在任意4个数字(0,1,2,…,9)构成的数字序列每两个数字之间中插入四则运算符{+, -, *, /}或者不插入,计算由此得到该算式的结果。
例1:’1+2-3*4’ = -9
例2:’1+23*4’ = 93, 此例中,2与3之间没有插入运算符,因此构成一个两位数
为了避免一些trivial solution,把10的倍数都排除在外,这样确保算式评估结果以及逆序数仍然为有效的四位数。
算式的构成就是构造不同的将运算符插入数字之间的组合,可以把空字符(注意,不是说white-space,而是说长度为0的字符串“”)也看成是一个运算符,插入空字符也就相当于是不插入。这样总共就有5个运算符:{‘+’, ‘-’, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘’},而四个数字构成的序列中共有3个位置可以插入,再扣除不能插入三个空字符‘’,因此总共有5^3-1=124种组合。
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Thu Aug 20 08:55:36 2021
- @author: chenxy
- """
- import time
- import random
- # from queue import Queue
- from typing import List
- from collections import deque
- class Solution:
- def exprEval(self, expr: str) -> int:
- """
- :expr: A string representing a fundamental expression to be evaluated
- :
- :ret: return the evaluation result
- """
- q = deque()
- k = 0
- # Handling of multi-digit number
- prev_is_digit = False
- while k < len(expr):
- a = expr[k]
- if a.isdigit():
- if prev_is_digit:
- q.append(int(a) + 10*q.pop())
- else:
- q.append(int(a))
- prev_is_digit = True
- else:
- prev_is_digit = False
- q.append(a)
- k = k + 1
- # Handling of '*' and '/'
- # print(q)
- q1 = deque()
- while len(q) > 0:
- a = q.popleft()
- if a == '*':
- rslt = q1.pop() * q.popleft()
- q1.append(rslt)
- elif a == '/':
- d = q.popleft()
- if d != 0:
- rslt = q1.pop() // d # Currently, assuming only integer division here
- else:
- return float('inf')
- q1.append(rslt)
- else: #if isinstance(a,int) is True:
- q1.append(a)
- # Now, there should be only digits and '+', '-' left in the queue
- # print(q1)
- rslt = 0
- while len(q1) > 0:
- a = q1.popleft()
- if a == '+':
- rslt = rslt + int(q1.popleft())
- elif a == '-':
- rslt = rslt - int(q1.popleft())
- else: #if isinstance(a,int):
- rslt = a
- # print(rslt)
- return rslt
- def op_combination(self) -> List:
- op = ['+', '-', '*', '/','']
- ans = []
- for num in range(1000,10000):
- if (num % 10) == 0:
- continue
- numReverse = int(str(num)[::-1])
- # print('num = {0}, numReverse = {1}'.format(num,numReverse))
- for k1 in range(len(op)):
- for k2 in range(len(op)):
- for k3 in range(len(op)):
- if not(k1==4 and k2==4 and k3==4):
- numStr = str(num)
- expr = numStr[0] + op[k1] + numStr[1] + op[k2] + numStr[2] + op[k3] + numStr[3]
- rslt = self.exprEval(expr)
- if numReverse == rslt:
- print('num={0}, numReverse={1}, expr={2}, rslt={3}'.format(num,numReverse,expr,rslt))
- ans.append([num,op[k1],op[k2],op[k3]])
- return ans
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sln = Solution()
- # First, test exprEval()
- # expr = '1+2'
- # print(expr, ' = ', sln.exprEval(expr))
- # expr = '1+2-4*5'
- # print(expr, ' = ', sln.exprEval(expr))
- # expr = '3*5+4-9'
- # print(expr, ' = ', sln.exprEval(expr))
- # expr = '3*2+4/2'
- # print(expr, ' = ', sln.exprEval(expr))
- # expr = '59*31'
- # print(expr, ' = ', sln.exprEval(expr))
- # Sendondly, test op_combination()
- t1 = time.monotonic()
- ans = sln.op_combination()
- t2 = time.monotonic()
- print('ans = {0}, tCost = {1}'.format(ans,(t2-t1)))
num=5931, numReverse=1395, expr=5*9*31, rslt=1395
ans = [[5931, '*', '*', '']], tCost = 4.219000000040978