这是一道线性规划(Linear Programming)问题。
More generally, 令所需要兑换的纸币记为money,可用的硬币以数组形式(降序排列)表示为coins,最多允许的硬币数为maxNum。记f(money, coins, maxNum)表示符合题设要求的组合数。
首先考虑最大面值的硬币coins[0](假定coins中按降序排列)的使用。很显然,coins[0]最少可以用0枚(即不同),最多可以用 枚,据此可以把问题分解为若干个更“小”的子问题来求解。由此可以得到以下递推关系式:
Baseline cases或者说边界条件如下:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Aug 23 08:35:32 2021
@author: chenxy
import sys
import time
import random
from math import gcd, sqrt, ceil
from typing import List
# from queue import Queue
class Solution:
def coinChange(self, money:int, coins:List, maxNum: int)->int:
:money: The money value to be changed into coins
:coins: Candiate coins in decreasing value order
:ret: The number of the solutions
# print('money={0}, coins={1}, maxNum={2}'.format(money,coins,maxNum))
# Boundary cases
if money == 0:
return 1
if len(coins) == 0:
return 0
# If money is less than the smallest coin, then the change is unsuccessful
if money < coins[-1]:
return 0
# Cannot be changed into no larger than maxNum coins
if ceil(money/coins[0]) > maxNum:
return 0
nums = 0
for k in range(money//coins[0]+1):
nums += self.coinChange(money-k*coins[0], coins[1:], maxNum-k)
return nums
if __name__ == '__main__':
sln = Solution()
money = 1000
coins = [500,100,50,10] # In decreasing value order
maxNum= 15
tStart = time.time()
nums = sln.coinChange(money, coins, maxNum)
tCost = time.time() - tStart
print('maney = {0}, coins = {1}, nums = {2}, tCost = {3}(sec)'.format(money,coins,nums,tCost))
money = 1000, coins = [500, 100, 50, 10], nums = 20, tCost = 0.0(sec)