.
- # Note that, the loop starts at the most significant digit and goes down.
- gray = N * [0]
- shift = 0
- i = 0
- while i <= N-1:
- # The Gray digit gets shifted down by the sum of the higher digits.
- gray[i] = (baseM[i] + shift) % M
- shift = shift + M - gray[i]; # Subtract from base so shift is positive
- i = i + 1
- return gray
- def cyclicSteps(M: int, N: int, start: int)->int:
- cur = start
- step = 0
- while 1:
- step = step + 1
- curGray = baseM_toGray(M,N,cur)
- # print(curGray)
- # Take curGray as normal baseM representation and calulate its value
- cur = 0
- scale = 1
- for k in range(N-1,-1,-1):
- cur = cur + curGray[k] * scale
- scale = scale * M
- if cur == start:
- break
- return step
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- M = 16
- N = 6
- start = 0x808080
- step = cyclicSteps(M,N,start)
- print('start = 0x{0:6x}, step = {1}'.format(start,step))
- start = 0xABCDEF
- step = cyclicSteps(M,N,start)
- print('start = 0x{0:6x}, step = {1}'.format(start,step))
start = 0x808080, step = 8
start = 0xabcdef, step = 64