点击“文件 > 另存为”,在弹出的界面中有4种bmp格式可以选择,如下:
Windows 11中调整大小在菜单中:文件 > 图像属性,如下图:
回顾我们之前创建的 2 x 3大小的图片,共6个像素,保存了6个颜色,如下:
关于大端、小端的知识点,可以查看此篇文章,如上图的文件大小为:4e00 0000,它是小端模式的,则4e是最低位的,高位都是0,所以直接把16进制的4e换为十进制即可,4e的十进制为78,说明这个文件的大小为78字节,这跟我们看文件属性上的大小是对应的,如下:
如上图,表示大小的数据为:1675 2800,因为是小端模式,所以,换成高位到低位的顺序为:00 28 75 16,因为它是16进制的,换成十进制,我们使用系统自带的计算机进行计算,如下:
图像宽4,高4,上一半显示红色,一下半显示绿色。4 x 4的图片是非常小的,所以上面的截图是经过放大之后的,使用这么小的宽和高,是为了在写代码时可以打印出所有像素数据,方便观察是否正确,如果图片宽高很大的话,像素数据会非常多,不方便分析。
import java.io.*
fun main() {
val width = 4
val height = 4
val pixelBytesCount = width * height * 3
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
val red = 0xff0000
val green = 0x00ff00
// 424d
val bmpFileBytes = ByteArray(fileBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x00] = 0x42
bmpFileBytes[0x01] = 0x4d
// 文件大小
var bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(fileBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x02] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x03] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x04] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x05] = bytes[3]
// 保留数据
bmpFileBytes[0x06] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x07] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x08] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x09] = 0x00
// 像素存储位置
bmpFileBytes[0x0a] = 0x36
bmpFileBytes[0x0b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0d] = 0x00
// bmp头文件大小
bmpFileBytes[0x0e] = 0x28
bmpFileBytes[0x0f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x10] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x11] = 0x00
// 图像宽度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(width)
bmpFileBytes[0x12] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x13] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x14] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x15] = bytes[3]
// 图像高度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(height)
bmpFileBytes[0x16] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x17] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x18] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x19] = bytes[3]
// 色彩平面数
bmpFileBytes[0x1a] = 0x01
bmpFileBytes[0x1b] = 0x00
// 像素位数
bmpFileBytes[0x1c] = 0x18
bmpFileBytes[0x1d] = 0x00
// 压缩方式
bmpFileBytes[0x1e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x1f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x20] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x21] = 0x00
// 像素数据大小
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(pixelBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x22] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x23] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x24] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x25] = bytes[3]
// 横向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x26] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x27] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x28] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x29] = 0x00
// 纵向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x2a] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2d] = 0x00
// 调色板颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x2e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x30] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x31] = 0x00
// 重要颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x32] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x33] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x34] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x35] = 0x00
// 图像像素
val redBytes = getLittleEndianBytes(red)
val greenBytes = getLittleEndianBytes(green)
var index = 0x36
for (rowIndex in 0 until height) {
// 注意:因为存储时是从图像最后一行开始存的,最后一行是绿色,
// 所以先存后面那些行的绿色,再存前面那些行的红色
bytes = if (rowIndex < height / 2) greenBytes else redBytes
for (columnIndex in 0 until width) {
bmpFileBytes[index++] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[index++] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[index++] = bytes[2]
// 注意:bytes中是有4个元素的,因为int转为了byte数组,我们知道一个int是占4个字节的
// 因为使用了小端,所以bytes[3]是int的最高位数据,我们是没有使用到的,
// 因为#FF0000这种颜色值只需要3个字节
// 把所有的字节写到文件
val bmpFile = File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp")
/** 把int转换为byte数组,默认是大端方式的数组,返回转换为小端方式的数组 */
fun getLittleEndianBytes(number: Int): ByteArray {
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dos = DataOutputStream(baos)
val bigEndianBytes = baos.toByteArray()
val littleEndianBytes = bigEndianBytes.reversedArray()
return littleEndianBytes
var pixelCount = 0
for (i in 0x36 until bmpFileBytes.size step 3) {
val blue = bmpFileBytes[i + 0]
