- pip install scapy
- from scapy.all import *
- #为了省事,直接import *,你也可以根据你的需求去导入你想用到的
- pcaps = sniff(filter="",iface="any", prn=function, count="")
- #filter的规则使用 Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF)语法
- #iface用来指定要在哪个网络接口上进行抓包(通常不指定即所有网络接口)
- #prn指定回调函数,每当一个符合filter的报文被探测到时,就会执行回调函数,通常使用lambda表达式来写回调函数
- #count指定最多嗅探多少个报文(是指符合filter条件的报文,而非所有报文)
例如:filter="ip src www.baidu.com" 获取源地址为www.baidu.com的报文
例如:iface="WLAN" 或 iface="eth0"
prn则为回调函数,简单用法例如:prn=lambda x:x.summary() 或prn=lambda x:x[IP].src
prn=lambda x:x.summary() 为打印出来报文的简要信息
效果:Ether / IP / TCP > A
prn=lambda x:x[IP].src为打印出来报文的源地址
- wrpcap("pc2.pcap", pcaps)
- from scapy.all import *
- dpkt = sniff(iface="WLAN", count=10)
- print(dpkt)
- # 打印出包的总信息,打印效果:
- #<Sniffed: TCP:2 UDP:0 ICMP:0 Other:0>
- print(dpkt[0])
- #打印第一个包,其实这样打印是没什么用的,看不到什么,因为都是16进制,那个警告的意思也是这样打印没有任何意义的意思,打印效果
- #WARNING: Calling str(pkt) on Python 3 makes no sense!
- #b'X\x00\xe3Df\xfbh\xa8(/\xd7\t\x08\x00E\x00\x01{\xa6)@\x005\x11 \xef=\x97\xb4\xa2\xac\x1c\xdf\x03\x1f@\x0f\xb1\x01g\x06>\x02:-\x00\x17\xab\r2\xc2o\n\x00\x00\nF.v\x8e+\x80\x0e\x14\xa3/\'\x7f+_\xba%\xd86\xb8\x00\xda\n\x7f\xff\xc16\x13
- -#\x15\t\xe4\xb6[U\xdcT\xfb\xf6\xfb\xc5!%~\x92U\xdd\x96\x88\xf6\x12\xc8.\xda9\xd0\x85\x9d{\xd7/,\xf6\xb2\x9a\xe9\xbcg\x1bw\xec-\xab9\xab\x8e\xc0\x94\xef\xdbneT\x8f\xe3c\xa0h=\xc0\n+\xec\xdf\xa2x\xb3\x03\xc7GR\x90~D\xa4\xbe\x8a\xf8\xa
- #d\xb9I\x05\x16&%\xa6B\xabM\xd1\x1bh\xa8\xb1\xe8=\xc7HG\x11Qv\xa3\x11\x14\xf0\x98\xb2\x9c\xd3\x94\xd1\xa1&\x99;\x86\xa6.\x10\x1e\x1d\xf5\xa3H(\xa7I\x84\xf9\xa8k\x9f\r\x86\x05\xf9p\x0b\xc0\x8e\xda\xcer\x0e<\xaf\x16\xccT|\xae\xack\x1a\
- #xd1\xae\\1\xc9\x98\xb4\xc4Um\xb6\xa1\xdfAoa\xc5\xa6N\xe9\xbd\x9fB\xed\x94\xf2\xe2\xb4\xa4O\xa46,\xbc\xe8\x86h,\x19\x0e\x01\x93\xa9*\\\xd0mW\x03\xb2r\xc6\x8cN\xf8#8\x8e\t\xfc\x08O.\x13\x9er2\x86\x81*[\xb1\xfb\xaaD\xc8\x83\xab\xc9\xda
- #`\xac:\x02\xaf\x1a\xf9\xfb\x08\x93,\xd7q\x8b\xaev/\xd3}\xf3t*\xcf\xebUt\xe5[\x06\xe7\xab\x03eg\xe6hd\x81\xe3EH\\\x99MZW\x1c\xb9\x87"\xa4\xff\x03y\xf9Q#\x00B9qK\xbf\x99a"\n75\xc8Z\xa2\x03'
- print(dpkt[0].show())
- #展示包的详细信息,因为各个包有所不同,所以打印出来的效果可能会不同,我只展示了这一种包的打印效果,效果如下:
- # ###[ Ethernet ]###
- # dst = 68:a8: 28:2
- # f: d7:0
- # 9
- # src = 58:00: e3:44: 66:fb
- # type = IPv4
- # ###[ IP ]###
- # version = 4
- # ihl = 5
- # tos = 0x4
- # len = 58
- # id = 19004
- # flags = DF
- # frag = 0
- # ttl = 200
- # proto = tcp
- # chksum = 0x6875
- # src =
- # dst =
- # \options \
- # ###[ TCP ]###
- # sport = 49688
- # dport = 9988
- # seq = 2674031876
- # ack = 3838184596
- # dataofs = 5
- # reserved = 0
- # flags = PA
- # window = 513
- # chksum = 0xbe17
- # urgptr = 0
- # options = []
- # ###[ Raw ]###
- # load = "\x01LVSIs'\\x9e0\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
- #
- #
- # None
- print(dpkt[0].time)
- # 打印时间,打印效果如下:
- # 1639643824.65736
- print(dpkt[0].fields)
- # {'dst': '01:00:5e:7f:ff:fa', 'src': '58:00:e3:44:66:fb', 'type': 2048}
- #打印dpkt[0].show()中的信息
- #例如打印上述IP里的src
- print(dpkt[0][IP].src)
- #例如打印TCP中的sport
- print(dpkt[0]["TCP"].sport)
- #0是指第0个包,如果想看第二个包,可以将0改为1,如果想遍历所有包,可以用循环替代里面的数字
- #注意,有的包里可能没有TCP,甚至没有IP,遍历时需要判断
- import Database
- from scapy.all import *
- def get_all_pcap(ifs, size=10, filter=""):
- # 抓包
- pcaps = sniff(iface=ifs, count=size, filter=filter)
- # 保存数据包到文件
- # wrpcap("pc2.pcap", dpkt)
- data = []
- for item in pcaps:
- if item['Ethernet'].type == 2048:
- # ipv4
- ethernet_type = 'IPV4'
- # 判断tcp还是udp
- if item["IP"].proto == 6:
