- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
- class ButtonBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
- def __init__(self, MainForm):
- self.btn = QPushButton(MainForm)
- @abstractmethod
- def get_btn(self):
- pass
- from scripts.Button.ButtonBase import ButtonBase
- """Choose images2gif"""
- class Button_images2gif(ButtonBase):
- def get_btn(self):
- self.btn.setObjectName("btn_chooseDir")
- self.btn.setText("images2gif")
- return self.btn
- """Choose video2images"""
- class Button_video2images(ButtonBase):
- def get_btn(self):
- self.btn.setObjectName("btn_chooseFile")
- self.btn.setText("video2images")
- return self.btn
- """Choose videos2image"""
- class Button_videos2image(ButtonBase):
- def get_btn(self):
- self.btn.setObjectName("btn_chooseMutiFile")
- self.btn.setText("videos2image")
- return self.btn
- """Choose images2video"""
- class Button_images2video(ButtonBase):
- def get_btn(self):
- self.btn.setObjectName("btn_saveFile")
- self.btn.setText("images2video")
- return self.btn
- """Choose videoscreenshot"""
- class Button_videoscreenshot(ButtonBase):
- def get_btn(self):
- self.btn.setObjectName("btn_VideoScreenShot")
- self.btn.setText("videoscreenshot")
- return self.btn
- import sys
- import os
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
- from PyQt5.QtCore import *
- class MainForm(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, name='MainForm'):
- super(MainForm, self).__init__()
- self.setWindowTitle(name)
- self.resize(300, 200)
- """Center"""
- screen = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
- form = self.geometry()
- x_move_step = (screen.width() - form.width()) // 2
- y_move_step = (screen.height() - form.height()) // 2
- self.move(x_move_step, y_move_step)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- mainForm = MainForm('test QFileDialog')
- mainForm.show()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
- from scripts.Form.MainForm import *
- from scripts.Form.VideoScreenShotForm import VideoScreenShotForm
- from scripts.transform_tools.video2image import video2image
- from scripts.transform_tools.image2video import image2video
- from scripts.transform_tools.image2gif import image2gif
- from scripts.Button.ButtonSub import *
- from scripts.utils.ProcessBar import ProcessBar
- from scripts.utils.set_cwd import set_cwd
- from scripts.utils.check_jpg_dir import check_jpg_dir
- class SelectForm(MainForm):
- def __init__(self, name='SelectForm', settings=set_cwd()):
- super(SelectForm, self).__init__(name)
- """default fps"""
- self.fps = 25
- """VideoScreenShotForm"""
- self.VideoScreenShotForm = None
- """ProcessBar"""
- self.ProcessBar = ProcessBar()
- """path for button"""
- self.images_folder = settings['images_folder']
- self.gif_folder = settings['gif_folder']
- self.video_folder = settings['video_folder']
- """btn images2gif"""
- self.btn_images2gif = Button_images2gif(self).get_btn()
- """btn video2images"""
- self.btn_video2images = Button_video2images(self).get_btn()
- """btn videos2images"""
- self.btn_videos2images = Button_videos2image(self).get_btn()
- """btn images2video"""
- self.btn_images2video = Button_images2video(self).get_btn()
- """btn VideoScreenShot"""
- self.btn_videoscreenshot = Button_videoscreenshot(self).get_btn()
- """layout"""
- layout = QVBoxLayout()
- layout.addWidget(self.btn_images2gif)
- layout.addWidget(self.btn_video2images)
- layout.addWidget(self.btn_videos2images)
- layout.addWidget(self.btn_images2video)
- layout.addWidget(self.btn_videoscreenshot)
- layout.addWidget(self.ProcessBar.get_pbar_text())
- layout.addWidget(self.ProcessBar.get_pbar())
- self.setLayout(layout)
- """signal"""
- self.btn_images2gif.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_images2gif)
- self.btn_video2images.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_video2images)
- self.btn_videos2images.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_videos2images)
- self.btn_images2video.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_images2video)
- self.btn_videoscreenshot.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_videoscreenshot)
- """transform images to gif"""
- def slot_btn_images2gif(self):
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the frames directory',
- "Choose the frames folder.")