val green = bmpFileBytes[i + 1]
val red = bmpFileBytes[i + 2]
print("$blue, $green, $red |")
if (++pixelCount == width) {
// 够一行了,输出一个换行
pixelCount = 0
0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |
0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |0, -1, 0 |
0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |
0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |0, 0, -1 |
可以看到,共4行,前面两行是绿色,后两行是红色,因为存储时是先从图像的最后一行开始存储的,而且每个像素是按蓝、绿、红的顺序输出的。-1其实就是255,因为byte的表示范围是 -128 ~ 127,-1其实就是8个比特位都是1,在byte中就是-1,如果在int中就是255,所以我们还可以转为int类型来显示,修改相关代码如下:
val blue = bmpFileBytes[i + 0].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
val green = bmpFileBytes[i + 1].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
val red = bmpFileBytes[i + 2].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |
0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |0, 255, 0 |
0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |
0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |0, 0, 255 |
val blue = Integer.toHexString(bmpFileBytes[i + 0].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24)
val green = Integer.toHexString(bmpFileBytes[i + 1].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24)
val red = Integer.toHexString(bmpFileBytes[i + 2].toInt() shl 24 ushr 24)
0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |
0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |0, ff, 0 |
0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |
0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |0, 0, ff |
当你写的小Demo没问题了,此时你就可以把宽高改大一些了,因为此时你应该是不用再分析数据是否对错了,只需要看生成的图片效果是否正常即可。比如设置为300 x 200,运行效果如下:
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:创建一个上一半为红色,下一半为绿色的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo() {
val width = 4 // 注意:宽高要设置为4的倍数,以避免需要进行补位的操作
val height = 4
val pixelBytes = createPixelBytes(width, height)
/** 创建像素矩阵,注意:宽要设置为4的倍数 */
fun createPixelBytes(width: Int, height: Int) : Array<ByteArray> {
val redColor = 0xFF0000
val greenColor = 0x00FF00
val redBytes = getColorBytes(redColor)
val greenBytes = getColorBytes(greenColor)
val pixelBytes = Array(height) { ByteArray(width * 3) }
for (rowIndex in 0 until height) {
val colorBytes = if (rowIndex < height / 2) redBytes else greenBytes
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = colorBytes[0]
val green = colorBytes[1]
val blue = colorBytes[2]
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0] = red
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1] = green
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2] = blue
return pixelBytes
fun getColorBytes(color: Int): ByteArray {
val red = (color and 0xFF0000 ushr 16).toByte()
val green = (color and 0x00FF00 ushr 8).toByte()
val blue = (color and 0x0000FF).toByte()
val colorBytes = byteArrayOf(red, green, blue)
return colorBytes
/** 打印像素值,可打印rgbBytes,也可以打印yuv444Bytes */
fun printPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>) {
for (rowIndex in pixelBytes.indices) {
val oneLine = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLine.indices step 3) {
// 获取1个像素的3个颜色通道:R、G、B 或 Y、U、V
val colorChannel1 = oneLine[columnIndex + 0]
val colorChannel2 = oneLine[columnIndex + 1]
val colorChannel3 = oneLine[columnIndex + 2]
// 把byte转为int,再以16进制进行输出
val colorChannelInt1 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel1))
val colorChannelInt2 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel2))
val colorChannelInt3 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel3))
// 以16进制进行打印
print("$colorChannelInt1 $colorChannelInt2 $colorChannelInt3| ")
fun byteToInt(byte: Byte): Int = byte.toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
fun toHexString(int: Int): String = Integer.toHexString(int)
fun main() {
ff 0 0| ff 0 0| ff 0 0| ff 0 0|
ff 0 0| ff 0 0| ff 0 0| ff 0 0|
0 ff 0| 0 ff 0| 0 ff 0| 0 ff 0|
0 ff 0| 0 ff 0| 0 ff 0| 0 ff 0|
可以看到,这是一个4 x 4的图像,前两行是红色,后两行是绿色。需要注意的是,这里在获取一个颜色值的byte数组时,使用了位操作,这也是比较方便的。如果按照之前的使用输出流来获取一个int的4个字节时需要注意,因为一个颜色值只占3个字节,所以要取低位的3个字节,但是如果不小心从高位开始取就会出错,这是很容易出现的错误。
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:创建一个上一半为红色,下一半为绿色的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo() {
val width = 4 // 注意:宽高要设置为4的倍数,以避免需要进行补位的操作
val height = 4
val pixelBytes = createPixelBytes(width, height)
val bmpFile = File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp")
createBmpFile(pixelBytes, bmpFile)
/** 根据给定的像素二维数据,按照bmp文件规范保存到指定的bmp文件中 */
fun createBmpFile(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, saveFile: File) {
// 因为一行像素中每个像素是占3个字节的,除以3就得到图像的宽度了
val pixelWidth = pixelBytes[0].size / 3
val pixelHeight = pixelBytes.size
