- /* stat.c */
- # include <atdio.h>
- atatic int atat_func(int,int); /* atatic declaration of atat-funcO */
- viod main (void)
- {
- ......
- rc=stat_func(1,2);
- ......
- }
- /* definition (body) of stat-funcO */
- static int stat-funcdnt argl,int arg2)
- {
- return rc;
- }
File: proto.h
- /* proto.h */
- int glob_func(int,int); /* declaration of the glob-funcO function */
File: global. c
- /* global. c */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "proto. h" /*include this file for the declaration of glob_func() */
- viod main (void)
- {
- rc_glob_func(l,2);
- }
- /* deHnition (body) of the glob-funcO function */
- int glob_func(int argl,int arg2)
- {
- return rc;
- }
File extern. c
- /* extin.c */
- # include <atdio.h>
- # include "proto. h" /*include thia file for the declaration of glob_func() */
- void ext_func(void)
- {
- /* call glob_func(), which ia deHncd in the global, c source file */
- rc=glob_func(10,20);
- }