FTP(File Transfer Protocol)是互联网上最早使用的文件传输协议之一,设计用于在两台计算机之间可靠且有效地传输文件。它建立在TCP/IP协议之上,确保数据传输的稳定性。FTP是一种客户端-服务器架构的服务
FTP本身并不加密数据传输,因此在安全性方面较弱。为增加安全性,可以使用FTPS(FTP Secure)或SFTP(SSH文件传输协议),它们提供加密传输的能力。
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install vsftpd
- sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.conf
- anonymous_enable=YES:允许匿名访问
- local_enable=YES:允许本地用户访问
- write_enable=YES:允许写权限(上传文件)
- chroot_local_user=YES:限制用户访问到home目录
通常,anonymous_enable= 参数不会设置为YES,FTP目录权限,应该遵循最小权限基本原则,建议在正式环境中,要设置为NO。因为我们是测试环境,没有配置认证用户,所以先设置参数“YES”。
- sudo systemctl restart vsftpd
- ftp localhost
disconnect 作用是断开ftp连接,但是本地不会退出ftp。这个和quit这些命令有所区别。
help 命令用于获取ftp客户端支持的本地命令列表的帮助信息。
rhelp命令用于获取远程ftp服务器的命令帮助信息。在Windows dos环境下,远程帮助指令是remotehelp
- get remotefile.txt localfile.txt
- get remotefile.txt C:\Downloads\localfile.txt
批量下载txt文件,则使用:get *.txt
- put localfile.txt remotefile.txt
若是上传到指定的FTP path:
- put localfile.txt /path/to/remote/directory/remotefile.txt
启用 hash 显示:hash
关闭 hash显示:hash off
Command | Information |
! | The exclamation point command switches temporarily from FTP to operating system. When using the operating system, typing exit takes you back to the FTP command line. |
? | Access the help screen. |
append | Append text to a local file. |
ascii | Switch to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) transfer mode. |
bell | Turns bell mode on or off. |
binary | Switches to binary transfer mode. |
bye | Exits from FTP. |
cd | Changes directory. |
close | Exits from FTP. |
delete | Deletes a file. |
debug | Sets debugging on or off. |
dir | Lists files if connected. |
dir -C | lists the files in wide format. |
dir -1 | lists the files in bare format in alphabetic order |
dir -r | lists directory in reverse alphabetic order. |
dir -R | lists all files in current directory and subdirectories. |
dir -S | lists files in bare format in alphabetic order. |
disconnect | Exits from FTP. |
get | Grabs file from the connected computer. |
glob | Sets globbing on or off. When turned off the file name in the put and get commands is taken literally |
hash | Sets hash mark printing on or off. When turned on, for each 1024 bytes of data received, a hash |
help | Access the help screen and displays information about command if command typed after help. |
lcd | Displays local directory if typed alone, or if path typed after lcd, changes local directory. |
literal | Sends a literal command to the connected computer with an expected one line response. |
ls | Lists files of the remotely connected computer. |
mdelete | Multiple delete. |
mdir | Lists contents of multiple remote directories. |
mget | Get multiple files. |
mkdir | Make directory. |
mls | Lists contents of multiple remote directories. |
mput | Sent multiple files |
open | Opens address. |
prompt | Enables or disables the prompt. |
put | Send one file. |
pwd | Print working directory. |
quit | Exits from FTP. |
quote | Same as the literal command. |
recv | Receive file. |
remotehelp | Get help from remote server. |
rename | Renames a file. |
rmdir | Removes a directory on the remote computer. |
send | Send single file. |
status | Shows status of currently enabled and disabled options. |
trace | Toggles packet tracing. |
Type | Set file transfer type. |
user | Send new user information. |
verbose | Sets verbose on or off. |
在dos 或者Ubuntu,又或者不同的FTP软件,命令会有所小小差异,但是整体上差异不大。以上就是部分ftp命令的使用方法。希望对大家有所帮助。