// 每个像素占3个byte,所以要乘以3
val pixelBytesCount = pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 3
// 文件总大小为:像素数据大小 + 头文件大小
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 创建一个byte数组,用于保存bmp文件的所有byte数据
val bmpFileBytes = ByteArray(fileBytesCount)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加bmp文件头
addBmpFileHeader(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bmpFileBytes)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加像素数据
addPixelBytes(pixelBytes, bmpFileBytes)
// 把所有的字节写到文件
fun addBmpFileHeader(width: Int, height: Int, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val pixelBytesCount = width * height * 3
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 424d
bmpFileBytes[0x00] = 0x42
bmpFileBytes[0x01] = 0x4d
// 文件大小
var bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(fileBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x02] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x03] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x04] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x05] = bytes[3]
// 保留数据
bmpFileBytes[0x06] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x07] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x08] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x09] = 0x00
// 像素存储位置
bmpFileBytes[0x0a] = 0x36
bmpFileBytes[0x0b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0d] = 0x00
// bmp头文件大小
bmpFileBytes[0x0e] = 0x28
bmpFileBytes[0x0f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x10] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x11] = 0x00
// 图像宽度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(width)
bmpFileBytes[0x12] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x13] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x14] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x15] = bytes[3]
// 图像高度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(height)
bmpFileBytes[0x16] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x17] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x18] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x19] = bytes[3]
// 色彩平面数
bmpFileBytes[0x1a] = 0x01
bmpFileBytes[0x1b] = 0x00
// 像素位数
bmpFileBytes[0x1c] = 0x18
bmpFileBytes[0x1d] = 0x00
// 压缩方式
bmpFileBytes[0x1e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x1f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x20] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x21] = 0x00
// 像素数据大小
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(pixelBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x22] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x23] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x24] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x25] = bytes[3]
// 横向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x26] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x27] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x28] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x29] = 0x00
// 纵向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x2a] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2d] = 0x00
// 调色板颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x2e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x30] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x31] = 0x00
// 重要颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x32] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x33] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x34] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x35] = 0x00
/** 把指定的像素数据添加到bmp文件数组中 */
fun addPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val height = pixelBytes.size
var index = 0x36
// 设置像素数据,注意:要从像素的最后一行开始进行存储
for (rowIndex in height - 1 downTo 0) {
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0]
val green = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1]
val blue = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2]
// 每个像素的三原色按倒序存储
bmpFileBytes[index++] = blue
bmpFileBytes[index++] = green
bmpFileBytes[index++] = red
/** 把int转换为byte数组,默认是大端方式的数组,返回转换为小端方式的数组 */
fun getLittleEndianBytes(number: Int): ByteArray {
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dos = DataOutputStream(baos)
val bigEndianBytes = baos.toByteArray()
val littleEndianBytes = bigEndianBytes.reversedArray()
return littleEndianBytes
Test.kt 文件代码如下:
fun main() {
BmpUtil.kt 文件代码如下:
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.DataOutputStream
import java.io.File
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:创建一个上一半为红色,下一半为绿色的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo() {
val width = 300 // 注意:宽高要设置为4的倍数,以避免需要进行补位的操作