- check_flag = True
- video_dir_choose = None
- while check_flag:
- video_dir_choose = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
- "select the load path",
- self.images_folder['images2gif'])
- self.images_folder['images2gif'] = video_dir_choose
- if video_dir_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select load directory")
- return
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- check_flag = self.check_load_jpg_dir(video_dir_choose, "gif")
- gifname_choose, file_type = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,
- "choose video path",
- self.gif_folder['images2gif'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "gif Files (*.gif);;")
- self.gif_folder = os.path.abspath(gifname_choose)
- if gifname_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select video")
- return
- print("\nThe chosen images is:")
- print(gifname_choose)
- """input fps"""
- ok_pressed = True
- while ok_pressed:
- fps, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getText(self,
- "Fps Setting",
- "Please input fps:",
- QLineEdit.Normal,
- str(self.fps))
- if ok_pressed and fps.strip(): # erase head and tail blank
- image2gif(self.ProcessBar,
- video_dir_choose,
- gifname_choose,
- fps)
- self.reset_pbar()
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Synthetic success!',
- os.path.basename(gifname_choose) + ' Synthetic success!')
- return
- elif ok_pressed is False:
- return
- else:
- QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Error', "please input fps and try again!")
- """transform video to images"""
- def slot_btn_video2images(self):
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the video',
- "Choose the video")
- videoname_choose, file_type = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
- "choose video path",
- self.video_folder['video2images'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "Video Files (*.mp4);;"
- "Video Files (*.avi);;"
- "Video Files (*.mkv);;")
- self.video_folder['video2images'] = os.path.abspath(videoname_choose)
- if videoname_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select video")
- return
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the save path',
- "Choose the frames save path")
- video_dir_choose = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
- "select the save path",
- self.images_folder['video2images'])
- self.images_folder['video2images'] = video_dir_choose
- if video_dir_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select save directory")
- return
- print("\nThe chosen video is:")
- print(videoname_choose)
- """Select video and transform to images"""
- image_save_folder, video_name, fps, total_finish_frame_number = video2image(self.ProcessBar,
- videoname_choose,
- video_dir_choose)
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- video_information = self.check_save_video_dir(image_save_folder,
- video_name,
- fps,
- total_finish_frame_number)
- self.reset_pbar()
- QMessageBox.information(self, 'Save Results',
- "video2images" + " has been finished!\n" +
- video_information
- )
- """transform videos to images"""
- def slot_btn_videos2images(self):
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the videos',
- "Choose the videos")
- videoname_chooses, file_type = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self,
- "choose videos path",
- self.video_folder['videos2images'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "Video Files (*.mp4);;"
- "Video Files (*.avi);;"
- "Video Files (*.mkv);;")
- self.video_folder['videos2images'] = os.path.abspath(videoname_chooses[0])
- if len(videoname_chooses) == 0:
- print("\nCancel Select videos")
- return
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the save path',
- "Choose the frames save path")
- video_dir_choose = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
- "select the save path",
- self.images_folder['videos2images'])
- self.images_folder['videos2images'] = video_dir_choose
- if video_dir_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select save directory")
- return
- print("\nThe chosen videos are:")
- """Select videos and transform to images"""
- video_informations = ''
- for videoname_choose in videoname_chooses:
- print(videoname_choose)
- image_save_folder, video_name, fps, total_finish_frame_number = video2image(self.ProcessBar,
- videoname_choose,
- video_dir_choose)
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- video_information = self.check_save_video_dir(image_save_folder,
- video_name,
- fps,
- total_finish_frame_number)
- video_informations += video_information
- self.reset_pbar()
- QMessageBox.information(self, 'Save Results',
- "video2images" + " has been finished!\n" +
- video_informations
- )
- """transform images to video"""
- def slot_btn_images2video(self):
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the frames directory',
- "Choose the frames folder.")
