Based on MySQL8.0 community version
代码中常见简称为select。一个SELECT_LEX可以理解成一个SELECT FROM WHERE的query block(可能是subselect,可能是最外层最顶层outer_most query)。SELECT_LEX有prepare和optimize方法,没有execute方法,SELECT_LEX_UNIT在execute时是直接调用select->join->exec()的。
- /**
- Intrusive double-linked list of all query blocks within the same
- query expression.
- SELECT_LEX在union连接下从属于一个SELECT_LEX_UNIT,其链表链接在此维护。
- */
- SELECT_LEX *next;
- SELECT_LEX **prev;
- /// The query expression containing this query block.
- /// 即包含当前select的父对象SELECT_LEX_UNIT
- SELECT_LEX_UNIT *master;
- /// The first query expression contained within this query block.
- /// 即当前query包含的第一个子select组SELECT_LEX_UNIT
- /// Intrusive double-linked global list of query blocks.
- /// 当前query下的全局select列表(方便遍历)
- SELECT_LEX *link_next;
- SELECT_LEX **link_prev;
- /// Result of this query block
- /// handle最后的query result的对象,发送给client或者写文件等
- Query_result *m_query_result;
- /// Describes context of this query block (e.g if it is a derived table).
- /// 默认是UNSPECIFIED,parse阶段之后实际只有UNION_TYPE和DERIVED_TABLE_TYPE有用,一个是union select,另一个是当前select会生成derived_table。
- enum sub_select_type linkage;
- /**
- Condition to be evaluated after all tables in a query block are joined.
- After all permanent transformations have been conducted by
- SELECT_LEX::prepare(), this condition is "frozen", any subsequent changes
- to it must be done with change_item_tree(), unless they only modify AND/OR
- items and use a copy created by SELECT_LEX::get_optimizable_conditions().
- Same is true for 'having_cond'.
- */
- /// where 条件
- Item *m_where_cond;
- /// Condition to be evaluated on grouped rows after grouping.
- /// having 条件。TODO:部分having会转为where查询?
- Item *m_having_cond;
- /**
- Saved values of the WHERE and HAVING clauses. Allowed values are:
- - COND_UNDEF if the condition was not specified in the query or if it
- has not been optimized yet
- - COND_TRUE if the condition is always true
- - COND_FALSE if the condition is impossible
- - COND_OK otherwise
- */
- Item::cond_result cond_value; // where cond result
- Item::cond_result having_value; // having result
- enum olap_type olap;
- /**
- After optimization it is pointer to corresponding JOIN. This member
- should be changed only when THD::LOCK_query_plan mutex is taken.
- */
- // 该select对应的join对象
- JOIN *join;
- /// join list of the top level
- List<TABLE_LIST> top_join_list;
- /// list for the currently parsed join
- /// 主要作用于parse,但optimize等地方也有少量引用到它,感觉可能是误用?可能应当用top_join_list
- List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list;
- /// table embedding the above list
- TABLE_LIST *embedding;
- /// List of semi-join nests generated for this query block
- List<TABLE_LIST> sj_nests;
- /**
- Points to first leaf table of query block. After setup_tables() is done,
- this is a list of base tables and derived tables. After derived tables
- processing is done, this is a list of base tables only.
- Use TABLE_LIST::next_leaf to traverse the list.
- */
- // 指向第一个真实表
- TABLE_LIST *leaf_tables;
- /**
- If this query block is a recursive member of a recursive unit: the
- TABLE_LIST, in this recursive member, referencing the query
- name.
- */
- // 指向要递归的表(in recursive CTE)
- TABLE_LIST *recursive_reference;
- /**
- To pass the first steps of resolution, a recursive reference is made to
- be a dummy derived table; after the temporary table is created based on
- the non-recursive members' types, the recursive reference is made to be a
- reference to the tmp table. Its dummy-derived-table unit is saved in this
- member, so that when the statement's execution ends, the reference can be
- restored to be a dummy derived table for the next execution, which is
- necessary if we have a prepared statement.