val height = 200
val pixelBytes = createPixelBytes(width, height)
val bmpFile = File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp")
createBmpFile(pixelBytes, bmpFile)
/** 创建像素矩阵,注意:宽要设置为4的倍数 */
fun createPixelBytes(width: Int, height: Int) : Array<ByteArray> {
val redColor = 0xFF0000
val greenColor = 0x00FF00
val redBytes = getColorBytes(redColor)
val greenBytes = getColorBytes(greenColor)
val pixelBytes = Array(height) { ByteArray(width * 3) }
for (rowIndex in 0 until height) {
val colorBytes = if (rowIndex < height / 2) redBytes else greenBytes
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = colorBytes[0]
val green = colorBytes[1]
val blue = colorBytes[2]
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0] = red
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1] = green
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2] = blue
return pixelBytes
fun getColorBytes(color: Int): ByteArray {
val red = (color and 0xFF0000 ushr 16).toByte()
val green = (color and 0x00FF00 ushr 8).toByte()
val blue = (color and 0x0000FF).toByte()
val colorBytes = byteArrayOf(red, green, blue)
return colorBytes
/** 打印像素值,可打印rgbBytes,也可以打印yuv444Bytes */
fun printPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>) {
for (rowIndex in pixelBytes.indices) {
val oneLine = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLine.indices step 3) {
// 获取1个像素的3个颜色通道:R、G、B 或 Y、U、V
val colorChannel1 = oneLine[columnIndex + 0]
val colorChannel2 = oneLine[columnIndex + 1]
val colorChannel3 = oneLine[columnIndex + 2]
// 把byte转为int,再以16进制进行输出
val colorChannelInt1 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel1))
val colorChannelInt2 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel2))
val colorChannelInt3 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel3))
// 以16进制进行打印
print("$colorChannelInt1 $colorChannelInt2 $colorChannelInt3| ")
fun byteToInt(byte: Byte): Int = byte.toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
fun toHexString(int: Int): String = Integer.toHexString(int)
/** 根据给定的像素二维数据,按照bmp文件规范保存到指定的bmp文件中 */
fun createBmpFile(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, saveFile: File) {
// 因为一行像素中每个像素是占3个字节的,除以3就得到图像的宽度了
val pixelWidth = pixelBytes[0].size / 3
val pixelHeight = pixelBytes.size
// 每个像素占3个byte,所以要乘以3
val pixelBytesCount = pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 3
// 文件总大小为:像素数据大小 + 头文件大小
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 创建一个byte数组,用于保存bmp文件的所有byte数据
val bmpFileBytes = ByteArray(fileBytesCount)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加bmp文件头
addBmpFileHeader(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bmpFileBytes)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加像素数据
addPixelBytes(pixelBytes, bmpFileBytes)
// 把所有的字节写到文件
fun addBmpFileHeader(width: Int, height: Int, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val pixelBytesCount = width * height * 3
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 424d
bmpFileBytes[0x00] = 0x42
bmpFileBytes[0x01] = 0x4d
// 文件大小
var bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(fileBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x02] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x03] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x04] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x05] = bytes[3]
// 保留数据
bmpFileBytes[0x06] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x07] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x08] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x09] = 0x00
// 像素存储位置
bmpFileBytes[0x0a] = 0x36
bmpFileBytes[0x0b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0d] = 0x00
// bmp头文件大小
bmpFileBytes[0x0e] = 0x28
bmpFileBytes[0x0f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x10] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x11] = 0x00
// 图像宽度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(width)
bmpFileBytes[0x12] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x13] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x14] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x15] = bytes[3]
// 图像高度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(height)
bmpFileBytes[0x16] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x17] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x18] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x19] = bytes[3]
// 色彩平面数
bmpFileBytes[0x1a] = 0x01
bmpFileBytes[0x1b] = 0x00
// 像素位数
bmpFileBytes[0x1c] = 0x18
bmpFileBytes[0x1d] = 0x00
// 压缩方式