- check_flag = True
- video_dir_choose = None
- while check_flag:
- video_dir_choose = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
- "select the load path",
- self.images_folder['images2video'])
- self.images_folder['images2video'] = video_dir_choose
- if video_dir_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select load directory")
- return
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- check_flag = self.check_load_jpg_dir(video_dir_choose, "video")
- videoname_choose, file_type = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,
- "choose video path",
- self.video_folder['images2video'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "Video Files (*.mp4);;"
- "Video Files (*.avi);;"
- "Video Files (*.mkv);;")
- self.video_folder['images2video'] = os.path.abspath(videoname_choose)
- if videoname_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select video")
- return
- print("\nThe chosen images is:")
- print(videoname_choose)
- """input fps"""
- ok_pressed = True
- while ok_pressed:
- fps, ok_pressed = QInputDialog.getText(self,
- "Fps Setting",
- "Please input fps:",
- QLineEdit.Normal,
- str(self.fps))
- if ok_pressed and fps.strip(): # erase head and tail blank
- image2video(self.ProcessBar,
- videoname_choose,
- video_dir_choose,
- fps)
- self.reset_pbar()
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Synthetic success!',
- os.path.basename(videoname_choose) + ' Synthetic success!')
- return
- elif ok_pressed is False:
- return
- else:
- QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Error', "please input fps and try again!")
- """video screen shot"""
- def slot_btn_videoscreenshot(self):
- self.VideoScreenShotForm = VideoScreenShotForm()
- self.VideoScreenShotForm.show()
- print("VideoScreenShotForm Start...\n")
- return
- def check_load_jpg_dir(self, video_dir_choose, target):
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- check_flag, frames_number = check_jpg_dir(video_dir_choose)
- if check_flag is True and frames_number is 0:
- QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Error', "No jpg file was found, please choose the right folder!!")
- elif check_flag is True and frames_number is 1:
- QMessageBox.critical(self, 'Error', "Only 1 jpg file was found, please choose the right folder!!")
- else:
- check_flag = False
- QMessageBox.information(self, 'Frames Number',
- str(frames_number) + " jpg file were found, continue to choose " + target + " path.")
- return check_flag
- def check_save_video_dir(self, image_save_folder, video_name, fps, total_finish_frame_number):
- """check direction whether exists jpg files"""
- _, video_number = check_jpg_dir(image_save_folder)
- video_information = video_name + ':\n' + \
- str(total_finish_frame_number) + ' images have been transformed.\n' + \
- "fps :" + str(fps) + '\n' + '\n'
- return video_information
- def reset_pbar(self):
- self.ProcessBar.reset_pbar()
- from scripts.Form.MainForm import *
- from scripts.utils.set_cwd import set_cwd
- from scripts.transform_tools.video_screen_shot import video_screen_shot
- from scripts.utils.ProcessBar import ProcessBar
- class VideoScreenShotForm(MainForm):
- def __init__(self, name='VideoScreenShotForm', settings=set_cwd()):
- super(VideoScreenShotForm, self).__init__(name)
- """path for button"""
- self.video_folder = settings['video_folder']
- """ProcessBar"""
- self.ProcessBar = ProcessBar()
- """grid layout"""
- grid = QGridLayout()
- self.grid = grid
- self.setLayout(self.grid)
- """location contents set"""
- screen_shot_set =[
- 'left-up-x', 'right-bottom-x',
- ' ', ' ',
- 'left-up-y', 'right-bottom-y',
- ' ', ' ',
- 'OK', '',
- 'process:', '',
- 'pbar', ''
- ]
- LineEdit_index = 0
- LineEdit_content = ['left-up-x', 'right-bottom-x', 'left-up-y', 'right-bottom-y']
- """locations set"""
- positions = [(i, j) for i in range(7) for j in range(2)]
- for pos, name in zip(positions, screen_shot_set):
- if name == '':
- continue
- elif name is 'OK':
- btn = QPushButton(name)
- btn.setObjectName(name)
- btn.clicked.connect(self.slot_btn_video_screen_shot)
- grid.addWidget(btn, *pos, 1, 2)
- btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- elif name is 'process:':
- pbar_text = self.ProcessBar.get_pbar_text()
- pbar_text.setObjectName(name)
- grid.addWidget(pbar_text, *pos, 1, 2)
- pbar_text.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- elif name is 'pbar':