- WL#6570 should allow to remove this.
- */
- SELECT_LEX_UNIT *recursive_dummy_unit;
代码中常见简称为unit。一个SELECT_LEX_UNIT表示一组由UNION / INTERSECT / EXCEPT等SELECT级别的逻辑操作组合成的一组SELECT结构,不过目前仅支持UNION,因此只是简单的列表结构。
- /**
- Intrusive double-linked list of all query expressions
- immediately contained within the same query block.
- */
- /**
- The query block wherein this query expression is contained,
- NULL if the query block is the outer-most one.
- */
- SELECT_LEX *master;
- /// The first query block in this query expression.
- /// 即当前query包含的第一个子select SELECT_LEX
- SELECT_LEX *slave;
- bool prepared; ///< All query blocks in query expression are prepared
- bool optimized; ///< All query blocks in query expression are optimized
- bool executed; ///< Query expression has been executed
- TABLE_LIST result_table_list;
- // A UNION B的结果
- Query_result_union *union_result;
- TABLE *table; /* temporary table using for appending UNION results */
- /// Object to which the result for this query expression is sent
- Query_result *m_query_result;
- // list of fields which points to temporary table for union
- List<Item> item_list;
- /*
- list of types of items inside union (used for union & derived tables)
- Item_type_holders from which this list consist may have pointers to Field,
- pointers is valid only after preparing SELECTS of this unit and before
- any SELECT of this unit execution
- Possibly this member should be protected, and its direct use replaced
- by get_unit_column_types(). Check the places where it is used.
- */
- List<Item> types;
- /* LIMIT clause runtime counters */
- ha_rows select_limit_cnt, offset_limit_cnt;
- /// Points to subquery if this query expression is used in one, otherwise NULL
- // 包含当前UNIT的Item_subselect(如果是在WHERE/HAVING 的subselect中的话)
- Item_subselect *item;
- /**
- Helper query block for query expression with UNION or multi-level
- */
- // 对于ORDER BY或UNION后的结果,需再借助一个fake的select将其发送出去
- SELECT_LEX *fake_select_lex;
- /**
- SELECT_LEX that stores LIMIT and OFFSET for UNION ALL when no
- fake_select_lex is used.
- */
- SELECT_LEX *saved_fake_select_lex;
- /**
- Points to last query block which has UNION DISTINCT on its left.
- In a list of UNIONed blocks, UNION is left-associative; so UNION DISTINCT
- eliminates duplicates in all blocks up to the first one on its right
- included. Which is why we only need to remember that query block.
- */
- // 目前实际不支持 rec0 UNION ALL rec1 UNION DISTINCT rec2 UNION ALL rec3 的情况,即UNION DISTINCT后面不能再加UNION ALL。而且mixed UNION中DISTINCT会覆盖左边的ALL语义,所以不知道mix UNION有何用。
- SELECT_LEX *union_distinct;
- /**
- The WITH clause which is the first part of this query expression. NULL if
- none.
- */
- // 即该查询是否一个当前层带WITH的CTE查询
- PT_with_clause *m_with_clause;
- /**
- If this query expression is underlying of a derived table, the derived
- table. NULL if none.
- */
- // 当前SELECT将要生成的生成表(如果会生成derived_table的话)
- TABLE_LIST *derived_table;
- /**
- First query block (in this UNION) which references the CTE.
- NULL if not the query expression of a recursive CTE.
- */
- // 对于当前UNIT,first_recursive表示第一个CTE select,first_recursive之后的都必然是recursive的select,之前的必然都是非recursive的select。
- SELECT_LEX *first_recursive;
- /**
- True if the with-recursive algorithm has produced the complete result.
- In a recursive CTE, a JOIN is executed several times in a loop, and
- should not be cleaned up (e.g. by join_free()) before all iterations of
- the loop are done (i.e. before the CTE's result is complete).