bmpFileBytes[0x1e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x1f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x20] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x21] = 0x00
// 像素数据大小
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(pixelBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x22] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x23] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x24] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x25] = bytes[3]
// 横向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x26] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x27] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x28] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x29] = 0x00
// 纵向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x2a] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2d] = 0x00
// 调色板颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x2e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x30] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x31] = 0x00
// 重要颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x32] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x33] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x34] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x35] = 0x00
/** 把指定的像素数据添加到bmp文件数组中 */
fun addPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val height = pixelBytes.size
var index = 0x36
// 设置像素数据,注意:要从像素的最后一行开始进行存储
for (rowIndex in height - 1 downTo 0) {
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0]
val green = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1]
val blue = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2]
// 每个像素的三原色按倒序存储
bmpFileBytes[index++] = blue
bmpFileBytes[index++] = green
bmpFileBytes[index++] = red
/** 把int转换为byte数组,默认是大端方式的数组,返回转换为小端方式的数组 */
fun getLittleEndianBytes(number: Int): ByteArray {
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dos = DataOutputStream(baos)
val bigEndianBytes = baos.toByteArray()
val littleEndianBytes = bigEndianBytes.reversedArray()
return littleEndianBytes
为了方便观察数据,我们使用较小的宽高,而且为了预防图片的像素数据没有补位的情况,我们宽要设置为4的倍数,这里我们使用系统自带画图创建一个4 x 2的图像,如下:
Test.kt 文件代码如下:
fun main() {
BmpUtil.kt 文件代码如下:
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:通过读取一个bmp文件的像素,再把这些像素写入一个新的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo2() {
val bmpFilePixelBytes = readBmpFilePixelBytes(File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\8个颜色.bmp"))
fun readBmpFilePixelBytes(bmpFile: File): Array<ByteArray> {
// 得到bmp文件的所有字节
val bmpFileBytes = bmpFile.readBytes()
// 从bmp文件中获取图像的宽和高的字节数组
val widthLittleEndianBytes = ByteArray(4)
val heightLittleEndianBytes = ByteArray(4)
System.arraycopy(bmpFileBytes, 0x12, widthLittleEndianBytes, 0, 4)
System.arraycopy(bmpFileBytes, 0x16, heightLittleEndianBytes, 0, 4)
// 把小端的字节数组转换为Int
val width = bigEndianBytesToInt(widthLittleEndianBytes)
val height = bigEndianBytesToInt(heightLittleEndianBytes)
println("读取到bmp图像width = $width, height = $height")
val pixelBytes = Array(height) { ByteArray(width * 3) }
var rowIndex = height - 1 // 因为bmp图片是从最后一行开始保存的,读取的时候我们把它往到正确的位置
var columnIndex = 0
var oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
val oneLineBytesSize = oneLineBytes.size
// 像素值都是从0x36的位置开始保存的,而且每个像素点3个字节
for (i in 0x36 until bmpFileBytes.size step 3) {
if (columnIndex == oneLineBytesSize) {
// 存满一行了,需要换行保存了。这里--rowIndex是因为原图片是从最后一行向前面行的顺序保存的
oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[--rowIndex]
columnIndex = 0
// 注意:bmp文件的颜色是按蓝、绿、红的顺序保存的
val blue = bmpFileBytes[i + 0]
val green = bmpFileBytes[i + 1]
val red = bmpFileBytes[i + 2]
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = red
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = green
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = blue
return pixelBytes
/** 把小端的字节数组转换为int */
private fun bigEndianBytesToInt(littleEndianBytes: ByteArray): Int {
val bigEndianBytes= littleEndianBytes.reversedArray()
val bais = ByteArrayInputStream(bigEndianBytes)
val dis = DataInputStream(bais)
return dis.readInt()
读取到bmp图像width = 4, height = 2
0 0 0| ff ff ff| ff 0 0| 0 ff 0|
0 0 ff| ff ff 0| ff 0 ff| 0 ff ff|
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:通过读取一个bmp文件的像素,再把这些像素写入一个新的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo2() {
val bmpFilePixelBytes = readBmpFilePixelBytes(File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\8个颜色.bmp"))
createBmpFile(bmpFilePixelBytes, File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp"))
// 打印bmpFileBytes中保存的像素数据
val bmpFileBytes = File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp").readBytes()
var count = 0
val width = 4
for (index in 0x36 until bmpFileBytes.size step 3) {
