大量调用malloc()和free()函数的程序往往是为相同类型的数据分配内存和释放内存,这些数据具有固定的长度。当知道要分配和释放的数据的大小后,自己编写的缓冲池分配函数会比malloc()和free()运行得更快。一个缓冲池分配函数的工作方式是这样的:调用malloc()一次分配许多大小相同的结构,然后每次交付一个供使用。该函数通常从来不调用free(),它所使用的内存将一直保留到程序退出。例12.12给出了一个用于自定义类型struct foo的缓冲池分配函数。
- # include <stdio.h>
- /* declaration of hypothetical structure "foo" */
- struct foo {
- int dummy1;
- char dummy2;
- long dummy3;
- };
- /* start of code for foo pool allocator */
- # include <stdlib. h>
- /* number of foos to mallocO at a time */
- # define NFOOS 64
- /*
- * A union is used to provide a linked list that
- * can be overlaid on unused foos.
- */
- union foo_u {
- union foo_u *next;
- struct foo f;
- };
- static union foo_u * free_list ;
- struct foo * alloc_foo()
- {
- struct foo * ret = 0;
- if (!free_list) {
- int i;
- free_list = (union foo_u * ) malloc(NFOOS
- * sizeof (union foo_u));
- if (free_list) {
- for (i = 0; i<NFOOS-1; i+ + )
- free_list[i]. next =
- &iree_list[i + 1];
- free_list [NFOOS -1 ]. next = NULL;
- if (free_list) {
- ret = &free_list ->f;
- free_list = free_list ->next;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- void free_foo(struct foo * fp)
- {
- union foo_u * up= (union foo_u * ) fp;
- up ->next = free_list)
- free_list = up;
- }
- int main(int argc, char * * argv)
- {
- int i;
- int n;
- struct foo ** a ;
- if (argc <2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s f\n" , argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr. "where f is the number of");
- fprintf(stderr, "'foo's to allocate\n" ) ;
- exit(1);
- }
- i = atoi(argv[l]);
- a = (struct foo * * ) malloc(sizeof (struct foo * ) * i);
- for (n = 0; n<i; n+ + )
- a[n] = alldc-foo() ;
- for (n = 0j n<i; n+ + )
- free_foo(a[n]);
- return 0;
- }