- */
- // CTE recursive读的时候判断是否读结束
- bool got_all_recursive_rows;
- CREATE TABLE employees (
- name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
- manager_id INT NULL
- ) ENGINE='innodb';
- (333, "Yasmina", NULL), # Yasmina is the CEO (manager_id is NULL)
- (198, "John", 333), # John has ID 198 and reports to 333 (Yasmina)
- (692, "Tarek", 333),
- (29, "Pedro", 198),
- (4610, "Sarah", 29),
- (72, "Pierre", 29),
- (123, "Adil", 692);
- SELECT id FROM employees;
prepare首先会进入Sql_cmd_select::prepare_inner,对于非union的unit会直接调用当前唯一子节点 select的prepare;否则则调用unit->prepare,并且在unit->prepare里会遍历调用select->prepare。
- /// @return true for a query expression without UNION or multi-level ORDER
- bool SELECT_LEX_UNIT::is_simple() const { return !(is_union() || fake_select_lex); }
- // bool Sql_cmd_select::prepare_inner(THD *thd)
- if (unit->is_simple()) {
- // unit的子节点只有一个select (此处不排斥select可能有subquery)
- SELECT_LEX *const select = unit->first_select();
- select->context.resolve_in_select_list = true;
- select->set_query_result(result);
- select->make_active_options(0, 0);
- select->fields_list = select->item_list;
- if (select->prepare(thd)) return true;
- unit->set_prepared();
- } else {
- if (unit->prepare(thd, result, SELECT_NO_UNLOCK, 0)) return true;
- }
execute会先进入Sql_cmd_dml::execute_inner,SELECT_LEX没有execute方法,直接调用join->exec(); unit->execute里会调用其子select的join->exec()。
- /**
- Execute a DML statement.
- This is the default implementation for a DML statement and uses a
- nested-loop join processor per outer-most query block.
- The implementation is split in two: One for query expressions containing
- a single query block and one for query expressions containing multiple
- query blocks combined with UNION.
- */
- bool Sql_cmd_dml::execute_inner(THD *thd) {
- SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit = lex->unit;
- // optimize
- if (unit->is_simple()) {
- if (unit->set_limit(thd, unit->global_parameters()))
- return true; /* purecov: inspected */
- if (unit->first_select()->optimize(thd)) return true;
- unit->set_optimized();
- } else {
- if (unit->optimize(thd)) return true;
- }
- // explain or execute
- if (lex->is_explain()) {
- if (explain_query(thd, unit)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
- } else {
- if (unit->is_simple()) {
- unit->first_select()->join->exec();
- unit->set_executed();
- if (thd->is_error()) return true;
- } else {
- if (unit->execute(thd)) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- SELECT id from employees UNION SELECT manager_id from employees;
- // in exec: SELECT id FROM (SELECT id from employees UNION SELECT manager_id from employees);
这一次进入上一节中的!unit->is_simple()的分支执行unit->prepare。但当两个子查询prepare完后,unit->prepare里会进入unit->prepare_fake_select_lex (fake_select_lex参考上面的成员变量说明) ,即实际执行时query会变成注释里的query,最外层的那个SELECT是mysql加上去的,称之为fake_select_lex。而fake_select_lex通常只是加个select从union临时表里取数,故不会有GROUP BY、WHERE、HAVING等问题。
execute阶段包括fake_select_lex的三个查询路径都是一样的:Sql_cmd_dml::execute_inner的!unit->is_simple()的分支。unit->optimize对真实的子节点 select和fake_select_lex是两套代码,但实际逻辑是一样的。
- // three steps to optimize a select in SELECT_LEX_UNIT (including fake_select_lex)
- thd->lex->set_current_select(select);
- if (set_limit(thd, select)) DBUG_RETURN(true);
- if (select->optimize(thd)) DBUG_RETURN(true);
- SELECT id FROM employees WHERE id IN (SELECT manager_id FROM employees);
