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Triton Streaming Console中有三个因素决定音频质量:

  • 编码格式(AAC或MP3)
  • 比特率,以kbps(千比特每秒)为单位
  • 采样率,kHz(千赫兹)


通常,通过AAC获得的声音质量要比从MP3获得的声音质量更好,但是在更高的比特率和采样率下,需要训练有素的耳朵才能真正听到差异。当代收听设备完全采用了AAC支持,因此用于实时流媒体的MP3使用量急剧下降。我们认为没有理由比AAC更喜欢MP3,因此Triton Digital建议使用AAC,除非您知道必须支持某些需要MP3的旧播放器。


对于音乐,64(AAC)/ 96(MP3)kbps是一个很好的通用设置,对于大多数听众来说听起来不错。这是播客的标准比特率,在大多数现代设备(包括智能扬声器和移动设备)上听起来很棒。如果需要考虑带宽成本,则可以考虑使用较低的设置。为了增强聆听效果,请提高音量。

对于通话,对于大多数目的,32(AAC)/ 64(MP3)kbps是一个很好的标准设置。如果您特别注重预算,则可以将谈话广播设置为较低的设置,很少有人会注意到这种差异。

请注意,您可以选择对AAC使用自适应比特率安装,这会根据侦听器的连接质量来更改比特率。共有三种自适应比特率选项(增强,标准,经济),每个选项都提供了三个与连接有关的比特率级别。有关更多信息,请与您的Triton Digital Client Success Manager联系。


采样率类似于比特率,因为较高的数字通常会产生更好的声音。Triton Digital通常使用44.1kHz立体声作为标准采样率,并提供48kHz。

重要提示:请确保将在流控制台中设置的采样率与源音频的采样率相匹配。失配需要重新采样,即使重新采样率较高,也会导致音频质量下降。(例如,将44.1 kHz重新采样到48 kHz听起来不如未重新采样的44.1 kHz。)如果不确定源音频的采样率是多少,请咨询电台的音频工程师。




96 kbps
(256/128/64 kbps)
64 kbps
(128/64/32 kbps)
32 kbps
(56/40/24 kbps)
MP3比特率 128 kbps的 96 kbps 64 kbps的
采样率 44.1 kHz立体声,除非您的素材是48 kHz立体声(在这种情况下,请使用48)。 44.1 kHz立体声,除非您的素材是48 kHz立体声(在这种情况下,请使用48)。 单声道22.05 kHz

下面的矩阵提供了可用编解码器预设的更详细视图(m =单声道和s =立体声)。如果您希望使用标记为“是”以外的设置,请与Triton Digital Client Success Manager进行交谈。



Choosing Audio Bitrate Settings

When deciding what bitrates to use for audio streaming, there is there is no “one size fits all” answer. Your choice depends on how you want to balance audio quality with bandwidth expense.

Audio Quality

There are three factors that determine audio quality in the Triton Streaming Console:

  • Encoding format (AAC or MP3)
  • Bitrate in kbps (kilobits per second)
  • Sample rate in kHz (kilohertz)

Encoding Format

In general, you get better sound quality from AAC than from MP3, but at the higher bitrates and sample rates it takes a trained ear to really hear the difference. AAC support is fully adopted in contemporary listening devices, so MP3 use for live streaming is in sharp decline. We see no reason to favor MP3 over AAC, so Triton Digital recommends using AAC unless you know you must support some legacy players that require MP3.


For music, 64 (AAC)/96 (MP3) kbps is a good general-purpose setting that will sound good most listeners. This is the standard bitrate for podcasts, and it sounds great on most contemporary devices, including smart speakers and mobile devices. If bandwidth cost is a concern, you might consider using a lower setting. For enhanced listening, go higher.

For talk, 32 (AAC)/64 (MP3) kbps is a good standard setting for most purposes. If you are particularly budget conscious, you can use a lower setting for talk radio and few people will notice the difference.

Note that you have the option of using anadaptive bitrate mountfor AAC, which changes the bitrate according to the listener’s connection quality. There are three adaptive bitrate options (Enhanced, Standard, Economy), each of which provides three connection-dependent bitrate levels. For more information, speak with your Triton Digital Client Success Manager.

Sample Rate

Sample rate is similar to bitrate in that the higher numbers generally produce better sound. Triton Digital typically uses 44.1kHz stereo as the standard sample rate, and also offers 48 kHz.

Important:be sure to match the sample rate you set in the Streaming Console with the sample rate of your source audio. A mismatch requires re-sampling and can cause a loss of audio quality, even if the re-sampling is to a higher rate. (E.g., 44.1 kHz re-sampled to 48 kHz does not sound as good as 44.1 kHz that is not re-sampled.) If you are not sure what your source audio sample rate is, ask your station’s audio engineer.

Note that some bitrate/codec/channel combinations might force the sample rate lower.

Summary and Suggestions

There is no “one size fits all” setting for audio quality. Use the suggestions listed below as a general starting point. In most cases, these settings will work perfectly well, but if you prefer to use higher or lower quality according to your needs, you can change them accordingly.

  Enhanced Music
(Classical music, premium service, etc.)
Standard Music/Mixed
(General pop music. Top 40, talk, etc.)
Talk Radio
(Exclusively talk radio.)
AAC Bitrate
(Adaptive Bitrate)
96 kbps
(256/128/64 kbps)
64 kbps
(128/64/32 kbps)
32 kbps
(56/40/24 kbps)
MP3 Bitrate 128 kbps 96 kbps 64 kbps
Sample Rate 44.1 kHz stereo, unless your source material is 48 kHz stereo (in which case, use 48). 44.1 kHz stereo, unless your source material is 48 kHz stereo (in which case, use 48). 22.05 kHz mono.

The matrix below provides a more detailed view of the available codec presets (m = mono and s = stereo). If you wish to use settings outside of the ones marked “Yes,” speak with your Triton Digital Client Success Manager.




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