- pbar_loc = self.ProcessBar.get_pbar()
- pbar_loc.setObjectName(name)
- grid.addWidget(pbar_loc, *pos, 1, 2)
- pbar_loc.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
- elif name is ' ':
- loc = QLineEdit()
- loc.setObjectName(LineEdit_content[LineEdit_index])
- grid.addWidget(loc, *pos)
- LineEdit_index += 1
- else:
- loc_label = QLabel(name)
- loc_label.setObjectName(name)
- grid.addWidget(loc_label, *pos)
- self.left_up_x = self.findChild(QLineEdit, 'left-up-x')
- self.left_up_y = self.findChild(QLineEdit, 'left-up-y')
- self.right_bottom_x = self.findChild(QLineEdit, 'right-bottom-x')
- self.right_bottom_y = self.findChild(QLineEdit, 'right-bottom-y')
- """default 1920x1080"""
- self.left_up_x.setText("0")
- self.left_up_y.setText("0")
- self.right_bottom_x.setText("1920")
- self.right_bottom_y.setText("1080")
- self.new_frame = [[], [], [], []]
- def slot_btn_video_screen_shot(self):
- self.new_frame = self.get_new_frame()
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the video',
- "Choose the video")
- videoname_choose, file_type = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
- "choose video path",
- self.video_folder['videoscreenshotload'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "Video Files (*.mp4);;"
- "Video Files (*.avi);;"
- "Video Files (*.mkv);;")
- self.video_folder['videoscreenshotload'] = os.path.abspath(videoname_choose)
- if videoname_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select video")
- return
- QMessageBox.information(self,
- 'Choose the new video name',
- "Choose the new video name")
- videonewname_choose, file_type = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,
- "choose video path",
- self.video_folder['videoscreenshotsave'],
- "All Files (*);;"
- "Video Files (*.mp4);;"
- "Video Files (*.avi);;"
- "Video Files (*.mkv);;")
- self.video_folder['videoscreenshotsave'] = os.path.abspath(videoname_choose)
- if videonewname_choose == "":
- print("\nCancel Select new video")
- return
- print("\nThe chosen video is:")
- print(videoname_choose)
- """Select video and screen shot"""
- video_screen_shot(self.ProcessBar,
- videoname_choose,
- videonewname_choose,
- self.new_frame)
- self.reset_pbar()
- QMessageBox.information(self, 'Save Results',
- "video screen shot" + " has been finished!\n"
- )
- self.close()
- return
- def get_new_frame(self):
- self.new_frame[0] = int(self.left_up_y.text())
- self.new_frame[1] = int(self.right_bottom_y.text())
- self.new_frame[2] = int(self.left_up_x.text())
- self.new_frame[3] = int(self.right_bottom_x.text())
- return self.new_frame
- def reset_pbar(self):
- self.ProcessBar.reset_pbar()
- import os
- import numpy as np
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
- import imageio
- import inspect
- def add_text_to_image(image, text, font=None):
- rgba_image = image.convert('RGBA')
- text_overlay = Image.new('RGBA', rgba_image.size, (255, 255, 255, 0))
- image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_overlay)
- text_size_x, text_size_y = image_draw.textsize(text, font=font)
- print(rgba_image)
- """set text location"""
- text_xy = (rgba_image.size[0] - text_size_x, rgba_image.size[1] - text_size_y)
- """set text color and transparency"""
- image_draw.text(text_xy, text, font=font, fill=(255, 0, 0, 800))
- image_with_text = Image.alpha_composite(rgba_image, text_overlay)
- return image_with_text
- def image2gif(ProcessBar, load_path, gif_name, fps):
- """set the func name on pbar text"""
- ProcessBar.set_Text(inspect.stack()[0][3])
- """int fps"""
- fps = int(fps)
- """image name save format"""
- image_format = '{:05d}{:s}.jpg'
- """gif basename"""
- gif_basename = os.path.basename(gif_name)
- images = os.listdir(load_path)
- """duration"""
- duration = 1/fps
- """the index of the image that has been processed"""
- image_index = 1
- """for store each frame image"""
- frames = []
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- for image in range(len(images)):
- jpgfile = str(load_path + '/' + image_format.format(image_index, ''))
- frame = Image.open(jpgfile)
- frame = add_text_to_image(frame, gif_basename)
- frames.append(np.array(frame))
- print(image_index)
- image_index += 1
- ProcessBar.set_Value(image_index, len(images), ratio=90)
- if image_index == len(images):
- ProcessBar.set_Text("Please wait ... it may take a few minutes...")