prepare阶段最外层select和上述介绍一致。subselect由于是处于WHERE中的,因此会转化成Item来表示,对应的对象是Item_subselect(Item_subselect下文会介绍细节)。因此WHERE中的subselect并不会在以上文与unit一起形成的hierachy structure存在,而是直接在parse直接传个subselect来自己管理。故subselect的prepare和execute都是受Item_subselect及其subselect_engine所调用。
上面explain中的物化是因为manager_id没有索引,可以对比下面的explain output。因此IN在某些场景下会被优化成semi-join,因为和join的优化思路是一样的。
- SELECT iid FROM (SELECT id + 10 AS iid, name FROM employees) t1;
(默认会有一个提升到外层消除subquery derive table的优化)
execute阶段最外层select和上述一致,执行到TABLE_LIST::materialize_derived的时候会直接调用相应的execute方法(和prepare类似,union的走unit->execute,否则直接join->exec)去生成derive table。
- WITH RECURSIVE employee_paths (id, name, path) AS
- (
- SELECT id, name, CAST(id AS CHAR(200))
- FROM employees
- WHERE manager_id IS NULL
- SELECT,, CONCAT(ep.path, ',',
- FROM employee_paths AS ep JOIN employees AS e
- ON = e.manager_id
- )
- SELECT * FROM employee_paths ORDER BY path;
CTE介绍参见下文Common Table Expression小节。
prepare阶段最外层select和上述介绍一致。CTE会当成derive table去处理,因此和FROM subquery一样走TABLE_LIST::resolve_derived去调用SELECT_LEX::prepare。上面sql中共有三个会生成derived_table的sql,除了UNION的两个子查询外,第三个是union本身的查询。
递归执行逻辑分散在sql_union.cc的Recursive_executor和 sub_select的recursive判断中。对于示例sql A UNION B,recursive的发生在B中,执行顺序为先执行A结果写进临时表,执行B的时候employee_paths已经相当于有数据了。如此递归直至没有新的数据写入临时表(代码参见Recursive_executor::more_iterations()的if (row_count == new_row_count)判断)。
- /*
- If this is an ALL/ANY single-value subquery predicate, try to rewrite
- it with a MIN/MAX subquery.
- E.g. SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE b > ANY (SELECT a FROM t2) can be rewritten
- with SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE b > (SELECT MIN(a) FROM t2).
- A predicate may be transformed to use a MIN/MAX subquery if it:
- 1. has a greater than/less than comparison operator, and
- 2. is not correlated with the outer query, and
- 3. UNKNOWN results are treated as FALSE, or can never be generated, and
- */
- // Prepare phase:
- Used inside Item_subselect::fix_fields() according to this scenario:
- > Item_subselect::fix_fields {
- > engine->prepare {
- > query_block->prepare {
- (Here we realize we need to do the rewrite and set
- substitution= some new Item, eg. Item_in_optimizer )
- }
- }
- *ref= substitution;
- }
- // Exec phase:
- > Item_subselect::val_int {
- > Item_subselect::exec() {
- // 对于 Item_in_subselect,还会先计算left_expr的值。 (left_expr IN (subselect))
- > SELECT_LEX_UNIT::optimize() { // iterate
- > SELECT_LEX::optimize() {
- JOIN::optimize();
- }
- }
- > engine->exec() {
- // subselect_single_select_engine
- JOIN::exec();
- // subselect_union engine
- > SELECT_LEX_UNIT::exec() { // iterate
- > SELECT_LEX::exec() {
- JOIN::exec();
- }
- }
- // subselect_indexquery_engine
- query table by index by ha_index_read_map();
- // subselect_hash_sj_engine
- materialize_if_not_materialized(); // 内部是个 single_select_engine在做物化的exec
- subselect_indexsubquery_engine::exec(); //对物化表进行索引读
- }
- }
- }
- // Cleanup phase
- > Item_subselect::cleanup {
- engine->cleanup();
- }
Ref: WITH syntax
CTE与subquery的不同是,CTE会提前物化成derive table,然后可以被多次或递归使用;subquery则是在遇到的时候才去做处理(可能是物化、消除、semi-join等),因此同样的subquery如果被多个地方调用,会有可能多次物化。CTE和view或临时表不同的是,CTE还是单个query下的概念,视图或临时表是可以跨query的。
- /**
- After parsing, a Common Table Expression is accessed through a
- TABLE_LIST. This class contains all information about the CTE which the
- TABLE_LIST needs.