val blue = toHexString(byteToInt(bmpFileBytes[index + 0]))
val green = toHexString(byteToInt(bmpFileBytes[index + 1]))
val red = toHexString(byteToInt(bmpFileBytes[index + 2]))
print("$blue $green $red | ")
count += 3
if (count == width * 3) {
// 读够一行了,输出一个换行
ff 0 0 | 0 ff ff | ff 0 ff | ff ff 0 |
0 0 0 | ff ff ff | 0 0 ff | 0 ff 0 |
这个Demo我们就完成了,接下来就可以试一些复杂的图片了,比如,使用截图软件截图一张640 * 480的图片,然后保存为24位的bmp文件,如下:
fun createBitmapDemo2() {
val bmpFilePixelBytes = readBmpFilePixelBytes(File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\海琴烟.bmp"))
createBmpFile(bmpFilePixelBytes, File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp"))
import java.io.*
object BmpUtil {
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:通过读取一个bmp文件的像素,再把这些像素写入一个新的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo2() {
val bmpFilePixelBytes = readBmpFilePixelBytes(File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\海琴烟.bmp"))
createBmpFile(bmpFilePixelBytes, File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp"))
/** 创建Bitmap的示例:创建一个上一半为红色,下一半为绿色的bmp文件 */
fun createBitmapDemo() {
val width = 300 // 注意:宽高要设置为4的倍数,以避免需要进行补位的操作
val height = 200
val pixelBytes = createPixelBytes(width, height)
val bmpFile = File("C:\\Users\\Even\\Pictures\\demo.bmp")
createBmpFile(pixelBytes, bmpFile)
fun readBmpFilePixelBytes(bmpFile: File): Array<ByteArray> {
// 得到bmp文件的所有字节
val bmpFileBytes = bmpFile.readBytes()
// 从bmp文件中获取图像的宽和高的字节数组
val widthLittleEndianBytes = ByteArray(4)
val heightLittleEndianBytes = ByteArray(4)
System.arraycopy(bmpFileBytes, 0x12, widthLittleEndianBytes, 0, 4)
System.arraycopy(bmpFileBytes, 0x16, heightLittleEndianBytes, 0, 4)
// 把小端的字节数组转换为Int
val width = littleEndianBytesToInt(widthLittleEndianBytes)
val height = littleEndianBytesToInt(heightLittleEndianBytes)
println("读取到bmp图像width = $width, height = $height")
val pixelBytes = Array(height) { ByteArray(width * 3) }
var rowIndex = height - 1 // 因为bmp图片是从最后一行开始保存的,读取的时候我们把它往到正确的位置
var columnIndex = 0
var oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
val oneLineBytesSize = oneLineBytes.size
// 像素值都是从0x36的位置开始保存的,而且每个像素点3个字节
for (i in 0x36 until bmpFileBytes.size step 3) {
if (columnIndex == oneLineBytesSize) {
// 存满一行了,需要换行保存了。这里--rowIndex是因为原图片是从最后一行向前面行的顺序保存的
oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[--rowIndex]
columnIndex = 0
// 注意:bmp文件的颜色是按蓝、绿、红的顺序保存的
val blue = bmpFileBytes[i + 0]
val green = bmpFileBytes[i + 1]
val red = bmpFileBytes[i + 2]
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = red
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = green
oneLineBytes[columnIndex++] = blue
return pixelBytes
/** 把BigEnding的字节数组转换为int */
private fun littleEndianBytesToInt(littleEndianBytes: ByteArray): Int {
val bigEndianBytes = littleEndianBytes.reversedArray()
val bais = ByteArrayInputStream(bigEndianBytes)
val dis = DataInputStream(bais)
return dis.readInt()
/** 创建像素矩阵,注意:宽要设置为4的倍数 */
fun createPixelBytes(width: Int, height: Int) : Array<ByteArray> {
val redColor = 0xFF0000
val greenColor = 0x00FF00
val redBytes = getColorBytes(redColor)
val greenBytes = getColorBytes(greenColor)
val pixelBytes = Array(height) { ByteArray(width * 3) }
for (rowIndex in 0 until height) {
val colorBytes = if (rowIndex < height / 2) redBytes else greenBytes
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = colorBytes[0]
val green = colorBytes[1]
val blue = colorBytes[2]
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0] = red
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1] = green
oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2] = blue
return pixelBytes
fun getColorBytes(color: Int): ByteArray {
val red = (color and 0xFF0000 ushr 16).toByte()
val green = (color and 0x00FF00 ushr 8).toByte()
val blue = (color and 0x0000FF).toByte()
val colorBytes = byteArrayOf(red, green, blue)
return colorBytes
/** 打印像素值,可打印rgbBytes,也可以打印yuv444Bytes */
fun printPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>) {
for (rowIndex in pixelBytes.indices) {
val oneLine = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLine.indices step 3) {
// 获取1个像素的3个颜色通道:R、G、B 或 Y、U、V
val colorChannel1 = oneLine[columnIndex + 0]
val colorChannel2 = oneLine[columnIndex + 1]
val colorChannel3 = oneLine[columnIndex + 2]
// 把byte转为int,再以16进制进行输出
val colorChannelInt1 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel1))
val colorChannelInt2 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel2))
val colorChannelInt3 = toHexString(byteToInt(colorChannel3))
// 以16进制进行打印
print("$colorChannelInt1 $colorChannelInt2 $colorChannelInt3| ")