- print("Please wait ... it may take a few minutes...")
- imageio.mimsave(gif_name, frames, 'GIF', duration=duration) # duration = 1/fps
- ProcessBar.set_max()
- print(gif_basename, 'Synthetic success!')
- import cv2
- import os
- from PIL import Image
- import inspect
- def image2video(ProcessBar, video_new_path, load_path, fps):
- """set the func name on pbar text"""
- ProcessBar.set_Text(inspect.stack()[0][3])
- fps = int(fps)
- fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v")
- """images path"""
- images = os.listdir(load_path)
- im = Image.open(load_path + '/' + images[0])
- vw = cv2.VideoWriter(video_new_path, fourcc, fps, im.size)
- """image name save format"""
- image_format = '{:05d}{:s}.jpg'
- """the index of the image that has been processed"""
- image_index = 1
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- for image in range(len(images)):
- jpgfile = str(load_path + '/' + image_format.format(image_index, ''))
- try:
- frame = cv2.imread(jpgfile)
- vw.write(frame)
- print("image ", str(image_index), " has been processed.")
- image_index += 1
- ProcessBar.set_Value(image_index, len(images))
- except Exception as exc:
- print(jpgfile, exc)
- vw.release()
- print(video_new_path, 'Synthetic success!')
- import os
- import cv2
- import inspect
- def video2image(ProcessBar, video_path, save_path):
- """set the func name on pbar text"""
- ProcessBar.set_Text(inspect.stack()[0][3])
- """select the video"""
- vc = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
- """image name save format"""
- image_format = '{:05d}{:s}.jpg'
- """basename"""
- video_name = os.path.basename(video_path)
- """image save folder"""
- image_save_folder = save_path + '/' + str(video_name.split('.')[0]) + '_' + str(video_name.split('.')[-1])
- if not os.path.exists(image_save_folder):
- os.mkdir(image_save_folder)
- assert os.path.exists(image_save_folder), 'Error: Invalid save path !'
- """the index of the image that has been processed"""
- image_index = 1
- """get the total frame number"""
- total_frame_number = vc.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
- """get fps"""
- fps = vc.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
- """Start to write..."""
- print("\nStart to Write...\n")
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- while (image_index - 1) < total_frame_number:
- ret, frame = vc.read()
- if ret:
- cv2.imwrite(image_save_folder + '/' + image_format.format(image_index, ''), frame)
- cv2.waitKey(1)
- print("image ", str(image_index), " has been processed.")
- image_index += 1
- ProcessBar.set_Value(image_index, total_frame_number)
- elif frame is None:
- print("Write process is at the end.\n")
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- return
- else:
- print("Cannot process the image ", str(image_index), "! Write to the image failed! \n")
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- return
- print("Write process has been finished!!\n")
- """the total number of the image"""
- print(video_name, ':', image_index - 1, ' images have been transformed.')