- @note that before and during parsing, the CTE is described by a
- PT_common_table_expr.
- */
- class Common_table_expr {
- public:
- Common_table_expr(MEM_ROOT *mem_root)
- : references(mem_root), recursive(false), tmp_tables(mem_root) {}
- // 按照cte表的格式生成一个新的tmptable
- TABLE *clone_tmp_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tl);
- // clone tmp_tables[0]到sl->tl中,后面会用sl->tl->table来作为cte临时表的ref
- bool substitute_recursive_reference(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *sl);
- /**
- All references to this CTE in the statement, except those inside the
- query expression defining this CTE.
- In other words, all non-recursive references.
- */
- // 即当前query 的cte部分ref的临时表(不包括正式表)
- Mem_root_array<TABLE_LIST *> references;
- /// True if it's a recursive CTE
- bool recursive;
- /**
- List of all TABLE_LISTSs reading/writing to the tmp table created to
- materialize this CTE. Due to shared materialization, only the first one
- has a TABLE generated by create_tmp_table(); other ones have a TABLE
- generated by open_table_from_share().
- */
- // cte相关的tmptable对象的ref,同一个表可能由于recursive会产生多个shared ref
- Mem_root_array<TABLE_LIST *> tmp_tables;
- };
在TABLE_LIST::materialize_derived(THD *thd)函数中,会把CTE当成union select来去调用SELECT_LEX_UNIT->execute()去执行。SELECT_LEX_UNIT->execute里会调用Recursive_executor。
Recursive_executor initialize会打开从recursive_reference开始的所有tmp_table。 recursive_reference指的是第一个is_recursive的select (参见TABLE_LIST::resolve_derived),SELECT_LEX 数组的排列是non-recursive的在前,然后recursive的连续排在后。然后SELECT_LEX_UNIT->execute会按顺序执行对应SELECT_LEX->join->exec()。
执行和递归结束条件参见上面的Recursive CTE小节。
- // 如果是第一个引用CTE的select(query block),则将第一个select物化成临时表
- if (sl == first_recursive) {
- // create_result_table() depends on current_select()
- save_select.restore();
- /*
- All next query blocks will read the temporary table, which we must
- thus create now:
- */
- if (derived_table->setup_materialized_derived_tmp_table(thd_arg))
- goto err; /* purecov: inspected */
- thd_arg->lex->set_current_select(sl);
- }
- // 如果是递归CTE,则将该SELECT_LEX涉及的cte子查询替换成clone出来的cte tmptable。
- if (sl->recursive_reference) // Make tmp table known to query block:
- derived_table->common_table_expr()->substitute_recursive_reference(
- thd_arg, sl);
- TABLE_LIST *const wtable_list = wtable->pos_in_table_list;
- Derived_refs_iterator ref_it(wtable_list);
- if (wtable_list) {
- Common_table_expr *cte = wtable_list->common_table_expr();
- if (cte) {
- // 查找wtable在整个table数组中的位置
- int i = 0, found = -1;
- TABLE *t;
- while ((t = ref_it.get_next())) {
- if (t == wtable) {
- found = i;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- DBUG_ASSERT(found >= 0);
- if (found > 0)
- // 为什么要把wtable放到最前面先处理呢?
- // 'wtable' is at position 'found', move it to 0 to convert it first
- std::swap(cte->tmp_tables[0], cte->tmp_tables[found]);
- ref_it.rewind();
- }
- }