fun byteToInt(byte: Byte): Int = byte.toInt() shl 24 ushr 24
fun toHexString(int: Int): String = Integer.toHexString(int)
/** 根据给定的像素二维数据,按照bmp文件规范保存到指定的bmp文件中 */
fun createBmpFile(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, saveFile: File) {
// 因为一行像素中每个像素是占3个字节的,除以3就得到图像的宽度了
val pixelWidth = pixelBytes[0].size / 3
val pixelHeight = pixelBytes.size
// 每个像素占3个byte,所以要乘以3
val pixelBytesCount = pixelWidth * pixelHeight * 3
// 文件总大小为:像素数据大小 + 头文件大小
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 创建一个byte数组,用于保存bmp文件的所有byte数据
val bmpFileBytes = ByteArray(fileBytesCount)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加bmp文件头
addBmpFileHeader(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bmpFileBytes)
// 往bmpFileBytes中添加像素数据
addPixelBytes(pixelBytes, bmpFileBytes)
// 把所有的字节写到文件
fun addBmpFileHeader(width: Int, height: Int, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val pixelBytesCount = width * height * 3
val fileBytesCount = pixelBytesCount + 54
// 424d
bmpFileBytes[0x00] = 0x42
bmpFileBytes[0x01] = 0x4d
// 文件大小
var bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(fileBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x02] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x03] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x04] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x05] = bytes[3]
// 保留数据
bmpFileBytes[0x06] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x07] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x08] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x09] = 0x00
// 像素存储位置
bmpFileBytes[0x0a] = 0x36
bmpFileBytes[0x0b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x0d] = 0x00
// bmp头文件大小
bmpFileBytes[0x0e] = 0x28
bmpFileBytes[0x0f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x10] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x11] = 0x00
// 图像宽度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(width)
bmpFileBytes[0x12] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x13] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x14] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x15] = bytes[3]
// 图像高度
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(height)
bmpFileBytes[0x16] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x17] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x18] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x19] = bytes[3]
// 色彩平面数
bmpFileBytes[0x1a] = 0x01
bmpFileBytes[0x1b] = 0x00
// 像素位数
bmpFileBytes[0x1c] = 0x18
bmpFileBytes[0x1d] = 0x00
// 压缩方式
bmpFileBytes[0x1e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x1f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x20] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x21] = 0x00
// 像素数据大小
bytes = getLittleEndianBytes(pixelBytesCount)
bmpFileBytes[0x22] = bytes[0]
bmpFileBytes[0x23] = bytes[1]
bmpFileBytes[0x24] = bytes[2]
bmpFileBytes[0x25] = bytes[3]
// 横向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x26] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x27] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x28] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x29] = 0x00
// 纵向分辨率
bmpFileBytes[0x2a] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2b] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2c] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2d] = 0x00
// 调色板颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x2e] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x2f] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x30] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x31] = 0x00
// 重要颜色数
bmpFileBytes[0x32] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x33] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x34] = 0x00
bmpFileBytes[0x35] = 0x00
/** 把指定的像素数据添加到bmp文件数组中 */
fun addPixelBytes(pixelBytes: Array<ByteArray>, bmpFileBytes: ByteArray) {
val height = pixelBytes.size
var index = 0x36
// 设置像素数据,注意:要从像素的最后一行开始进行存储
for (rowIndex in height - 1 downTo 0) {
val oneLineBytes = pixelBytes[rowIndex]
for (columnIndex in oneLineBytes.indices step 3) {
val red = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 0]
val green = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 1]
val blue = oneLineBytes[columnIndex + 2]
// 每个像素的三原色按倒序存储
bmpFileBytes[index++] = blue
bmpFileBytes[index++] = green
bmpFileBytes[index++] = red
/** 把int转换为byte数组,默认是大端方式的数组,返回转换为小端方式的数组 */
fun getLittleEndianBytes(number: Int): ByteArray {
val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dos = DataOutputStream(baos)
val bigEndianBytes = baos.toByteArray()
val littleEndianBytes = bigEndianBytes.reversedArray()
return littleEndianBytes