- """release"""
- vc.release()
- return image_save_folder, video_name, fps, image_index - 1
- import os
- import cv2
- import inspect
- def video_screen_shot(ProcessBar, video_path, video_new_path, new_frame):
- """set the func name on pbar text"""
- ProcessBar.set_Text(inspect.stack()[0][3])
- """select the video"""
- vc = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
- """basename"""
- video_name = os.path.basename(video_path)
- """judge the video is opened"""
- if vc.isOpened():
- print(video_name, "can be opened")
- else:
- print("video has been failed to open!")
- return
- """get fourcc"""
- fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v")
- """get fps"""
- fps = vc.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
- """video width and height"""
- video_size = (int(new_frame[3] - new_frame[2]), int(new_frame[1] - new_frame[0]))
- """VideoWriter"""
- if os.path.exists(video_new_path):
- os.remove(video_new_path)
- vw = cv2.VideoWriter(video_new_path, fourcc, fps, video_size)
- """the index of the frame that has been processed"""
- image_index = 1
- """get the total frame number"""
- total_frame_number = vc.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
- """get the total video time"""
- total_time = vc.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)
- """Start to premiere..."""
- print("\nStart to premiere...\n")
- ProcessBar.set_zero()
- while (image_index - 1) < total_frame_number:
- ret, frame = vc.read()
- frame = frame[new_frame[0]:new_frame[1], new_frame[2]:new_frame[3]]
- vw.write(frame)
- print(image_index)
- image_index += 1
- ProcessBar.set_Value(image_index, total_frame_number)
- print("Screen Shot process has been finished!!\n")
- """the total number of the image"""
- print(video_name, ':', image_index - 1, ' images have been transformed.')
- """release"""
- vc.release()
- vw.release()
- return video_new_path, video_name, fps, image_index - 1
- import os
- def check_jpg_dir(video_dir_choose):
- frames = os.listdir(video_dir_choose)
- frames_number = 0
- for frame in frames:
- if frame.endswith('jpg'):
- frames_number += 1
- if frames_number == 0:
- check_flag = True
- elif frames_number == 1:
- check_flag = True
- else:
- check_flag = False
- print(frames_number, " images has been chosen.")
- return check_flag, frames_number
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
- class ProcessBar(object):
- def __init__(self):
- """ProcessBar"""
- self.pbar = QProgressBar()
- self.pbar_text = QLabel()
- self.pbar_text.setText("Process :")
- def get_pbar(self):
- return self.pbar
- def get_pbar_text(self):
- return self.pbar_text
- def set_zero(self):
- self.pbar.setValue(0)
- def set_max(self):
- self.pbar.setValue(100)
- def set_Value(self, index, length, ratio=100):
- self.pbar.setValue((index - 1) / length * ratio)
- def set_Text(self, text):
- self.pbar_text.setText(str(text) + ":")
- def reset_pbar(self):
- self.pbar_text.setText("Process :")
- self.pbar.setValue(0)
- import os
- def set_cwd():
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- """path for each button"""
- images_folder = {}
- images_folder['images2gif'] = cwd
- images_folder['video2images'] = cwd
- images_folder['videos2images'] = cwd
- images_folder['images2video'] = cwd
- gif_folder = {}
- gif_folder['images2gif'] = cwd
- video_folder = {}
- video_folder['video2images'] = cwd
- video_folder['videos2images'] = cwd
- video_folder['images2video'] = cwd
- video_folder['videoscreenshotload'] = cwd
- video_folder['videoscreenshotsave'] = cwd
- """The whole settings"""
- settings = {}
- settings['images_folder'] = images_folder
- settings['gif_folder'] = gif_folder
- settings['video_folder'] = video_folder
- return settings
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- set_cwd()
- from scripts.Form.SelectForm import *
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- selectform = SelectForm("format tools")
- selectform.show()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())