有A,B,C这三个大小各不相同的玻璃杯。从A杯装满水、B和C空杯的状态开始,不断地从一个杯子倒到其它杯子里去。假设不能使用任何辅助测量工具,且倒水时只能倒到这个杯子变为空,或者目标杯子变为满。重复这样的倒水操作,使A杯剩余水量是最初的一般。举个例子,如果A、B、C的初始容量分别为8、5、3,则可以通过以下操作序列使得A的水量变为4:(A to B), (B to C), (C to A), (B to C), (A to B), (B to C), (C to A)。读者可以自行手动演算验证。
与单纯的深度优先搜索(for reachability judge only)不同的是,本类问题需要搜索所有可能的路径(呃。。。后来发现我误解了题目,主动提高了解题要求,不过油多不坏菜,就按‘误解’后的扩展版本来解吧,反正扩展版本包含了原题的答案),不同路径有可能共享一部分的节点或者甚至一部分edge。所以在搜索过程中需要记住当前搜索路径的历史,而不是一个全局的visited,因为只用于防止本路径形成环路。每条路径的搜索需要维护自己的路径历史。
在本题解中,用python dict来存储路径历史。但是由于python dict不能使用list作为key,所以将表示状态的列表[a,b,c]转换为tuple后再用作dict的key。那为什么不直接用tuple表示节点/状态呢?这是因为tuple的值不能修改,对于在处理过程需要更新状态值时不太方便。当然这些都不过是细枝末节。
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Wed Sep 1 07:34:21 2021
- @author: chenxy
- """
- import sys
- import time
- import datetime
- import math
- # import random
- from typing import List
- # from queue import Queue
- # from collections import deque
- class Solution:
- def pourWaterGame(self, capacity:List) -> int:
- """
- :A: The Capacity of cup A
- :B: The Capacity of cup B
- :C: The Capacity of cup C
- :ret: The total number of possibale combinations
- """
- # capacity = (A,B,C)
- pathHistory = {}
- initState = [capacity[0],0,0]
- def pourWater(curstate, fromCup, toCup):
- """
- pour warter from cup X to cup Y.
- Because curstate is pass-by-reference argument, to avoid it is modified,
- it should be firstly copied to newstate, and then update newstate.
- Because in the recursiion, the original 'curstate' has its use after return
- from this call.
- """
- newstate = curstate.copy() # instead of newstate = curstate!
- x = newstate[fromCup]
- y = newstate[toCup]
- Y = capacity[toCup]
- if x > 0 and y < Y:
- if x+y <= Y:
- x,y = 0,x+y
- else:
- x,y = x+y-Y,Y
- newstate[fromCup] = x
- newstate[toCup] = y
- return newstate
- def explore(pathHistory, curstate):
- # Judge whether reach the target state
- if curstate[0] == A/2:
- return 1
- # Add curstate to pathHistory
- pathHistory[tuple(curstate)] = ''
- nums = 0
- # A --> B
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 0,1)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- # A --> C
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 0,2)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- # B --> C
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 1,2)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- # B --> A
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 1,0)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- # C --> A
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 2,0)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- # C --> B
- newstate = pourWater(curstate, 2,1)
- if tuple(newstate) not in pathHistory:
- nums += explore(pathHistory,newstate)
- pathHistory.pop(tuple(curstate))
- return nums
- return explore(pathHistory,initState)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sln = Solution()
- numCombination = 0
- for A in range(10,101,2):
- for C in range(1,A//2): # Because it is assumed that B>C
- B = A - C
- if math.gcd(B,C) == 1:
- tStart = time.time()
- ans = sln.pourWaterGame([A,B,C])
- if ans > 0:
- numCombination += 1
- tCost = time.time() - tStart
- print('[A,B,C]=[{0},{1},{2}], ans={3}, tCost = {4:6.3f}(sec)'.format(A,B,C,ans,tCost))
- print('numCombination={0}'.format(numCombination))
[A,B,C]=[100,57,43], ans=199, tCost = 0.104(sec)
[A,B,C]=[100,53,47], ans=199, tCost = 0.097(sec)
[A,B,C]=[100,51,49], ans=199, tCost = 0.086(sec)