- sport = item['TCP'].sport
- dport = int(re.sub(r'[\(\)\,]', "", str(item['TCP'].dport)))
- tcp_udp = 'TCP'
- tcp_type = item['TCP'].flags
- else:
- sport = item['UDP'].sport
- dport = re.sub(r'[\(\)\,]', "", str(item['UDP'].dport))
- tcp_udp = 'UDP'
- tcp_type = 'null'
- src_ip = re.sub(r'[\(\)\,]', "", str(item['IP'].src))
- dst_ip = re.sub(r'[\(\)\,]', "", str(item['IP'].dst))
- elif item['Ethernet'].type == 2054:
- # ARP
- ethernet_type = 'ARP'
- src_ip = item['ARP'].psrc
- dst_ip = item['ARP'].pdst
- sport = 'null'
- dport = 'null'
- tcp_udp = 'null'
- tcp_type = 'null'
- else:
- # ipv6
- ethernet_type = 'IPV6'
- src_ip = item['IPv6'].src
- dst_ip = item['IPv6'].dst
- sport = 'null'
- dport = 'null'
- tcp_udp = 'null'
- tcp_type = 'null'
- time = item.time
- # 向数组中插入数据
- data.append([
- ethernet_type,
- src_ip,
- dst_ip,
- sport,
- dport,
- tcp_udp,
- str(tcp_type),
- int(time)
- ])
- return data
- def insertToSQL(data):
- field = ['ethernet_type', 'src_ip', 'dst_ip', 'sport', 'dport', 'TCP_UDP', 'tcp_type', 'time']
- # 插入数据
- result = Database.Database().insert_all('pack_info', field, data)
- if result == 0:
- return 'success'
- else:
- return 'error'
- def main():
- # 抓包
- # ifs = 'WLAN' # 网卡
- data = get_all_pcap('WLAN', 100, 'tcp')
- # 插入数据库
- result = insertToSQL(data)
- print(result)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- import pymysql.cursors
- class Database:
- connected = False
- __conn = None
- # 构造函数,初始化时直接连接数据库
- def __init__(self):
- conf = {
- 'host': 'ip',
- 'port': 3306,
- 'user': '用户名',
- 'pw': '密码',
- 'db': '数据库'}
- if type(conf) is not dict:
- print('错误: 参数不是字典类型!')
- else:
- for key in ['host', 'port', 'user', 'pw', 'db']:
- if key not in conf.keys():
- print('错误: 参数字典缺少 %s' % key)
- if 'charset' not in conf.keys():
- conf['charset'] = 'utf8'
- try:
- self.__conn = pymysql.connect(
- host=conf['host'],
- port=conf['port'],
- user=conf['user'],
- passwd=conf['pw'],
- db=conf['db'],
- charset=conf['charset'],
- cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
- self.connected = True
- except pymysql.Error as e:
- print('数据库连接失败:', end='')
- # 插入一条数据到数据表
- def insert_one(self, table, val_obj):
- sql_top = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' ('
- sql_tail = ') VALUES ('
- try:
- for key, val in val_obj.items():
- sql_top += key + ','
- if isinstance(val,int):
- sql_tail += str(val) + ','
- else:
- sql_tail += '\'' + val + '\'' + ','
- sql = sql_top[:-1] + sql_tail[:-1] + ')'
- # 打印sql语句
- # print(sql)
- # exit()
- with self.__conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(sql)
- self.__conn.commit()
- return self.__conn.insert_id()
- except pymysql.Error as e:
- self.__conn.rollback()
- return False
- def insert_all(self,table,field,record):
- sql_top = 'INSERT INTO ' + table + ' ('
- sql_tail = ') VALUES ('
- try:
- for val in field:
- sql_top += val + ','
- for i in record:
- for j in i:
- if isinstance(j, int):
- sql_tail += str(j) + ','
- else:
- sql_tail += '\'' + j + '\'' + ','
- sql_tail = sql_tail[:-1] + '),('
- sql = sql_top[:-1] + sql_tail[:-2]
- # 打印sql语句
- # print(sql)
- # exit()
- with self.__conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(sql)
- self.__conn.commit()
- return self.__conn.insert_id()
- except pymysql.Error as e:
- self.__conn.rollback()
- return False
- # 销毁对象时关闭数据库连接
- def __del__(self):
- try:
- self.__conn.close()
- except pymysql.Error as e:
- pass
- # 关闭数据库连接
- def close(self):
- self.__del__()